Debating Against Abortion

Middle Schooler here, recently I've been debating some libtards in my school about how abortion is bad, but the arguments seem to stagnate because I can't convince my classmates that fetuses are human life. One of them even said that as long as the fetus does not have cognitive function/consciousness they are ok with abortion. It also revolves around the "my body my choice" argument and that fetuses are parasites, so they are no different for a tapeworm. What are some arguments I can use against them, please provide sources on facts and something I can use to emotionally manipulate dumb middle school girls, thanks in advance.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tell them if you preach abortion propaganda again, I will send Osama bin Laden's grandchildren after you.

Also say that technically everybody is "just a clump of cells", even humans. Even Jews. That was Hitler's whole point.


to win the debate? say it disproportionately targets blacks killing millions of niggers every year. Now you can see why abortion isn't so bad after all

New life, born of another life, is sacred to the Aryan worldview and the destruction of a child in any way is evil.
Liberals are weak minded, so they allow such evils.
Use this to your advantage. Don't just argue logically, they don't respond to that.

Attached: Aryan symbol.png (291x173, 6.65K)

d&c thread.
Lie #1: Abortion doesn't harm Whites because it's just the low IQ stock that aborts.
Reality: 91% of White women completing abortion have tertiary education.
Lie #2: Who caressssss? It's mostly niggers that abort anyway.
Reality: White women abort more of the next generation than any other race in America.
Lie #3: Well ok, but they're only doing because they've already got a family! They have 2 or 3 children and can't afford more which wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the jew in the first place
Reality: MOST women procuring abortion have 0 children.

Attached: abortion-by-number-of-previous-births.jpg (600x365 36.25 KB, 37.25K)

Abortion is great as long as it's white women getting abortions. PoC abortion is a crime against humanity.

Ask them why it's ok for men to be forced to pay child support when it's 100% up to the women whether they live or not.

what did it mean by this?

Can't argue with that

Well a fetus scientifically is not a human so…

You need a better argument

By the way, even if it was a human, it would still not necessarily be wrong to support abortion

If you are pro-life in good faith that means you are against abortion even in the case of rape (since there is no way to verify whether a woman was raped in a timely manner, notwithstanding the fact that it would be humiliating and disgraceful to ask a woman to "prove" she was raped)

to win the debate? say it disproportionately targets blacks killing millions of niggers every year. Now you can see why abortion isn't so bad after all>>13098146
not proportionally they do, black women are 5-6% of the population and 1/3 the abortions? Do you honestly think a mother who would murder her child, would be a good mother if forced to have the baby? Get real

I am antiabortion. What a single woman does is her choice.

What race is it?

Ask them how they feel about drug use during pregnancy or why an infant or child that is just as dependent on other people for food is intrinsically different in this aspect to a fetus. If they're libtards, you can also ask them what differs people on welfare from parasites, if human dependency is tantamount to the dependent human being of no more worth than a tape worm.

All true, but abortion is still a net good to the white race, because it kills a lot of niglets and halfbreeds. Non-whites should be allowed, even encouraged to have abortions because they aren't human and have always practiced infanticide. They can't help it and there's no reason why we should try to stop them. College educated, white career thots who get abortions are already a lost cause. They would likely be raised by a single mom and pushed into faggotry by her. If we want to minimize white abortions they focus needs to be on stable marriages, involved fathers in the home, and a strong brotherhood of white men that promote the conditions that benefit men as fathers. That would bring the white abortion rate lower than trying to make it illegal, while still allowing non-whites to kill as many of their babies as they please.

Prior to the HIV/AIDS psyop, most White children were born unplanned.
This was a serious problem for the kikes, as persuading White women not to deliberately conceive and instead to pursue the "career" is only half of the battle, and a certain fraction will never abort their child.
What's the solution? HIV/AIDS.
By spending BILLIONS on drumming "safe sex"it's 'safe' for the kikes, because it doesn't create new Whites, which they consider a danger to their plans and especially condom usage into the minds of young people all the way through school, college and beyond, the kike hoped to cut down on unplanned pregnancies and thereby deal a heavy blow to White fertility.
If you're with a girl you'd like to have a child with, stop using condoms. Women hate them anyway.
You cannot catch HIV from a White woman who isn't in a high-risk group. Less than 50 cases are reported per year as a result of White-White hetero-hetero low risk - low risk intercourse. That's about the same chance as being struck by lightning.
You didn't read the small print.
The big number is for partners belonging to a high risk group, or prediagnosed HIV+.
In fact the number of cases for White men who select low risk White female partners, is so low that it doesn't even get its own bar on the chart, they (the CDC) has to lump it in with "other causes" such as hemophilia.
tl;dr start barebacking your bird today.

That chart still shows that nigs still get abortions at disproportionate rates compared to whites. Therefore outlawing abortions in the US today would actually contribute to a larger nig\white baby ratio. The answer is to encourage abortion and family planning to "women of color".>>13098146

besides any woman wanting to kill their baby are probably single mother half breeds that would raise weak men anyway

Since I argued that a fetus is a seperate human body and that it is not truly apart of the woman's body, they said that the fetus is basically a parasite comparable to tapeworms.

Grow some balls.

you first need to convince the utilitarian to adopt more reasonable ethics
you first need to convince the egalitarian that family is real

It is alive. If not, why are you killing it?

It is a human. If not, is it porcine? Bovine?

It is a being. Is it a part, like a toenail or hair? Parts cannot become beings. Ever.

At conception, a live human being is created with all it's DNA, all is chromosomes- which means it's gender is set (libtards can't comprehend that)

"so masturbation kills thousands??!" Sperm is a germ cell.

"A Fetus is a parasite!"
How isn't a nursing 1 week old?
"A Fetus is a parasite"
Species traitor. Explain the difference between animals and humans. Let alone insects etc. We slaughter cows for meat, y can't we slaughter children for meat?

"Born= smarter!"
They are both pretty retarded.

Not even a valid description. Viability is related to invironment. Are we viable? In the Sahara? Is a baby viable, on a Detroit blacktop?

"I don't wanna be a parent!" "I should get to choose!"
Killing your child doesn't negate your Parenthood. It makes you a bastard parent.

"Mental development!"
So euthanize the mentally unfit?
"Bodily insufficiency!" "Heart beat!"
So euthanize cripples? Rip pacemakers from patients?

That's the science about it. The opinion is wether you think slaughtering innocent human beings is bad. I do. You don't?

Then you may get into the responsibility aspect of it. It takes 2 to mate, for a reason. Don't wanna breed, you don't mate. A real man would rather die, would rather never get laid, than let his child come to harm. He'd even rather kill.

The family unit is superior. 1 man making 70k is superior to 2 parents making 35k. ( Or a women making 70k! I'd love to do jack all and raise the next gen)

Why would you argue against eugenics?

we would be living in Africa if you christcucks had your way with your love affair of holy niggers

lurk for 6 more years little faggot.

Abortion is something that should only be decided by a moral male doctor under very sever circumstances. Whether to abort or not is an emotional and moral question, but should be a rational decision once made. Women are unable to make that rational decision based on necessity, which is how that kind of operation SHOULD be done.. It's the modern abortion that is immoral, even it if mainly is african americans getting them..

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A human being Fetus isn't a human being?
When do you confer that title upon it?
The issue is that conception means "when something comes about" "when something is created" "when something starts" etc. Get over it. Any other arbitrary line you decide to create personhood is that, arbitrary. Get wit science.

You left out the part where after deciding to have the kid she can smoke, drink and do drugs, giving the baby fetal alcohol syndrome or worse and you still get to pay for it.

I fuck children and I ain't stoppin'

Ironically enough I support eugenics post birth, but don't support abortion as abortion takes away any chances of success that person the fetus would have become might have had while eugenics takes away the worst genetics of Humanity. I guess I see it as more humane then letting the vegetables rot and grow mold.

I understand that in certain circumstances (i.e. the mother will die otherwise) abortion is an unfortunate necessity to ensure the survival of the mother and the further propagation of children, but my classmates don't understand that that is a very isolated case and in most cases the girls getting abortions are cum dumpster whores riding the cock carousel to save their corporate shekels, waiting for Mr. Perfect.

There is nothing wrong with abortion. Stop being a cuckservative goodgoy christcuck.

There are plenty of reasons to abort a child, or kill a child even after birth


I'm not disputing that its a kid, and I'm not disputing that it is killing the kid. You just have to think about these things biologically and rationally rather than through a Semitic theological lens.

By your own chart you prove that non-whites make up the majority of abortions. Unless you want your home to have the demographics of Mississippi (which has one clinic), then support abortion in areas that need it.

Attached: nyc abortions by race ethnicity.jpg (639x400, 49.58K)


If you can slaughter a 3 week( from creation) child, why can't you slaughter a 3 week from birth child?

Another man asked, if a women can kill an unborn child, why can't the man rape her? If it's purely about power.

We don't need eugenics. We aren't cattle needing breeding to be corralled. We are more wild deer. Nature sorts out the eugenics. The trying to corral us is exactly what leads to eugenics that wipe out whites. Merely halting of social structures and services that support the real parasites, will result in a similar outcome. but us a much more reasonable goal. Quit importing migrants. Quit rewarding niggerhood. Stop providing Mexicans breeding resources. Fight
and Quit enabling Moslem fundamentalist socialism whos prophesy is they will literally rule the world. Etc


Look up ratio, look up per capitalist, look up percentage, dumbass.

Whites kill more via abortion. But not per 100k of their children. Whites are still majority.

Do you not know how to reply or something?
What I posted was a ratio, and per capita non whites abortion rates are higher

Here's another possible method (albeit unproven)

Attached: not having white children is racist.png (2716x580, 668.1K)

Having abortion as even an option cheapens life and fucks with people. Even if the results suck, bad hands are dealt, deal with them. Clearly the number of genetic failures per generation wasn't high enough to degenerate humanity in the past hundred thousand odd years without abortion.

Despite my own opinions on the matter OP, if these young girls are white and you're trying to dissuade them from degeneracy, here's a resource to help you on some effects of abortion. At your age the real focus should be on dissuading them from birth control. That shit will fuck with their hormones, personality, and growth

that would fit into the same argument of killing wounded soldiers so as not to waste effort that could be directed at continuing the war
pro-abortion and other degenerate activities (despite scientific theories otherwise) are directly the cause of low birth rates and poor quality of life and depression

If everything's a Jew, nothing's a Jew.

People who are born net drains their entire lives are not equivalent to soldiers. As for abortions, it supplements the causes of low white birthrates sure, but to say it's the direct cause is just facetious. Women working, the pill, and feminism has done way more in that regard.

By what scientific definition? I’m a PhD level biological scientist so you don’t have to hold back with me. Have at it.

If this is their criteria then they should have no problem killing people with Down’s syndrome, since they have massively reduced cognitive function. They should also have no problem killing people in a coma. According to them, and their definition somebody in a coma isn’t human life.
Simply relay the example, they get into a car crash, they go into a coma, and would have normally come out of that coma in 2 weeks but because of their definition of human life, it’s ok to pull the plug and let them die after 3 days because they have no cognitive function and it was costing the hospital and family a lot of money. Ask them if this is the world they want. Liberals only understand emotional appeals, not logical.

This is true. White people need to start fucking like it's the 1960s. Stop using birth control.

Abortion should only be ok if one of the parents is Jewish or retarded.

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Try 17. This is second trimester, not first.

This is 12 weeks. The legs are little stubs, the head is wildly shaped. It's only 5-6cm long.

Attached: 12 weeks.jpg (474x328, 31.18K)

here's one without the lying caption

Attached: 17 weeks or so.webm (320x240, 2.72M)

The idea that abortion mainly targets niggers isn't really true outside the US. In Europe and other places the shitskins are Muslim and therefore don't abort.

I’m pro abortion because it takes future enemies off of the battlefield. More abortions for all!


Logic of babykillers
Single celled organism on Mars = life
Complete baby = not life

Abortion killed 638,000 Americans in 2015 alone. But ban guns. It's fucked up that we even have to debate this. It shouldn't be ok for you to murder your baby. I've heard a whole lot of people say that making abortions illegal wouldn't stop abortions it would just stop people from having safe abortions. Good. It shouldn't be safe to murder your baby.

OP show your classmates videos of abortions.

They reach in with tongs and crush the baby's skull and dismember it because it's to big to come out in one piece.

No user, that is what 7.62x39 is for. Abortion takes out whites, too, but you can aim a gun

The largest percentage of abortion victims are white.

Also hate how Abortionists talk about killing babies so clinically.

wounded soldiers are a greater drain on society than children who can be privately nurtured, healthy, and productive in their adult lives. a culture which killed unjustly saps at the people's morale. meanwhile, capital offender felons are allowed to sit in a cell the rest of their lives. thats the topsy turvvy retarded logic of a dying civilization.

No. No pro-choicers believe the fetus is "not life." Centering the debate around whether the fetus is "life" is fucking retarded. A carrot is life. A spider is life. The bacteria in your gut are life.

Not that I know why you replied to me with this. That baby is 17-20 weeks gestation. It's second trimester, and it may have been a miscarriage. Most abortions occur in the first trimester. You won't defeat your enemy by aiming at dramatic phantoms.

Why do you love niggers?

Funny how quick the proportion games goes out the window.

african and european americans have irreplacable birth-death rates. the problem of abortion is more marked in europe where 1/3rd of pregnancies are aborted.
meanwhile cultures which experience the least rate of abortion such as subsaharan africans and arabs/muslims are much more profund and causal of the immigration replacement deadline on european civilization.

so, in closing: it is impossible to sustain a population level through social policies. government's can't even keep a proper census within 10% rate of error. legal abortion has caused a 30% reduction of genesis within the global European community. if abortions were to be condemnable by law tomorrow than pro-natalism would cause an overwhelming rate of births. the larger the population and more dense it becomes the less government can control.
that is why abortion is mandated by the UN authorities and our national governments. to depress populations so they are controllable. immigrating surplus populations is manageable compared to a native population without restriction on it's growth and desire for additional lands and resources.

Just go to the podium, stand tall and say loudly "I ABORT THIS DEBATE" and leave. If they ask you anything all you need to say is "Well its impossible to know the outcome of this debate because someone wanted to end its time pre-maturely".

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Are militaries welfare queens as well? Yes, but if we're talking whataboutism in terms of cutting expenses here lifetime costs of welfare payments for single moms and retard wrangling is also a simple fix. Ideally we don't wage wars for kikes.
Except they're not privately nurtured
They'll grow incapable of being independent, in pain or suffering for most of their lives. You've exceptions to the rule like hotwheels but they're just that, exceptions.

You keep artificially boxing in people to a decision of for abortion or not. Everyone here doesn't want it against whites. In America where OP is assumed to be from it has more beneficial results.

Attached: expenditures on welfare for the past 5 years.jpg (620x453, 45.28K)

The biggest redpill for me, personally was carrying out abortions. Albeit, it was nice, not humans, but the mental effects were jarring (admittedly mice are cute and intelligent, which does strike an empathetic nerve with me as well).
During my doctorate I utilized murine embryonic cortical neurons to study neuronal development. As you can guess there is only one source for those types of cells. Never again though, I won’t carry out such research anymore

Should say mice, fuck autocorrect

There should never be any debate against abortion for: jews, niggers, spics, poos, bugmen, and shitskins. Abortion should be supported and encouraged for them along with state supported sterilization for them. I actually strongly support and do everything I can to get these groups to engage in these choices.

Abortion is wrong on so many levels
As a christian, thou shall not kill basically shuts it down immediately
As a libertarian, it violates the NAP and kills a human that can't speak for itself

A fetus = life. Life begins at conception and anyone that tells you otherwise is a piece of shit. At conception two gametes meet to create a new unique set of DNA that will grow into a full human. No relevant biological distinction occurs at any other point during gestation. Viability is not the marker of life. Premature babies can live and babies with crazy defects can still live. Humans can exist without body parts, without higher brain function, and they are still considered people. A fetus is a life. If you kill a pregnant woman you will be charged with 2 counts of murder.

If you say abortion is ok, then you do not value human life and fuck you; rethink your morals

economy is not society. abortion is anti-social. abortion suppresses population growth. no western government should implement pro-abortion policies outside of actual maternal danger or rape/incest/deformation. your arguments are those of a short sighted meat head. think global and social. abortion, the murder of european fetuses, is the cause of our 25% degenesis today. anti-abortion would cause massive growth in the european population.

or we could just mind our own domestic problems and not pretend we're going to exterminate non-whites by liberally allowing abortions in all nations europeans are the majority

Kill yourself.

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Show them a video of that Argentinian girl at a Pro-Abortion demonstration stomping a doll.

Ask if a boy was mutilating and stomping on dolls would he be considered healthy?
Do we want a society that raises women to hate the natural function of their bodies and says they have a right to destroy this natural order but by doing this logically they must destroy any society able to defend ANY notion of women's right.

Ask them how can they have a right right to something that destroys that right in the long run?

I'm only against abortion for pure whites.

and do you not think the social effects of children (more to likely to commit crime, abuse substances, etc.) raised under single moms have massive societal influence? It connects to a whole lot more than just welfare payments.
No, women working, voting, and the pill has had much more of an impact on white birthrates long before Roe v. Wade. That's the case in America anyways, I'll need to see some European statistics on the matter and how much of an impact it has on the flood there. If what you say about the European situation is true, then I'm sure anti abortion laws would have a much greater effect in European countries.

You are a laughing stock. Life doesn't "begin" repeatedly, it began once and it's been continuous for millions and millions of years.

But muh soul!!!!

Abortion is at all time record lows. Girls are encouraged to be single mothers now.

can't say i've heard this take before
put the scientific definition of life to the supposed science lovers

Attached: abortion.png (576x504, 57.61K)

tapeworms are alive, they are living creatures. born living children are still dependent on their parents to survive, is it ok to kill toddlers?

just say something like:
I can respect people who are honest about ascribing to ideology where it is ok to kill people for certain reasons and accept moral responsibility when those ideas are implemented and people are killed, but if you're going to redefine the words life and human so that killing people isn't murder you're intellectually dishonest and they're isn't any point in arguing with you.

there are so many Christians that i know that give money to poor people run soup kitchens and even vote democrat every once and a while and the state i live in would be solid blue every fucking year because of them if the democrats where not so insistent on the abortion issue. trump would not have won by the slip of the electoral collage if it wasn't for the democrats insistence that otherwise liberal hippy shits that do care about everyone from conception to death must vote red this year.


worse than the middle-schooler tbh, your (((enlightened))) kind are the reason why Jews are running rampant throughout the occident

1. White babies are beautiful and it's sad and bad to destroy anything beautiful. Don't you want to be beautiful femanon? Don't you want a beautiful white baby?

2. Niggers are ugly and should be aborted.

Don't speak to retards. Focus, learn something useful, question everything. Don't stir up much trouble, the education system is beyond compromised.
Even if (((They))) slightly consider you to think outside the norm you will be targeted. Know your truth and for fucks sake,

Get out of that indoctrination camp safely, find a nice white gal, find a nice safe place to live and pass it along.