At this stage there's still some politics in the game. That's why they use false flags.
False flags are violence or simulated violence that has no effect on the enemy (since they know it's not real), has very little or no political benefit for us, and yields them benefits.
An example of a false flag is the Pittsburg shooting where no jews actually died, did not do anything to promote our cause, and was carried our smack dab right before the elections - obviously to influence the elections.
One of the ways you can tell if it's a false flag or not is the reaction - a false flag will be promoted (and opposed as a false flag by our side), while a real attack such as in NZ will be reacted to hysterically, debunked (including claimed as a false flag by their side), and buried.
Trotting out trolls and tin-foil hatters after real attacks such as NZ and crying false flag serves a twofold purpose, one being to knock down the effect of the real attack, and two to discredit people saying false flag.
The claim "false flag" is at this time a major obstacle to them, and are striving hard against it - you hear almost every jew cry about it.
What to do and what not to do
- Do not get locked up for promoting violence (if you get locked up at least it should be for something you DID not something you said)
- Do not (under no circumstance, even if a false flag) condemn violence, or seeming violence from our side (disassociate from it if you must - as "I am/we are not responsible for it, nothing to do with it" - but strongly condemn and shun/isolate pussies who piss their pants by condemning it or take an apologetic tone)
- Provide political exploitation for real attacks such as NZs - just be careful not to get locked up - attack tin-foil hat trolls who debunk real attacks
- Continue to debunk jew false flags as false flags - do not let them use false flags to gain advantages - support (to the extent the law allows) only our own violence.
As for what is a false flag or not the roughest rule of thumbs is you have to ask yourself is it good for us or not.
NZ kicked the enemy in the balls and raised a lot of awareness, Pittsburgh swung the congressional elections for the ultra-jew democrats. One was very good for us, the other was a circus stunt.
And of course the truth matters, so you need to look at the evidence too - but good for us bad for us is the strongest and most visible circumstantial evidence - and most people are not smart enough to look closer than that (heck most people don't even know how to discern if it's good for us or bad for us - most simply if the jews are moving hysterically to squelch it - and there's choruses of jews and system agents on certain other WN forums - which have gone to the jew - condemning it - it's usually good for us).