Antifa wants you to deplatform "fashy farmers"

Send them antifa tips here, it would be a shame if someone abused it:
[email protected]
[email protected]

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also! Totally don't defend these "fashy farmers" by contacting these organizations, you aren't a fascist sympathizer, aren't you?
[email protected]

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Didn’t Zimbabwe made that? Didn’t they starved because niggers are too stupid to do basic farming stuff? I thought people studied history to learn from it, not repeat the same mistakes…

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Who is this Abby Ang commie from Bloomingdale? If she wants to doxx people and ruin harass people for their political beliefs, why not return the favor? In the country, antifa goons like her aren't very popular.

Oh please do. They'll cry to get them back.

For clarification, I mean, I'd like to see her neighbors, colleagues and similar finding out about her ties to antifa.

We're well aware that our PoC farmers can't write effectively as they are disadvantaged by prevailing evil of white nationalism. So here are a few instructions to write a formal letter about fashy farmers.
1. Use this fascist detecto. It'll give you the name, adderss, and DOB:
2. Write "[insert name] is a fascist farmer" and these tools will recollect the story and photo that you've sealed from the trauma of hearing statistics from the US census.
3. Send and repeat two emails so that we can crush fascism once and for all:
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abby Ang is an asian PoC farmer from Vietnam, please respect her. After all, she ran away from a oppressive communist regim in order to be a communist who deplatforms people again.

LOL these idiots are asking to get shot. Farmers have guns and know how to shoot and aren't going to take too kindly to people attempting to ruin their livelihood.

another chink social justice warrior

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Chinks are the absolute fucking worst. I swear they are programmed to take sides with (((Democrats))) solely as a means to undermine and genocide the White Man who is their biggest obstacle in their quest for global colonization. Gas The Bugs

My views.

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This, with luck they'll disappear in a wheat thresher "accident"…about a few thousand times…while still alive.


Now, now. Less bluffing, more biting.

how much does antifa get paid to attack farmers?

hehehe, we kicked u fashies without a fight

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Report them for doxxing

Tell them about this fucking fascist located somewhere in Vermont.

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We attack the blue collar proletariat farmers as wealthy academics who are under the paycheck of the Military industrial Complex, SPLC, ADL, media, and multimillion dollar corporate entities, so that must mean that we're the revolutionary working class underdogs!

It's so stressful and scaaary having to deal with people who posted inoffensive content on a discord. The future of america purely hinges on using tax payer money to chop off our genitals, funding Israel for an ethno-I mean sovereignty, and treating our assholes as a sex organ.

Thank you for assisting us in our struggle, comrade!

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lol, keep pushing retards

muawhahaha! I can do what I want to you (insult, assault, deplatform, and kill) and you won't do anything to meeeeeeeeeeeeee but cry. CHEEP CHEEP CHEEP

You little shit stains are so adorable. You keep mistaking our patience, and silence as weakness. The only reason you haven't seen us yet, is because we know how this ends, and we're trying to give you a chance to wake the fuck up, and cease you commie bullshit.
It looks like you're far too stupid to realize the danger you're in, and you just keep pushing.
Most of your groups are completely infiltrated already. However, you don't know shit about us, and your "censorship" is only making it harder for you to keep tabs on what you thought you knew.
Great fucking job, retards, and thank you.
…tick tock, you silly bitch.

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Show us a picture of yourself with a piece of paper and my ID with your ID below it.

Fake and gay

There was a case recently where a vendor was barred from the city-run farmers market for their political beliefs. They very easily made the city readmit them as vendors, I believe without a lawsuit. The city can’t use political affiliation as a criteria to remove someone from a city-funded market like this.
If anyone remembers the story it would be relevant to this thread.

lol cope

This but literally

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You too reddit nigger.

ITT: Assmad Nazis

lmao keep coping, you fags ain't gonna do shit

I'm amazed they spend all this time going after the proletariat while I've never seen them once go after the 1% they claim to be against. They really are useful idiots, no wonder corporations back them.

Why are you so scared to prove how much of a big guy you are?
You're making all of these claims and unwilling to back them up. Kinda paints you in the opposite light. Care to rectify that?

Commies are useful idiots in a game to prop up the plutocrats even more.

I don't have to rectify anything. Keep masturbating to your traps and black cocks internet tough guy

Us leftists were always LARPers, why do you think some of us LARP as the opposite sex?

You do if you want anyone to either believe you're some tough guy or take you seriously. As is you and yours have been shown to be the weakest and least capable group in any physical manner. Below that of adolescents.

This is crazy. Anti-fa. The Jews. The media. Stuff is getting wild.

We need to have friendship with each other and help each other. Pray for each other(christian/pagan prayer).

We are in the middle of a war.

The dummies can starve then

Kill the Jews, Niggers, Gays and race traitors and the sand niggers. Then the world will be so much safer if not almost heaven.

i agree with this

Have sex

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Of course we're mad that we're not able to sell food at this point. You know a thing or two about LARPing since you're hypocritical LARPers.

Cry some more fascist, wh*tes time is up and y'all are just gonna bitch about jews until your last dying breath

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I like marks plan. Burn Hymee town.

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You're right. I'll train to shoot moving targets in different stances. (In minecraft)

Which wont be a deep breath of fresh Zyklon B, unlike yours. And this time the wall will be blue :-)

How the fuck do antifas still manage to maintain the delusion they are somehow revolutionaries or even dissenters?

Nigger you don't be long on pol. Why are you here again?

You wish so much that this were true. If you believed this at all, you wouldn't be here desperately trying to convince your Superior opposition that your "winning".
You're fucked, commie shit smear, and you know it. You're doing everything you can to remain relevant. You have the ENTIRE Global establishment supporting, and protecting your dumbasses, and you still can't get your shit together. We haven't even started fighting yet. We're giving you every chance to act human, and face us like real men. However, your spineless cowardice makes you incapable of facing your enemies. We're still shit posting, and laughing at the Clown World you pathetic degenerates are now drowning in. lol. We haven't even gotten out of bed, and into the streets yet. You're fully surrounded by White Nationalists, you know this, but you don't who, or where we are because we're not a bunch of LARPing retards running around in identifiable costumes of jackassery.
You are almost right about one thing though.
We are going to bitch about jews, but it will be until YOUR dying breath, you little whiny bitch.
Now, kvetch more. Your tears are delicious.
Sleep well!
…tick tock.

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To piss you off

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Proving once again, the Left can't meme. Retard.

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Doing most of the crying yes? Tbh you aint really pissing me off i'm just letting you rant on.

Yeah. Okay.
…tick tock.

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Your meme god isn't gonna save your precious wh*te nations from turning brown. Keep muttering about how y'all do something

POC here.

A quick question for the antifa gentleman: Antifa seems to be a uniquely Western phenomenon. How come there aren't any antifa groups in other parts of the world?

Honest question.

Paying demonstrators is expensive. Soros can only supply them one continent at the time.

Keep strawmanning your pathetic ass into the corner, shit smear.
It won't save your hide from skinning the War Drums of my sons, you worthless faggot!
The Balance is well over due, nigger.
…tick tock.

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Nazis so desperate they're pretending to be non-wh*te lmao

Pinoy ako. Tagalog ang wika ko. Google translate if you like.

He actually already has. Who would have thought a decade ago after half century of constant unopposed leftard chimpouts that actual racial realist reactionaries would gain so much momentum?

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Commies so desperate, they're in our house attempting to convince us to lay down because an unhinged mob of retarded faggots, and trannies punch nazis.
You're so adorable, anti
…tick tock.

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The rest of the world has already been destroyed by Marxism. Antifa is just the agents of the neo liberal establishment, their work is already accomplished in destroying and enslaving most of the world. Look what they did to the white farmers of rhodesia and south Africa, now doing the same shit here. They are just trying to finalize their mission by targeting western nations, the last places on earth that have some holdout against them. I just think its retarded these leftists fancy themselves "rebels" when all they have to do is make one phone call or email to their establishment powers and can ruin people's lives because the state and media and big business are all squarely on their side. Wow, such rebels against the establishment.

You gave yourself away so you are a nigger

Nigger and proud. Might give the bbc to one of your precious wh*te maidens

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You're not answering my question. So how about this, What would happen to antifa if they tried to set up shop in a place like China or S. Korea or India or even here in Flipland?

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No problem and I will take great pride in laughing the next time some white guy comes along and slaughters a bunch of you.

Are you a nigger? Are you sure? Why are you a nigger? kek

We all know that there are no niggers in antifa. Only kikes and white shabbos goyim.

t. fellow hook-nosed parasite

post your hand tranny

Have sex

How about you look over to your fashy wh*te boyfriend for that hand

You just outed yourself, faggot. There's no such thing as a "proud" nigger. Even they know how useless they are. They hate themselves enough to make high score numbers murdering each other over shoes every day.
There is nothing to be proud about being a nigger, and most of you racist, Trustafarian, commie bitches know this already. That's why you hide behind them, like you hide behind everything else.
It's quite astounding that you've convinced yourself that you're going to survive what's coming.

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You're a race mixer too? Double nigger. You're a Zig Forums nigger, which means a spiritual semite with a nigger persona online.

here's a picture of our disabled comrade

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A jew under an inch of shoe polish. That's what sort of nigger he is.

Fucking all Hell…

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My great grandfather slaughtered your ilk kin at Rumbula
I’ll be happy to slaughter whatever ilk you can manage to get to the ranch out here.
Good luck getting past the dogs , barbed wire , spotlights and preplaced tannerite. Just sayin commie

I 100% believe that these are two different people.

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That's your come back? What are you 15 years old?


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I'm smarter at 15 than you nazis, the world is gonna be brown and stop it

*you can't stop it

Sucking cock does't count, trannyrone.

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mup da gip mo muthafugga


Sure thing boss.

I hope they can dodge bullets, faggot.

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It's the median nigger IQ 85.

My Sweet Summer child, you do not know what it actually means to fight.

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Come run me over cumskin

They prefer bugs and strawberries picked by spics and niggers from the other side of the planet, huh? Guess where those subhumans piss and shit when they're on the job? On the avocados these shits put on their toast.



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More attractive than you toiletskin, go have sex

Kill yourself you nigger
You will never ever be white kid. Everyone hates you

What’s your address?
What’s your email address?

No one ever got hit by that Dodge. Heather Heyer was an obese cunt, who got trampled by her own herd of retarded antifa LARPers when they made the awesome move of chasing that car into their own people!
HAAAAHAAA!! You fucking morons aren't very impressive, and yet have the nerve (not the balls of course) to keep talking shit, simply because you're FULLY PROTECTED by the ENTIRE GLOBAL ESTABLISHMENT.
Edgy commie "anarchists" are such brave "warriors"!
Retarded pet parasite, too stupid to see what's up.

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The only thing that nigger is worth is being chopped up and fed to my dog but then again I wouldn't want him to end up with some nigger disease.

every time


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