The Power of Christ Compels you!

t. rectally ravaged tranny kike

κύριος Ἰησοῦς

Christ is Lord in Greek. A nearly 2000 year old meme charged with the healing power of Christ.

Hello moloch worship,. which is what it is.

Yes, because that's what's going on, and you're working for them.

Moloch doesn't exist. I will agree that (((modern))) abortion practices are Kaballah bullshit, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't kill downies and other retards on sight.

Christianity is heavily involved in supporting "diversity," racemixing, and the ongoing genocide of White genetic and cultural distinctiveness.
Whatever good it teaches does not excuse this unspeakable crime.

Pretty much this.
However, morality long predates christianity.

This bullshit again.
Many of the "noble" and "royal" families of Europe STILL EXIST and have enormous wealth and power.
Yet they are not opposing White genocide, and are, indeed, working closely with the globalists towards the "new world order."
"They are not real nobility."
Of course. Just like how communism has never been tried.
Reminder that in the Third Reich every citizen of the Volk was secured "equal rights and duties."
Meritocracy in a homeland of the Volk that values individual effort and ability but prevents overly large concentrations of wealth = yes.
"Aristocracy" involving caste system leading to enslavement of the Volk under "nobles" = no.
Sensible eugenics to gradually improve everyone of the Volk until all are "elite" = yes.
"Elitism" leading to serfdom and exploitation of the Volk as well as dysgenic policies aimed at creating an easily controlled idiot underclass (which is what the "nwo" is trying to do) = no.
Reminder that due to "regression to the mean" even an "elite quality" group of "aristocrats" will tend to degrade over time towards the average of their genetic Volk. Also, "noblesse oblige" is a myth. Most "nobles" over the centuries have been horrible people.

"Cult of KEK"
Pick one.

jews hate rabid dogs
rabid dogs hate jews
rabid dogs are BASTE and we need more of them.

Pretty much this.

"Muh BASTE caste system enslavement"

Roman Paganism and Germanic Paganism.
The first destroyed jerusalem and sacked the temple.
The second destroyed khazaria.
Christianity has defended judaism throughout its history. Most of the expulsions of jews from particular towns, principalities, or occasionally countries were entirely secular affairs.

Ancient Greece and all but the last 100 years of Ancient Rome were White Pagan.
Then came the christian dark ages that lasted many centuries. It took nearly a thousand years for White people to match the achievements of their Pagan ancestors.
Later scientific advances were the achievements of White men who embraced scientific thinking and put superstition, including christianity, in a secondary position.
Romans 12:5 (no races, no nations, just the cult)
"So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another."
Galatians 3:28 (no races, no nations, no sexes, just the cult)
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus."
Matthew 10:35 (family and blood ties are nothing compared to the cult)
"For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law."


Sure you were
And, again, morality long predates christianity and exists entirely separately and distinctly from it.

If you are claiming that "humans need religion" then I would largely agree.
If you are claiming that "anything other than christianity and other abrahamics is atheism" then I disagree.
We need something better than christianity that recognizing genetic reality and supports White people exclusively.
Many latin American peoples are both christian and very religious, yet their countries are shitholes.
Ethiopia has been christian longer than any part of Europe, yet it is incredibly backwards and horrible.
Genetics is the foundation of everything living, including humans and human behavior. Religion, as part of culture, is very important but is a veneer applied on the foundation that is genetics.


Observe as the christian supports murdering White people who refuse to grovel before their judaism-related cult.
Besides, christian supported "diversity" is the crime against humanity since it is a form of genocide.

Pretty sure that you have to have ebola to know da whey.

Pretty much this.

The doublethink is strong in christianity. "Trust the plan, guis!!!!!!" "Things that are obviously bad and horrible in every way, such as down's syndrome, are somehow part of magical sky daddy's super-complex "benevolent plan" that we are all a part of!!!!!!!!!!!!" "They're not just diseases that we should eliminate using our science, DAT BE DA DEVIL SPEEKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Christianity is masochistic.


Thats a whole lot of writing just to say nothing at all . Jesus Christ be praised

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OVEY Christianity shoved down my throat!
