British PM Theresa May says she'll resign on June 7
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Since mods deleted the low effort OP thread on the bombing in Lyon - I'll dump this here: No, I don't give a shit about waiting for/making/or finding the right thread when this place has gone to shit already
Lyon IED - nail bomb outside bakery.
8 injured.
0 dead.
Pic released of suspect. Suspect left device in suitcase outside bakery before leaving the area by bike. Manhunt ongoing.
Is it a bakery or a (((bakery)))?
Is ramavan still going on?
Is it part and parcel?
So not to be a (1) and done with the breaking news on the Lyon IED bombing suspect in - here's an on topic post:
Compare and contrast strong woman Treason May's crocodile tears to her predecessor a weak man Cameron.
She's crying because she just wanted to milk more of dem moneyz as Primeminister
How did she ever plan to compromise with a boolean state of being
To be or not to be with the EU
Im tired of these two faced tactics, I demand a world of sincerity
Women cannot be leaders.
Cry May in May
Just fuck off you useless, time-wasting, barren harridan
Oh no the UK is dying, better cry about not ruling over such a pathetic society.
She didn't say that country was the UK.
Redpill me on Liddington britbongs.
Rumors say he's gonna take over as PM.
Someome put this horse faced cunt in a jail cell
She's not crying about being ousted as PM
She's crying because she can't show her face at the country club anymore.
Curt Doolittle's #1 rings true
Women achieve positions of military, political, and economic power for very clear reasons:
1) That the majority of influencers cannot come to a compromise on current threat (business, economic, political, or military) without commercial, political, or military internal conflict; OR,
2) A Need ‘Cover’ For radical change, or expected decline; OR,
3) Because there is no fear of anything going wrong and those same influencers can afford to virtue signal; Or,
4) Because they inherited a position from a husband or father.
Women are NEVER in a position of discretionary authority for good reason other than informing other women how to signal - a task for which men lack the sensitivities (Fashion).
This is a fundamental law of human organizations. There are no exceptions. Anywhere. Ever. Throughout History.
And yes I have gone through this exercise. It was one of the first significant feminist propositions that I investigated. And nothing ever changes and nothing will. Not only because men produce far more outliers reducing the probability. And not only because men prefer single minded dedication to narrow purpose at the expense of all else in life. Not only because men are far less agreeable and affected by disagreeability. But because men are as LOYAL to the TEAM and will take damage on behalf of others, as women are devoted to their children - and not the other way around. The primary reasons for gender differences in compensation where they do exist are loyalty - compensation for risk, damage, and non-defection.
Evidence of common female leadership is evidence of decline. Always. Everywhere. Hence female defense ministers in countries with no military capability worth mentioning.
Your feminist satanic goatfucking dreams are dead.
Kill all masons and jews then.
It's uncanny
Iron law:
The absolute state of Western leadership. This is what happens when you let women lead. Imagine ANY world-leader a century ago crying
Ähm, le pen and eye-patch swastika girl?
If those pieces of controlled opposition are the best you can come up with, you are proving his point.
She can cry how much she want after trying to delay No Deal and "save" the EU country from it.
History will remember her as biggest fail.
Kek indeed.
No. A jew will take even le based fashy stronk women over a white male because of how easy they are to manipulate.
Kill yourself moshe.
She campaigned to remain in the EU before the referendum so she should be happy for stalling the Brexit.
Do British PMs just quit all the time whenever things get kinda hard? Either way, I want the UK to totally collapse.
You must be a Brit. So when yall leaving? so when yall gonna collapse?
Does she have a loisence to resign?
There is some fuckery with the Bank of England and the City of London they don't want getting out into the public. Also it's easier to sneak in their multiculti replacement immigration with Schengen/CTA.
Why do you think I'm a brit, just an English-American who wants to see the Brexit happen. You ask stupid questions that can be answered very easily with a couple of google searches.
Good, I wonder if her pedo elite owners will punsh her for this, and that's why she's really crying
wew lad
No one uses that term.
We should report people for saying the holocaust happened.
So “is not right wing”, got it.
Let’s report leftists.
So not right wing. Because we know that jews are a race.
Yeah, we need to report leftists for this.
I'm not reading some gay "daily express" article about burly curlies, westshire willies, brexit loicenses, and other gay british things. I'd rather just get the tl;dr over here.
They might use this to call for another election. Then the new party can get in and fuck Brexit even more.
They have a Zig Forums bingo card now?
She only makes £150K as PM and will continue to make half of that as an MP.
So her passing policy to help her husband's company make big arms sales contracts doesn't get her any money?
You were told to lurk redditfag.
Funny thing is: won't change a thing.
You know who rules the British decadency and these big bankers will only put another puppet in charge.
I get that there are people who make way more in London, Wallstreet and the Silicon Valley but that's still a fuck ton of money.
Such a lame ass bitch in so many ways.
I'd call for Gerald Ford's British grandson.
I'd call for Gerald Ford's British grandson.
Oops, duplicate post!
Invade the Third World, Invite the Third World
Not all of this is accurate. 'Islamofascism' would imply that Islamists, being theocrats, have a well-developed and thought out political and economic platform, which they do not. Also claiming that anti-Muslim sentiments are ok because Islam isn't a race is the most basic bitch radical centrist thing to say. The rest is mostly accurate, and reflective of an intelligent, high test man.
Quit calling that thing a she! God damn it!
Surprised she hasn't pulled in with a nigger boyfriend in tow…
They'll just find someone worse.
Epic tweet fellow miga.
Her husband is a jew who is the main shareholder in G4S
Who will be the next cryptostaller?
Three Years.
Someone is being, N - A - U - G - H - T - Y
Too late. The damage is already done.
Well history really repeats itself. Thatcher resigns in the early 90s. Her crappy clone resigns in June. If only Britbongs could use this opportunity to get a Mosley in power since the Tories will most likey will get another kike puppet. Brexit can't be given by signing it on paper.
Time for Revolution.
King Boris the First!!11
All old hags must be killed.
Women must never be allowed to live past their 30s.
Hopefully this cuck bitch gets ass cancer in her fagina.
Kill yourself Hitlerfag
Never put a woman in charge. A man with the same policies receiving the same hate would have realized that they were dishonoring their nation and would have stepped down ages ago out of loyalty to his people.
Wtf is that, there's no way that's real. Can any britbongs confirm if this shit is fake or not? If it is real… England, you will be forever and always CUCKS
Holy shit Moishe, just wow. You should be kicked out of the JIDF for being ``this`` bad
The only reason she resigned is because rothschild called for it back a couple months ago.
Fuck off, you parasitic kike insect.
They really are so out of touch
Its real, in the sense that even if it wasn't, its indicative of current year.
Lol ugly Rofschild Bitch.
Look at this goy. The eu is literally going to die by monday. Retard.
Good riddance to cuntocracy. If bongs don't get their Webley's back soon, one may be forced to write a sternly worded letter to the editor. Old Blighty without guns is like pudding without rum.
Pretty rough run for her, Fat Bastard and Farage created this mess and never stood up to the plate, she did her best.
good joke.
3 years ago she could have gone into your parliament and passed a 1972 ECA withdraw bill within a week, and that would be Brexit done. No Article 50 need*. No negotiations needed. No deal needed. No uncertainty required. You could have spent the last three years going through various sectors and revising repealing according to what benefits you.
The fact she didn't, or didn't inform you of that what all that was required - speaks volumes to her intent.
*If you bothered to read Article 50 you would know it was designed to keep you in the EU, not leave it. The fact most of your nation has no fucking clue this is why it was signed is why it's in the mess it is.
Is there any movement to end gun control in Britain?
muslims tend to have guns, and islam is a pretty strong movement in britain
3 long years of screwing up all.
Fixed the pic for you.
Indeed. The only reason she didn't did it was because she heard advice from her own party about how much they could profit if they continue to stay in EU, etc. There isn't other way to explain about why she did her best to delay and even asked for second referendum. Guess the second referendum was the last straw which forced her to step down.
As I said in another thread, it probably won't make a difference but fuck her.
Not a pom sorry user, just looking from the outside in
These politicians drive me nuts.
How much do they fake things? Do they truly believe their own shit to the point of crying? It's not the first time May cries.
Would the Devil-May cry for real?
Why were all the pro brexit parties part funded or influenced by israel?
"Nige" was very close to some israeli backers…
Is anything in the jewnited kingdom not "influenced by israel"?
The only way most con artist bullshitters can effectively lie & have the lie be bought by others is to find some way to convince themselves of it, so they can project that conviction out to others as sincerity. Politicians are all bullshit con artists 100%, honest people trying to not use that tool out of principle don't get to have careers. Usually neither do the shit liars like May, they get used as patsies more often than not & then discarded (again like May).
The difference between the serviceable cons & the truly god-tier ones is the eyes. Most can't project that sincerity there, so if you know how to "read" eyes, you can spot it. Not really something one can nail an explanation of the "hows" enough to get it across, you can either pick up seeing it or you can't.
God tier is people like Vlad. He'd have a career in jewlywood if he were a loser instead of a modern czar.
can someone explain to my why prepubescent children are being brought to view the sculpture of Theresa May masturbating that Ellie Pennick made? Something seems very degenerate about that.
*… brought by jordan peterson….*
Do you think actors believe the things they say?
Q predicted this.
Kill your self