We need less democracy not more.
Give this a think, frens:
Suffrage needs to be drastically limited.
Only those who earn & contribute get a vote.
You work for gov't,
you contract for gov't,
your biz gets >51% of it's money from gov't,
you get welfare?: You don't get to vote.
If you pay back what was paid to you, you get your vote back.
All internal taxes should be eliminated except for land tax (structures are improvements and are not taxed). Land tax should be applied progressively, with a high minimum threshold (say $500k), and becomes punitive at high levels (say 90% @ >$20M). All land must be held by a natural living person (no trusts or corporations to evade taxes). This eliminates rent-seekers by limiting the control of the only truly scarce resource.
Still not sold on a land tax? Consider this: Half of England is owned by less than 1% of its population zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-18/half-england-owned-1-population archive.is/CwzGi
Import tariffs are OK and likely desirable, except on commodities. they should be minimal. Finished goods, tariff the fuck out of 'em. I'm happy to debate this and then vote on it (b/c I don't get my $ from gov't)
Do that, and things fix themselves in a big fuckin' hurry.
Note: All those saying we should take back the vote from niggers, non-land owners, and wymmen STFU, we tried that and failed. We need to restrict suffrage in a way nobody can argue with, and in a way that keeps the fucking whitecucks out.
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