Was Uncle Adolf a junky Zig Forums? A litany of jewish sources echo the claim that Hitler was on a cocktail of methamphetamine, cocaine, steroids along with his usual vitamin injections. Is there solid truth to these claims, or is this post-war delegitimization attempt at the hands of the victors?
There's no doubt Hitler became dependent on drugs. Read Irving's book for evidence.
Jeremiah Kelly
Do you think that lead to his downfall?
Lincoln Bell
It certainly didn't help his decision-making.
Carson Carter
Hide and move on
Ryder Thompson
I'm curious about the mental effects of steroids, HGH and TRT
Austin Brown
if he was a junkie he’d tell the doctor to give him the stuff in bulk and he’d take it himself
Mason Gonzalez
I don't think so. I've always been under the impression that it's bullshit. If it were real then the kikes would love to have every history book and documentary blame his drug use for his "bad decisions." And we know that they lie about his medical history, for example, the one testicle thing. But what's funny is that I don't mind drugs being used for energy. Soldiers are often given drugs to keep them going, and I'm okay with that. Why would I suddenly be against it just because it's for someone behind a desk? The only drugs I really have a problem with are ones like weed, which offer nothing but good feelings. If it's for productivity or religious reasons then drugs are fine.
t. no alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or sugar, but caffeine addicted
Jaxon Bennett
Isaiah King
Fuck off you jew cunt. QTDDTOT.
Jose Adams
The flame that burns twice as bright, burns half as long.
Aaron Thomas
Lot of people in the 3. Reich took Crystal meth. It was legal and promoted in the 3. Reich. Also Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS took that.
I have used steroids and the truth is, naked sunbathing, eating farm food like eggs and organ meats, makes me feel better than taking steroids to make up for a poor lifestyle. Unless you had your balls blown off in an IED, just do it the right way. Save the steroids for if you are really a hogh level athlete or something. Not something to dabble in because you are too lazy to go outside.
Logan Miller
(((Always trust the jews, they never lie))) What i learned so far from jewish media and jewish experts: Adolf Hitler was: secretly gay had only one testicle was a pervert who had a relationship with a relative was insane wanted to conquer the whole world wanted to exterminate all jews and probably all non aryans was a drug addict had a foul breath was a stupid military commander deceived millions of germans had a unsympathic voice …. …. and it goes on and on.
Wake up user! It is all lies by the butthurt jews. Just turn everything 180 degress and you are much closer to the truth than before.
Let me give you an example:
Planned Parenthood = Death to unborn Democracy = Rule of the Jews Money = Papers written with numbers on by jews Surveillance for your security = We want to know everything to control you Diversity = White Genocide …. you get the message!
That's the low IQ approach. It's better to start with an open mind and base your beliefs on evidence. The PDF here has strong evidence from a very reliable source that Hitler did become addicted to the drugs his doctor was administering.
Mr. Schicklgruber was a zionist plant, financed by yids from the start. The plan was to scare the rich european jews so that they would move to Palestine and create Israel. Even the eugenics programs were only to encourage men and women of best genetic stock to volunteer in war so they would die off and the slavs could rape the remaining ones and therefore destroy Germany.
This is one of the final blackpills that 90% of Zig Forums will never digest. Nazism was just krypto-communism disguised as a form of nationalism. Connect the dots, do your own research.