sniffles…who knows with niggers, it could be something as mundane as sore muscles from physical exertion. It sounds pretty made up just one the surface.
Physiological differences between races
get the fuck out redditcuckchan
There are unironic advocates of phrenology on this board, so…
This. How the fuck? You can't get frostbite if it's not below freezing. Are the niggers really this weak against cold that it doesn't even have to go below freezing?
Are you actually doubting it? Why the fuck do you think it's been (((discredited))) so much since WWII? The practice of Phrenology can identify a kike with fucking 98% accuracy, and this was admitted by actual kikes!
The same people who discredit phrenology love to pretend there are no IQ differences between races. In fact this was the primary reason they went after phrenology because people used it as evidence towards cognitive differences.
>Are you actually doubting it? Why the fuck do you think it's been (((discredited))) so much since WWII? The practice of Phrenology can identify a kike with fucking 98% accuracy, and this was admitted by actual kikes!
you either didn't read my post or you are one of those who confuses phrenology with physical anthropology, the two are like astrology and astronomy, but NPCs for whatever reason have conflated the two and will often attack the latter by using the former's name
phrenology = idea that psychological characteristics of an individual can be deduced by measuring his head(first pic related)
physical anthropology = taxonomy i.e recognizing and classifying members of different groups within the sapiens species and within races
Even this is not actually phrenology. This is physiognomy. Phrenology believed that the brain deformed the skull in specific ways as it grew from which you would be able to deduce psychological traits. And while you can deduce broad psychological tendencies in people from the morphology of their skull, it is not because the brain deformed the shape of the skull during development.
African Americans are 3 times more likely than whites to develop ESRD (end-stage renal disease).
Hispanics are 35% more likely than non-Hispanics to develop ESRD.
In addition to its burden on health, CKD requires substantial US health care resources. ESRD costs Medicare $32.9 billion in 2010, and earlier
stages of CKD cost Medicare an estimated $48 billion in 2010.