Was Spanish Caste system the best system

System divided people by races upon birth. Interbreeding although not forbidden was strongly discouraged with economic repercussions as well as loosing of legal rights for their offspring.
Spanish from Spain ruled the viceroyal government, church and judiciary in the Americas. Spanish from the Americas has the wealth, land rights lend by the crown, ruled local governments, etc. Mestizos and Indians were the workforce. Mulattos the caporales (disciplined blacks in name of the Spanish) and Blacks were slaves.

Attached: Latinas.jpg (3064x1711, 717.01K)

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Get out if you can’t even read the rules.

What a sephardic rat AOC is.

These aren't congresswomen. fuck off.

It was certainly a lot better than what exists now, i guess you could argue that it wasn’t restrictive enough though because the it only took a few decades to degrade into something so hostile to European descendants

Only because it was enforaced by US military. The jewish agenda only has took hold and divided the LATAM people because several coups backed by US military aid[s] has taken place.

If only US wasn't the biggest asshole in the world that only feels good when is being fucked by jewish cock, we would be all good with no divide between our people. US is not special, same as URSS. It will fall to give place to the next proxy power the jews need to further their agenda. Russia or China.

That Cortez bitch is a fucking jew.

AOC looks like a brain damaged rape baby.
4 and 5 also look like trash.

What the fuck are you talking about? Each of them is or was a Congresswoman in their own countries. Also, this triggers libtards because they think AOC is intelligent and pretty just because she's a latina congresswoman. To think the contrary would be racist, according to them… but pic is a Latina congresswoman as the rest.

Attached: 4n5j9f.jpg (720x479, 65.42K)

This is 5.

Attached: attractive_communist_activist_camila_vallejo_640_high_03.jpg (625x749, 54.92K)