The Nigger Challenge

There was an incident about two white girls that recorded themselves saying they hate niggers, which has expectantly made the niggers chimp out.

If we can meme a whole bunch of Zoomers to do the "Nigger Challenge" where they simply record themselves simply saying "Nigger", we can probably see some chimp outs and possibly start the race war early.

The Nigger Challenge has begun. Meme it to Zoomers. Use this video as an example of the Nigger Challenge with the Hashtag #NiggerChallenge

Back story for people that don't know what happened:

Link to post

Attached: Goku Pepe.png (852x767, 565.75K)

I have no experience starting trends on Twitter so I'm not going to contribute to this, but let me just say that I have been using politically incorrect language in public more, and I don't regret it. Sure, it lands me into some trouble sometimes, but it relieves the pain of having to hide my true feelings all the time.

Kill yourself.

What's the one group of "people" you can turn violent with a two syllable word? Niggers.

meme it

you're fucking cuck for wanting a race war because some girl told some dumb shit that was shared

What's wrong with calling a spade a spade?

what's wrong with being a degenerate moron ?

I see Zig Forums's there, already…

In a black mood today?