Have you prepared for the end of the world?
Pic related, 100 days, 2 people
Bout 1800€
Finest german quality
Get emergency food rations while its hot, stores will be empty soon
Have you prepared for the end of the world?
Pic related, 100 days, 2 people
Bout 1800€
Finest german quality
Get emergency food rations while its hot, stores will be empty soon
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how long do they last?
im american so im understandably too lazy to search
20 years min
I'll stock up
thanks for the help
I’m all set
what's happening? and no i haven't been paying attention.
America is gearing up for war against iran
from what I've gathered from lurking on 8ch and shitchan, people believe there may (as in most likely) be some sort of war: race war, civil war, revolutionary war, something of the sort
It ain't happening for a few more decades, the jews would never let their financial control go away and allow White people to fight their way back. While I hope for a collapse because it'd mean that the White race would survive I know the enemies in power are trying everything to prevent this at least for a few more generations of Whites so enough White women move outside their fertility window.
you sure it isn't about the asteroid? all i see is shitposting about the asteroid that's supposed to pass us this weekend.
The asteroid is a lie made by the nasa
the asteroid will pass by no problem
just another spectacle, like that one turd-shaped thing recently (amuamua or something)
i remember seeing something about how Jupiter or one of the other planets' gravity field acts as a safety pocket for Earth, in that they attract objects that would otherwise collide with Earth
(It's one of our gas planets that does it)
worst case: it comes close
likely case: it flies by
And as a fun bonus you don't need to worry about plumbing either.
I'm not showing off my stockpile
You'll be able to do liposuction and create fuel as well if you're clever
Pretty legit plan actually. 1 landwhale could probably make enough diesel for one full tank
You are good unless the Yellowstone super volcano blows up. No one can survive through that hot happening but outside of the super volcano range then the survivors may face the Ice Age.
Better question. Have you prepared for the ending of (((their))) world?
Not only that, i personally brought it upon them
>Have you prepared for the ending of (((their))) world?
I hope Ice Age Chan end it first to deprive (((them))) of the Iron control.
Make sure you stock the woods up as well because everyone will use the wood to power their houses during the happening.
As long as you keep it cool and dry.
Even shitty MREs last 30 years when kept in the 50's
They are hermetically sealed. Coolness is valid tho
Is it possible to prolong the life shelf by freezing the sealed products?
Not good. Cool and dry
Okay thank.
< +
< =
good hunting
Can you please translate the picture? I cannot understand the Rusky language.
The tiltle is Modernized AK
Why not just learn how to fish.
Sorry to hear that you're retarded user.
Maybe one day you'll understand that the only "prep" you need is being a part of a community.
Pic related
No not spastic outdoor camping fishing but actually fishing, do you even own a boat?
I gotta be on foot, not sea
How about breeding the fish in our home?
How about becoming the fish
It is too late man.
This user knows whats up
It's unavoidable now. The jewish usury debt scam is way beyond the end of the line and will nullify the entire economy of the western civilization. That mean all the money in the banks will become worthless over night, whenever the jews decide to pull the plug. This was of course intended to happen when they started this crime a century ago, and so they planned ahead to cover their asses.
One of their oldest criminal rackets is slavery, which they transformed into world wide poverty, which keeps between 3-5 billion humans under the poverty line today. Inside this massive crime they bred Africans, which are now used as soldiers of poverty and violence for migration warfare, which will end in a open race-war, because their entire existence was directed by jews to hate the white race for slavery.
Next we have the Muslims, with Islam designed and fully controlled by sephardic jews, with the middle east kept in a perpetual state of war thanks to israel, and with them being business partner in all the lower jewish crime rackets. Islam is now used to create a war against Christianity (another jewish invention), despite the fact that the majority of whites that will be killed have no faith whatsoever.
Next we have the jewish alliance with Russia and China, who were both brutally overthrown by jewish communism and are now operating as the standing armies for the jewish cabal. On that note…Africa was sold to the Chinese, who will shortly colonize it, for which the jews are dumping their slaves all over the world.
Lastly, to hide or shift blame of the collapsing economy from the jews, they will orchestrate a massive false flag to blame the whites, and take down Christianity in the process. Meanwhile the building of the 3rd temple, the expansion of israel after the Iran take down, and the creation of the one world government under jewish control are on route.
After the wars, the starvation, the military occupation and the redistribution of landmasses they have a 3in1 slavery combo prepared for the survivors…a cash-less currency, universal income and a social credit system (all being field tested as we speak).
shops have already bombed?
I think you mean fisher.
No, it’s not too late yet.
Youre right, you're totally right. Israel is the clear eternal winner and we will never be able to stop them. Jews are always ahead of our game. Cashless society and blackpill suicides here we come!
Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever say this. Jews won. See and start your suicide plans right now.
Is… is this guy retarded?
The answer is yes. Yes, he is.
Doesnt matter either way, see we all lose anyway. Why the fuck are we even fighting the jews anymore when we know we're gonna lose forever? Might as well kos.
The funny thing is that you are actually the jew
I guess you don’t know about the wood gas, biodiesel, wind, solar, earth battery yet.
So the guy can just get electricity by plugging his cables directly into a tree? Well then, I stand corrected.
You just proven yourself to be an truly idiot.
Come on, you need to know how to generate the electricity off grid. There will be no power in the shtf event so how do you get the electricity? Don’t tell me about the government because they won’t exist.
You will be dead within the first three weeks.
Earth will rebuild itself over time. Those who keep the technology to create water are those who will start.
I only gave you a realistic assessment of the situation, not a judgement. There is no eternal winner, because the so called jews are in a parasitical relationship with humanity, which must end with either their death or humanities death. Meanwhile humanity is in parasitical relationship with it's own ecosystem, which will have the same outcome, which of course can only end with death, because if the ecosystem falls, everything dies.
Anyway the so called jews are deliberately acting against nature for short term benefits, while ignoring long term consequences. Their scrupulous push to force humanity into miscegenation, will end the majority of the human species shortly, because race mixing means breeding inferiority, which slowly destroys any and all natural defenses. The most likely outcome is total annihilation of mankind to some mild flu, because the severely weakened immune system can't adapt anymore.
What could happen before this is the self destruction of the jewish group, because that's what the natural punishment for hedonism is. Inbreeding, race-mixing, birth defects, mental derangement, psychopathy, broken families, decadence, depression, insanity. It's slowly but steadily claiming them, and the only way out of it is through a strong race and clean blood, which they gave up when they turned against nature 5000 years ago. This is also why they are so desperately cling to blood libel, DNA and stem cell research, and infant parts. Meanwhile israel, their first attempt to live together in thousands of years is festering from the inside, with black israelites out breeding them into stupidity, and their physical and mental degeneracy destroying their family units.
Don't be too afraid because the natural order has and always will have firm reigns over all our destinies. Learn to understand and live by the laws of nature and your chances of survival will grow immensely.
Okay but tell me how do you get the electricity from during shtf happening?
You mean the Jew power? No thanks, man. I'm going back to living off the land when SHTF. Don't need any fucking Jew power, just plenty of WHITE power and a stockpile of bullets.
You dont.
Agree with almost everything; we are indeed in the endgame.
First three weeks of what? Your imaginary apocalypse? You'll be dead and no one will give a shit. If I'm in trouble all of my neighbors will come to help. 100 people doing whatever they can do save me because they know me and I'm their friend. If your 1,000,000 rnds of ammo don't save you then what?
If only you knew how right u are.
You need to make the bullets and gun powder at the home. You can’t buy the bullets from the shops. You knew that right?
Insufficient answer.
Hint hint: at everyone not getting my metaphors, check the 4plebs link i posted
Please correct me then.
Learn how to be a human and live without energy
All electric engines are electric generators.
99% of preppers are full blown retards.
I didn't say anything about me, so how does that relate?
I am using a smartphone which i can run with a hand crank generator. Also, prepare to be without internet. Be entirely analog.
Mother Nature will kill the idiots off.
you can do it right now
is going to suffer like McCandless.
The race war will be very short. Very fucking short.
Okay, I don’t have with the dead faggots so what’s your point is?
My point is that anyone who thinks they're going to live in a bunker, survive because they have 100,000 rnds of ammo and no friends or "live off the land" is fucking retarded.
Family, community, skills and friends, are what you need, not beans, bandages and bullets.
Well I agree with you.
I hope you survive mein brüder
Either "Mein Bruder" or "Meine Brüder"
Danke Bruder.
Gern geschehen!
I'm not worried, I'll be eating the neighbors rations.
We each prepared in our own way.
Dear OP,
MREs suck. I'm all for some kind of prepping, but I wouldn't rely on MREs for food. They're just too expensive for imperishable food, and they don't have the nutrientprofile required for exclusive consumption. Most food you can buy in any supermarket is just as imperishable as anything from your MREs, plus it tastes better. You'd be much better off, if you'd live off oatmeal, protein powder, and some kind of oil with a good profile of essential fat acids. Add some minerals and vitamins, and you're good to go. With this in mind, 200 days rations would be much cheaper than what you've paid.
Another thing you might consider is how you'll treat water. You know, clean water will be gone, should electricity fail. And without clean water disease would spread.
speaking of disease: As an EU-serf you'd be fucked, should it come to any kind of disease during your SHTF-scenario, because almost all usable drugs are prescription-only, and you won't get a prescription just for hoarding. So, basically you're done, if you'd get some kind of infection, or get hit on the head hard enough to cause brain swelling. And the pain, your body is able to experience without adequate treatment, e.g. opiates, might also be interesting.
That's what you get, when you let the state control important stuff like medical care. Let that be a lesson for you, statists.
When the situation get worse they will kill you off to prevent food loss so you will need to work for them in exchange for the food to justify the reason for eating.
One word…cannibalism.
Das ist erschreckend.
In anons we trust
das menschenfresser ist gut
Ich sterbe lieber, als das Menschenfleisch zu essen und daraus Krankheiten zu bekommen.
propaganda stamp
this is how we became who we are now
no restrictions and prohibitions for the sake of survival
yourself and/or your kind
fried/boiled meat is no different from other animals
i asked good specialists about
Wew, they actually answered your flesh eater question.
yes, this is my friend
but you can ask how to cook the meat of an animal that ifected for example aids syphilis etc