A extremely naive Strayan woman named Lara Hall was held captive, starved and repeatedly raped by a charming liar who tricked her to Paki with the promise of a "fairytale ending". Lara Hall met a man called Sajjad online through friends from Lahore, who wooed her by telling her she would live in a Spanish-style villa (lol) and that he would “fill in all the blank spaces” in her troubled life. Lara is a law graduate, who suffered from OCD and came from a dysfunctional family, said she was “completely vulnerable” to Sajjad’s charms, especially at a time when her life in Sydney was “s***”. That is why we need to remove the fragile women’s rights to protect them from their stupidity.
Strayan law girl got raped by Paki in Paki
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I see she bites her lip.
Sad I guess. And yet she probably deserved it. You reap what you sow.
*bit her lips
ded now
had it commin'
“>I was a kept woman, I was denied feminine hygiene products and had to bleed freely, I was starved over long periods of time - on one occasion up to 14 hours.”
Just say, "Burn the coal, pay the toll"
Toll paid, I guess.
She came from a broken familiyso I think she wouldn’t go there if she have a healthy family but who knows?
Dumb bitch,
something fucking smells
That is herpes.
Wow, she was starved for 14 hours? And they didn't give her tampons? Oh, the humanity!
How can she believe obvious lies? I hope she never practices law - she'd be a danger to her clients. I think she needs to take up another profession like bar tending or cooking or something. She'll probably complain about all men because she's stupid. Also, how can she do this when she knew she was vulnerable? How in the hell didn't she just run away STRAIGHT away?
Right this is like those lawmakers in Florida who were molested as children and take out their frustration on animal fuckers because it hurts to much to blame their own authority figures.
Aussies are buying Poo a new outhouse!
i don't like this cunt either but i like poonigger cousins less and any bad publicity for them is good.
It is obvious she is lying. What likely happened was that she arrived, saw how fucking poor the paki was, quickly got bored of being enriched, and invented a story to get a free flight home. Now she is milking the attention for all it is worth.
Yeah because 90% of the world population was molested as children and therefore more likely to be emotionally manipulated by it. Disregarding the parasites who jump on that bandwagon for profit.
Sex always looks like a big big problem when all they know was the big big adult dick in their undersized ass. Clearly this is mass personal bias, a legal equivalent of mass shootings.
I want those paki's drawn and quartered for touching one of our women, but seriously, 14 hours is a barely even a light fast.
What? I don't even know what you mean.
Anyway this cunt is retarded and I wish a swift death upon her coalburning arse and on paki rapists
That's herpes you mong.
Show me a bitch who fucks shitskins, I'll show you a bitch who hates her father to death.
indeed; her vagina stinks so bad the paki wouldn't even touch it until she aired it out.
Okay Youngin's on here. See her pic? See those eyes? See her lip? See that hair? Everything is screaming this bitch is fucking nuts before you even see she is OCD (which BTW people throw around OCD a lot but you don't know how batshit it really is until you live with it.)
Everything here screams "run nigger, run!"
I often do that on purpose because I like the way it feels.
She deserved it.
Where did they met? I mean which site?
I really want to know if i can make one of those whores come to south america
My sister is the same kind of stupid cunt who travels around and shit.
The university made her that way.
Never let your daughters attend university.
kek I've regularly done fasts of like 5 days and nights straight and once in awhile of weeks; accompanied all the time btw with constant exercise, doing stuff like biking 100 km a day. Just drinking water but eating nothing.
It's a reasonable assumption that she's already been enriched, Australia is like 40% mudslime, 22% chink, and 87octane abo-jew
Weird, university is supposed to make the ladies smarter but instead of become wise, they ended up dumber. What the?
She was dumb the whole time, college just made her empowered
It just keeps happening
Literally just asking a woman if she goes to university or not is a "big filter" question. If she answers she is going to university you know she's garbage. The best women simply want to become wives as soon as possible and don't care about this university and career crap.
HA HA you dumb racemixing cunt.
Here is the small piece of more recently information gleaned from archive.is
Her nightmarish experiences started from a chance meeting in 2013.
Ms Hall, having completed a law degree at the University of Notre Dame and working in a prestigious position, struck up a friendship on a train with a Pakistani woman called Rhianna in 2013.
Ms Hall offered to teach her English and over time she became an honorary member of the woman’s family who told her how much they adored her and often brought her little gifts.
‘I didn’t come from a functional family, so it was everything I was craving,’ Ms Hall said.
One night Ms Hall was on a Skype call to Rhianna’s family in Pakistan, and made her first contact with Sajjad, who was a relative.
The pair connected on Facebook and talked intermittently over the next few years. Sajjad claimed he was also a lawyer and always appeared interested in her life and was eager to make her happy.
Sajjad’s friendship came at a challenging time for Ms Hall, who had battled obsessive compulsive disorder and still felt the legacy of a difficult childhood.
Despite her burgeoning legal career and strong professional prospects, her troubles mounted to the point where she suffered a breakdown.
‘Sajjad came into my life at just the right time, when I was completely vulnerable,’ Ms Hall said.
‘He promised a grand, amazing and happy life if I would ever consider him.
‘He said he had five houses and showed a purchase contract for a Spanish house he said we could live in and that I could decorate however I wanted – he even sent me pictures of the house.
Starved. For 14 hours. Oh the horror.
It's "hyperandrist," technically, since we are talking a female slut who is riding the cock carousel.
"hypergamy" is inserting penis in many women.
Check this out: >>>/b/8616328
This is the government leftists voted for. Remember that, ladies.
So only the right Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ saved her when she was without a doubt a fedora tipper like most of her generation.
Thanks leftists for destroying the family unit and your inane shitskin loving. This is all your fault.
Yup this is what happening to the white people and their minds is too poisoned to see out of the window. How messed up is that.
Useless commodity confirmed.
She's also got those empty/crazy "coalburner eyes". The coalburners ALWAYS have that particular eyes.
Dictionary result for hypergamy
noun: hypergamy
the action of marrying a person of a superior caste or class.
"hyperandrist" isn' even a word
btw, please neck yourself
Thirty year old lawyer hooks up with streetshitting Paki. On the bright side, he did not dent her virginity.
I know other people have mentioned it but
Meanwhile, I willing fast a day or two a week.
Another archived link from British Paki Christian Association.
law graduate, still that stupid…
Zero sympathy for her "naivety".
Sounds a hell of a lot safer than fucking Pakistan I'll tell ya that much.
She is now safely back in Australia and is campaigning so that other Australians in difficulty while abroad should not be “left behind”.
This is lawmaking on feminism.
Meaningless laws by the thousands because insecure woman don't like feeling alive.
Nigga I disputably came from a broken home, if anything it makes you MORE wary of the world, at least once you've grown up a bit. Surprised to see such optimistic behavior from someone in their 30s, but then again, if your only news outlet is the (((media))) you're bound to accept bullshit as the only truth there is if you never had reservations about it in the first place.
Yes, that's the "I crave a real caring man so I can be a housewife but my feminist brainwashing puts me in denial so I just fuck men left and right" look.
Like half of the entire young generations come from broken homes. It's not special but it sure as did fuck society.
Another race traitor got punished by nature, fuck her.
what the fuck else were they supposed to do? they were probably holding back yelling at her for being fucking retarded.
What exactly was she expecting? Wasnt that the idea? You go be a lazy whore? We have to spell it out to stay away from filthy paki shitskin rape monkeys?
Toll status: Paid. But not paid in full, they should have beheaded her
This was a coalburner. In any healthy society, she would have been killed by her own people.
This disgusting whore gets fucking groomed and she still sits on a Paki council. Mudsharks will never change, death is the only solution.
That's insane. I would gladly have groomed her before she turned mudshark, and she would only get beatings for blatant misbehavior. Is a mudshark born that way, or is it learned?
I fasted for 4 days after the holidays, to burn off the pounds I'd put on.
The holidays are fun, but I hate them.
same just ended a 5 day fast burnt alot of fat, but the family were like oh user you don't eat,you look like a skellington what's wrong, and kept making me high carb food which I declined. kek
pakis are notorious for this shit.
It's to help Christians in Pakistan. It's an anti muzzi paki council . That's pretty baste
With college being pushed on literally everyone you'll be shit out of luck finding a woman who's not been to Uni, or who isn't thinking about it.
Wait what the fuck? You just want your bitch to sit at home and do nothing? Raising kids and keeping the house clean sure with only a high school education. How are you going to be sure she's not retarded. Or do you accept that all women are hopelessly retardedly useless?
Women are one with their Father's or Husband's.
There is no such thing as an 'independent' woman.
Even more than no man is really and island, unless a GOD.
Women are judged primarily by appearance, men by achievement. SO it has EVER BEEN. An 'educated woman' who fails to choose a quality mate and raise many children IS A FAILURE.
Fuck off incel
Nay, kike, non are incel. There is always money and force. KYS.
Again, this is what happens when you leave women to their own devices. This is what happens when women do not have male authority figures in their lives.
Why do we not take women by force?
Because we wish they would honor us for our virtue. Alas it has not been.
If Australia had seen the light and joined the Reich Japan would have accepted them as equals. Japan is the one non-Aryan nation deserving of Honor.
Seeing women as only worthy to be slaves is incel mentality
My family isn't broken, and my sister is kind of semi-retarded like this. Exposure to (((media))) will do that. Plus, probably some brain damage and loss of some cognitive ability due to illicit drug use, on top of being a whamen is just a complete recipe for disaster.
This. Never send your daughter to a kiked-up university, or even your son for most things, for that matter.
"The Internet is not for sissies." — Paul Vixie
This. You don't travel to a different continent because you lack intentions of your own and you're just innocent and tricked. Burn the coal, pay the toll. Who gives a fuck?
What she should be saying is "I'm 100% responsible for my stupidity, and I'm lucky I'm not dead, even though I deserve to be."
According to someone I heard, the more educated a woman (and education in 2019 is social status, nothing more), the less likely her chances of finding a mate because her standards are raised to an unrealistic degree, and men these days are less likely to seek higher education than women. So the pool of women attending college is growing, while the pool of men meeting their unrealistic standards is getting smaller. They're literally doing it all to themselves. They deserve what they get.
Nose ring and herpes visible in photo. Signalling in the loudest way possible that she's a massive whore. Basically a free-to-bed prostitute.
Their standard is basically a day trader with $6,000,000 in the bank account and a Ferrari for a day car. Because women today view themselves as men without penises, if you only have a degree like her, she basically views you as herself and is therefore not attracted at all. Unless you want to settle for something utterly mediocre, you're gonna need huge leverage.
The irony of all of this is, a white woman applies these standards to white men only, yet will bed with a poor, dumb, unsuccessful nigger. Career women fuck loads of shit-skins and niggers, yet white men? Oh, you have to be progressive, accepting of her independence, "well-educated," successful or driven to achieve success etc. She'll only fuck a white man if she's 45 and he's 20 and fit, or if she still retains sexual value, only if he's above her on the social/business ladder.
Because at the end of the day, women don't truly believe that they're men without penises. It's a delusion. They still have their deep down instincts and those get triggered by violent, barbaric behaviour. And because a lot of whites are cucks, some women go for black men. The truth is, what we've been taught about the correct way to behave and what civilised men are is BS. Further back than one hundred years ago, there were no nerds, no limp wristed intellectuals, no numales, etc. Those are all new creations. The norm was red-blooded predators who were ready to fight for what was theirs. Even the intellectuals were bad-asses, like Julius Evola who joined the military in WW2 to fight against the enemies. He even walked around in bomb raids to test his fate and when shrapnel severed his spine he laughed about it. Keep in mind the guy was an engineering PhD, too. If you want to get an Aryan woman's panties creamy, become a cultured barbarian.
I'd sooner write her off as trash, but I am curious by what the fuck you mean by "cultured barbarian."
Did you read the entire post? It's pretty clear
Not really. Men 100 years ago didn't do anything differently from men today, save for speak freely, but they weren't faced with threat of a loss of their income and social status if they did back then. As for being an impulsive monkey like a nigger, that's off the table. What day to day differences were there between men in 1919 and men in 2019, save for fashion choices and society in general? We didn't make this society, and we're no longer homogeneous like they were in 1919. What difference is there?
They get education to be around males with better earning prospects. They think "
"If i increase my value there will be a more valuable guy for me there". Total hipergamy, not education or knowledge.
A potentially violent and dangerous person who is capable of distributing force and violence in a competent and effective manner who is also cultured, i.e., high-class, in dress and behaviour; well-read, well-educated, having a wide knowledge of culture, from Hellenic to Archeo-Scandinavian; trained in interlocution, and more!
The potency is in the duality, both elements combing to throw other off and make you look mysterious powerful. When it comes to women, it intrigues them and the masculinity has their orifice spewing effluvia in passion!
Don't be a cuqq, become a cultured barbarian!!!
No, I said the only thing different is they spoke freely, but that's only because they wren't suppressed by society and the threat of financial and social loss. What they said was socially acceptable back then, and society was homogeneous back then. Big difference. Men from 1919 wouldn't speak freely in 2019 either. Also men from back then are the ones who allowed all of this to happen. We were just born into it.