Thanks for sharing buddy, but what does it have to do with Economics?
Wait, might you be abstractualizing the world as it was before the Proletariat revolutions? The people of Lombardy literally became Volta's property just because he performed a magic trick for Napoleon?
Of course, a literate genius must have been more rare than a freaking unicorn back then… and from what Humanity has learned about DNA and intelligence… maybe good old Volta actually deserved to be nobility…
At the same time, we should have sympathy for the Lanbardy serfs/slaves, but did those illiterate 90 I.Q. fucks really care who ruled over them? If you tries to explain that they were slaves, they would probably call you a witch and burn you…
Regardless… they were Human beings… but they will never advance without extremely harsh circumstances for centuries… maybe even multiple millennia…
Just a mere 100 years later, modern eugenics and Utopian megalomania nearly destroyed the world… Now, the majority of Humanity is devolving into some sort of domesticate 80-90 I.Q. slave species…
The real question is… have the Modern Elites actually earned their position as our lords and masters, or are they also just 80-90 I.Q. savages who rule through murder and subjugation? Are the current ruling elites actually stupid?
We can debate economics all day and get no where… Although, what no intelligent person would deny is that the majority of the civilized world is ruled over by a tiny, fringe, minority of ultra wealthy pseudo-nobility.
The real questions pertaining to economics should be about the style of economics… it should be about who rules over the economy. It doesn't matter what kind of economy we have if imbeciles are running our system, and it doesn't matter if the people running our system are competent either if they are wicked. Absolute power corrupts either way, and stupid and corrupt is just as bad as competent and corrupt.
Then again, we can't actually have a rational discussion if we can't even agree whether or not there even are ruling elites in the modern era… There certainly were 200 years ago. There certainly were 100 years ago.
What would have happened to all of the ruling elites for them to not exist today? Who the fuck are they? Why don't our political discussions ever involve them? If it is the Jews… which fucking ones? If it is just wealthy ass holes… who? Who the fuck are they? Why isn't there a list?
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