Nearly all blacks have a sense of racial awareness, a sense of solidarity with other blacks and a feeling that their fate is entwined with that of black people as a whole. Blacks who do not feel this way are labelled as Uncle Toms. These blacks are subsequently treated as race traitors and shamed.
The label of “Uncle Tom” is an extremely effective way of shaming blacks who do not feel this racial consciousness. It is arguably the worst thing that a black person can be called, it cuts deeper than a superficial slur such as nigger. Blacks also have multiple words to shame other blacks without a racial consciousness such as “house nigger”, “porch monkey”, or “negro”.
Can you think of such a word to specifically describe whites who lack a racial consciousness? I can’t. We call them NPC’s, Bugmen, or soy boys. Except for NPC, these insults have no effect, and the meaning of NPC has nothing to do with race.
This thread is to brainstorm a nickname that can be used for whites who do not have a sense of racial consciousness. The word needs to make whites feel shamed, make them feel as though they are traitors.
A good starting point for a nickname might be to think of historical figures (real or fictional) who are known for being a traitor to whites.