Zig Forums was right again

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. The surreptitiously recorded video was leaked to two German media outlets on May 17, days before Austrian voters participated in the continent-wide elections for the European Union. In the video, two senior members of Austria’s governing far-right Freedom Party are seen conversing with an unnamed woman posing as a Russian investor. The two men in the video were Heinz-Christian Strache, the the Freedom Party’s leader and until recently Austria’s Vice Chancellor, and Johannes Gudenus, the party’s deputy leader and a member of parliament. In the video, Gudenus and Strache promise to award the woman’s firm state contracts if her uncle —a Russian oligarch— purchases an Austrian newspaper and uses it to support the Freedom Party. The video threw Austria’s political system into disarray and prompted the resignations of both Strache and Gudenus. On Monday, Austria’s Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz, was removed from power during a special parliamentary session in Vienna.

Attached: Screenshot_20190528-145903.png (720x1280, 441.16K)

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quantum shape shifting child molesting vampires
'it's the jews' as much as 'it's' 'not' 'the jews'
learn to pilpul also become a billionaire because nobody cares about your opinion unless you're 'better' than they are.
play the game which is now entirely propaganda based.

Even so, they were still dumbasses. For a newspaper, fucking retards.

Politicians are not as clever as Zig Forums gives them credit for.

Take this as a message then user. Learn the art of politics. Learn how a person acquires political power. Learn how local campaigns work, learn who runs the central committee for both parties, become well versed in deception. Become the person who can look the most cucked liberal/conservative in the eye and tell them what they need to hear to gain their support. Become the person who can rile a group of supports to fervent action, who can inject our people into the apparatuses of government.

We can pray for DOTR or Hitlers return. We can pray for a breakdown of society which would afford us the opportunity to gain control of our government. We can spend days training at the range and prepping for end times.

But in the meantime if you are sitting on the sidelines your effectiveness is very much muted. Political power is a loaded gun sitting in the middle of a ring of unarmed people, the first one to grab the gun gets to control the group.

I would much rather you grab the gun than an ambitious cuck who spends his days worrying about the marginal tax rate.

In the US the Feds have no power over the elected managers of the states.
Austrian gvt should really just kill those in parlament for trying to control their nation.

Also, just like the jews surrounding jew Trump, these guys commit crime "on accident" so it reflects on Mr Kurz. Unlike Mr. Kurz, jew Trump planned on this and all the jews who get in trouble try to take jew Trump with them but failed because jew Trump was prepared to be jewed by his closest friends and family (jews).