Oz take on this.
Next you will get your whores union like scarletalliance.org.au . I wonder if they been on strike. They say if you paid for sex the woman can still say you raped her on their website. Any beta that pays for it deserves to be bum raped in jail for a false rape claim. That's where this leads. Slippery slope. Be careful what you wish for.
Legalizing prostitution is just the blue gang taking over all brothels like in Aus, not just the Elite kings cross boy brothels ran by Robert dolly dunn, Colin Fisk and the NSW GLLO gay police/twenty10.org.au child prostitute rent boy dorms. Fisk just got paroled with no ankle bracelet and fucked a large number of boys. Media blackout / redirected outrage to heterosexual child rapist in Kogarah. The guy who exposed him got framed with murder: Glen McNamara.
So by your logic to stop police giving P16 immunity from prosecution to VIP gay child fuckers we need to legalize boyrape right? GTFO. Even when its legal every bitch has the right to work as a whore and its domestic violence to look at here phone. Faggots like you want a race to the bottom - literally. Society needs morality not faggots on drugs raping children. I married a virgin. You can have sloppy seconds with the kike feminized average white woman. And they wonder why nobody wants to put them in a white wedding dress symbolising purity.
(Praised by NSW police woman in policing page because having a cunt makes helping gay men fuck boys OK: www.police.nsw.gov.au/about_us/history/history_pages/history_of_women_in_the_nsw_police_force )
parlinfo.aph.gov.au/parlInfo/search/display/display.w3p;query=Id:committees/commrep/6215/0003 20k buy in to run a boyrape brothel. Its already legalized if those who let gay men fuck boys are national hero's.
Head of NSW Anti Discrimination Board Chris Puplick said it was an anti gay witchhunt to investigate gay child fucker boy brothel runner gay catholic priest Robert dolly fun and his boyfriend Colin Fisk. Don't be homophonic the aus govt says - the gay must fuck the child unopposed.
archive.is/LqbPj We are going to supreme court for crime of Exposing Puplicks support of pedophiles. Since case began those pesos in paper for fucking more children. 60% of Australia voted for gay marriage after this. All ausfags not making arms to resist or infiltrating army need to be culled. They mostly support safe schools started by pedo Gary dowsett too.
Listen to glen McNamara now framed with murder talk about the NSW special gay child fucking police fb/policeglbti legalize little boy fucking with Colin Fisk on NZ govt radio.
He was the man who kicked of the Wood Royal Commission ran by a gay judge who fucked little boys in the very same boy brothel. I have his victims statement from Colin Chisholm leaked from the more recent royal commission.
The ADB got the wood royal commission to stop the gay witch hunt and Pedo puplicks activism is suppressed to this day (his wood royal commission submissions). He just became a judge so its illegal to critize him or his defence of convicted boyrapists even today. Those who haven't yet got on the puplick pedo love bandwagon like John Sunol get sent to the NSW Supreme court for contempt of a gay pedo judicial officer. Watch this space…..
Little boy rape is so legalized its blasphemy (homosexual vilification 47zt NSW anti discrimination act) to critic gay marriage activists arrested for boyrape. See @garryburnsblog for more details of his exploits including suing multiple people for disrespect of boylover net members mark newton and peter truong. Why aren't you useless fucks sending him noose memes yet?
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