“Super Trump” celebrated with new Israeli Hit Single

Aren’t you glad you memed yellow hair boy Numero Uno into the white house!?


The Romans knew why they treated Germanics like the white niggers they are and let’s not forget, it was the Romans who fucked up Israel 2000 years ago before your boy Hitler helped rebuild it by sending the Kikes back home, making them stronger than ever.

And now we have Super Trump! Thanks you retards. It’s time for another 1000 BT’s

Ps: you fucking yellow haired wigger kids

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Nice D&C hernandez.

I appreciate your kindness Jens-Jochen.

Was it not your people who ruined Europe by mass invasion 2000 years ago because the Mongols drove them Westward….forcing the ingenious Romans to launch the religious shitstain that is Christianity to appease you lowlife wiggers and control you spiritually rather than physically?

And yet your leader, Supreme Kike Super Sayajin Trump’s yellow hairstyle still sends shivers down your spines when he reads to you from the Kike Bible….and quotes the Jew that the Romans had nailed to a cross and killed and whom you consider your lord and savior you ……yellow soled cheese feet prick…..

Toodalooo mothafockaaaaaaaaaaaaa

You kikes really need new tactics.

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I’m not even gonna counter that.

Get real folks….see what’s goin on.

Ok, Hitler was a good guy, true….I was just fuckin with you before, but “whites” read “yellowish-pinks” are so naive nowadays….

Basing everything off of appearances.

Plato’s Cave anybody!?

Your nigger stench is so strong it comes through the internet.

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When this board wasn't shit this D&C faggot shill would have been banned.

Kike, the Germans and the Italians fell because they let their Aryan Princesses have a say in politics. You know, what NazBols like you and (((Eric Striker))) want.

Lol, love these kike memes.

Can somebody do a Plato’s cave meme with the shadows being kikes?

Anybody else got yellow soles? Anybody here white, or pinkish yellow!?

Yellow sole super sayajins with yellow read (((golden))) hair like hebraic angels.

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