I learned in school some history about world war 1 and 2, plus a little about the bolsheviks and Chinese, what the teacher called a "great leap forward."
My teacher doesn't seem to be an outright Hillary Clinton supporter, and mentioned that according to a small minority of people, there were prison camps in Germany that were set up all over the country at great expense to round up and exterminate all the Jews in the entire world, then send the corpses or ashes to Palestine or something.
So, looking online, I found what they call a holocaust? My teacher also touched on the gigantic mass murders perpetrated by the communists in China, Cambodia, Russia, Laos, Vietnam, Rwanda, Rhodesia and evidently now in South Africa.
I talked to some people about it and I'm wondering about this "holocaust." What IS an actual holocaust? Did that word exist before this big conspiracy theory about a country in the middle of a costly war going to the trouble of building elaborate prisons with brothels, hospitals, swimming pools, etc, so they could incinerate or murder their enemies there?
What is a holocaust? I heard about this site, that it is not a big Democrat playground like the rest of the internet, even my formerly-favorite online games where it has evidently become illegal to be male, straight or white.
So, I looked up some stuff online, and there were some grainy photographs which I cross-referenced and noticed they were used all over the place for different stuff, including this conspiracy theory that the Germans went to the trouble to create James Bond Villain-level executions for people that they could have just shot in the street and forgotten.
Has anyone here actually WITNESSED this? Does anyone here know anyone who has? I know there are a few survivors of Pearl Harbor that recount the story, and lots of video and photos of it, but this theory I can't seem to find enough evidence to actually back it up.
Also, I found out it's like a death penalty in Germany to question this theory, or whatever, and that almost all European countries are somehow taxes to pay "reparations" for something there isn't even firm evidence ever happened.
Can anyone provide any hard evidence that this happened? Don't bother coming at me with any denials, etc. I want to use this to research only hard evidence that is verified by more than one source. Not anecdotal "evidence."
I guess I'm asking if anyone can find some actual, hard, photographic, video evidence that specifically shows what is being claimed happened.
So far, on the internet, I have found none. Are the Germans actively censoring the videos of them doing these atrocities to protect the memory of their ancestors? So far, as I've said, if this were a criminal case (another area I like to look at) it wouldn't get past a grand jury, being entirely a "he said she said" as far as I can tell so far.
If this conspiracy theory is real, where is the actual evidence? We have evidence of Pearl Harbor sitting on the bottom of the harbor. The Liberty Bell. Heck, we even have lots of photos and videos of UFO's. Where is the evidence?
Also, is "Holodomor" another word for "holocaust?"