God won't let me go back in time.
So, maybe he want's me to tame the future. I time travelled and I can't stop the change that's coming. People won't beleieve me. I've seen the past in real time and I've seen the present in real time in a way that would "bake your noodle". I've seen it for real. It's happening again. I need to get this out there. I have to. I'm a Christian and the Lord gave me a vision. A war is coming. It's going to be bad. During WW2 77 million died. Apparently we only care about 6 million. We had less than 4 billion people on the planet at the time. According to census johnstonsarchive.net
I'm only allowed to see some of the future. In the bible there were those who considered them angels or messengers. Fact:
1. Trump has not closed the border, the population of man has increased.
2. Europe has been flooded with immigrants and are now being overwhelmed.
3. All Western ideas of Christianity are being eroded because Chrisitanity is family based on faith, race and forgiveness.
4. The New Testament is a guide.
5. There are only 2 commandments: They are as follows
A. Love your neighbor as you love yourself in so much as it does not destroy your family.
B. Trust in the Lord your God. There is only one but they all love you equally.
Jingoism is not word used in the English language anymore. You want a meme? Pic related.
Read revlations. I have nothing to gain but your faith in Jesus. Also, you get a blessing if you read it.
I hate to do this… but "check em". My power as a royal goes to you.