Serious question: Do crypto-jews rule China? And other Asian countries?
Xi Jinping has a very odd look for a Chinaman. Andrew Yang has a Neanderthal vibe going for him.
Serious question: Do crypto-jews rule China? And other Asian countries?
Xi Jinping has a very odd look for a Chinaman. Andrew Yang has a Neanderthal vibe going for him.
Get off the computer Timmy, the adults are talking.
I'd support it if I get a qt chinese gf for it all
or maybe we don't want anything to do with a corrupt people who don't even trust their own government or country's companies
Get off my board, Zhang
I haven't seen any evidence for that, however they do seem to instead align with the imperialist world order, given their "investment" ventures in Africa and such. Internally, they're developed a terribly pervasive bureaucracy which leads to constant infighting, so I doubt they're controlled by anyone but their own foolishness.
Holy shit, and nothing on Wikipedia or in the news about this, of course.
I can tell you this, you're not going to be mugged walking in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong or Beijing at 2:30am back to your hotel. If anything, and you've had to much to drink someone is going to make sure you get to your hotel room safely.
can you say the same thing about New York, Dallas, San Francisco, LA, Seattle, or Miami?
so very odd isn't it???
He's a fear mongering schizo but what he says is sometimes true enough. The PRC WILL eat us alive even before Mohammad or Shlomo can. We're literally going back to cardboard over plastics because the PRC stopped playing ball over getting everyone's garbage, and while it's good in the long run, it also means it's bankrupting every western country.
Communist China always hated Soviet Russia because the Soviets were banking on other clique leaders to conquer the place and wouldn't intervene because of their non aggression pact with Japan (until the very end at least). This prompted Mao and his party to seek help from Western (((Millionaires))) and gave them honorary seats in the Communist Party. Chinks are aware of them and have a mutually beneficial relationship.
Nah News Media are always a front for agencies, corporations or governments. If there's some geopolitical strat they're aiming for, you'll be sure that once it's already set in motion the second phase is normalizing everyone into accepting it. Huawei is a shit company and the PRC is clearly lending them a thousand hands and implanting tracking devices, the difference with the other companies is that Chinks always develop their own shit in-house, i.e. getting an app approved on a Huawei device needs first to be disassembled and reassembled by their chink devs to see if it fits with their company policies, the PRC's censorship and if the devs weren't planning on causing harm on Huawei's devices, then it can get through the usual vetting process. This obviously unnerves to no end Western devs who are used to just trusting and being trusted on everything, and Western govts also hate that it's the one place they can't have a backdoor in.
Not really. Urbanized areas in China are better than American's in the policing department only. Every other aspect is worse and it gets progressively worse the more you move away, small towns and villages in China are a shadow of America's.
See I understand where you're trying to get to, but you can't just have a myopic vision for worldly problems and power disputes.
not sure I would welcome some filthy chink making sure I was safe. I'd rather take my chances with niggers in New York City, Cubans in Miami, Mexicans in SanFran….. or druggies in Seattle. I'm no ChiCom lover