While news that happened just before Christchurch, this could mean the acceleration of a white awakening due to many small farmers losing their homes and farms to these floods. Not only will (((they))) use this to further government control of the area, but they'll use the opportunity to jack up prices of basic commodities to make up for the massive loss of crops and grain. This is bigger than most think, be prepping for the future.
>Last year, the USDA made $12 billion in aid available to farmers who suffered trade-war losses, but there is no program to cover the catastrophic and largely uninsured stored-crop losses from the widespread flooding.
Nebraska's Gov. Pete Ricketts has estimated the losses to the agricultural sector alone at $1 billion. However, the damage doesn't stop there. States such as Missouri, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Iowa were also greatly impacted.
AccuWeather estimated the total damage and economic loss caused by record-breaking flooding in the midwestern U.S. this spring will total $12.5 billion, based on an analysis of damages already inflicted and those expected by additional flooding, as well as the lingering health effects resulting from flooding and the disease caused by standing water.
The flooding erupted in the wake of a historic bomb cyclone, but Midwestern farmers remain on high alert for more rain and storms.
The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that above-average precipitation this spring could increase the flood risk across the country.
"The worst is probably over, but additional storms during the month of April may cause smaller-scale flooding. Of greater concern would be if the wet weather were to persist into May," AccuWeather Senior Commodity Forecaster Dale Mohler said.
A rapid snowmelt this spring has caused instances of stored grain being covered with floodwater which must be disposed of, according to a report released by Iowa State University (ISU).