(((Desjardins Group))) Has 41% of Clients/Members Data Leaked

Desjardins was originally founded by a Quebecois ‘goy’ named Gabriel-Alphonse Desjardins. I apologize for any formatting errors in this thread but am in a rush as this event may well effect me/someone-I-know.

>In 1897 Desjardins became increasingly concerned with the problem of (((usury))) and undertook three years of careful research and correspondence with the founders of cooperative savings and credit movements in Europe. On December 6, 1900 Desjardins and his wife, Dorimène Roy Desjardins, co-founded the first Caisse d'épargne Desjardins in Lévis and opened for business the following month. Later renamed Caisses populaires Desjardins (and today Desjardins Group), the organization was a forerunner of current North American credit unions.

So the founder of this co-operative was gravely concerned with usury, and thus necessarily with the kikes. He tried to do something about it by founding this co-operative which is the forerunner of AFAIK all or at least most of modern credit unions/co-operatives.

Today, what he tried to accomplish, a method of avoiding usury and extricating oneself from the usurious jewish system, has been thwarted and co-opted by the kikes, and the original co-operative he founded as a synthesis of the (at the time) four original European credit co-operative models in order to protect people from usury by offering an alternative has now become (((Desjardins Group))).

The (((Desjardins Group))) (French: Mouvement des caisses Desjardins) is a Canadian cooperative that is the largest federation of credit unions in North America, and is counted among the World's Strongest Banks according to the Banker magazine.

(((Desjardins Group’s))) president and CEO is Guy Cormier. I can not verify if he is a kike, if he does seem to have many of the physical traits - I did find out that there is a conductor named Robert de Cormier who claims not to be a kike but is fascinated with their “culture”, and has played music sung and performed by kikes interned at the labour camp Theresienstadt in the modern day Czech Republic. Link related, judge for yourselves, if inclined:


Link is to an article by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, and is obviously shitty propaganda promoting the kikes and hollow hoax, but interesting to note a possible connection of the Cormier name with jewishness.

I have attached pictures of Guy Cormier, along with his wife (who looks *really* kikey), and one more with some of his business partners or executives in (((Desjardins Group))), and I would actually bet money on those land whales being kikes. In any case, he runs the organization in Montreal, which is one of the most kiked cities in Canada, competing with Toronto (IIRC, Toronto has more kikes, but Montreal has more per capita and the second most in any Canadian city). Montreal is now flooded with shitskins of all kinds, and has several large synagogues for Orthodox, Ultra-Orthodox, and Chabad (like Kushner). They have their own private police forces there to guard their synagogues on their demonic “sabbaths”, with literally dozens of cars and vans with Hebrew instead of French on them all surrounding the area, and then they also have dozens of regular Montreal police cars also supplementing their own Shomrim police. It’s absolutely ridiculous to see, as I did when passing through Montreal. There is a huge homelessness plus crack and heroin problem now with all the imported diversity and (((French))) rabbis are a hugely influential force pushing for more and more immigration into Quebec which is still largely white outside of the capital, Montreal. They also control antifa and find it heavily in Montreal, along with other communist groups, and you find posters and stickers for such groups everywhere in that city, so much so that it must have costed at least in the millions over the years, and they have especially perverted UQAM, which is an especially leftist/socialist/kiked university with students constantly going on strike and asking to be fucking paid for going to university and promoting “diversity” and “multiculturalism”, bashing white people everywhere and all the time. I’ve known someone who went there and she explained just how Jewish of a hell it was to me, along with what I already knew of it. But that is another story.

Attached: B415DBA6-1797-44AA-A0D5-EA9BF5926B36.jpeg (800x533 95.77 KB, 247.33K)

Other urls found in this thread:



(((Desjardins Group))) just had an information breach, with 41% of their members information being leaked. The Group claims they found out on June 14th, but lots of shit in their narrative makes no sense. They claim that it was one employee who breached the privacy of almost half of their members, who must have been very high-rank within the organization, as Guy Cormier claims he feels “personally betrayed” by the employee. They have fired the employee, but as of now, there are no criminal charges I am aware of at all, and the name of the employee who leaked so many people’s private information is being kept private. The information he leaked includes names, addresses, birth dates, social insurance numbers, email addresses and information about transaction habits. The CEO claims passwords, pins, security questions, and personal identification numbers were not leaked and are still secure.

To be clear, 2.9 million individuals’ data has been breached and leaked to fuck knows who in this incident, which is a very large amount of people in a relatively small nation like Canada. Most of these people would be White, because subhumans don’t tend to use this kind of organization for their finances, nor do most tend to even have finances to store in the first place or the ability to obtain credit cards or accounts from them. In any case, the leaked info was probably from the wealthier members (over 180,000 businesses’ information was also leaked) who were almost certainly White. It is strange that “only” 41% of their members were leaked, perhaps jewish members and/or companies were deliberately excluded.

The employee was likely a kike himself, and perhaps this is why he is being shielded and his name is not released to us. He was likely bribed (perhaps in cryptocurrency) to release all of those clients’ info to criminal groups or individuals, I would even posit a jewish “mafia” being involved in this.

If the employee was a goy, then I suspect he was blackmailed somehow, in the usual second method the kikes try if someone can’t be bought. In any case, lots of stuff doesn’t add up, and I suspect there is far more to this story than the narrative we are hearing from (((CBC))) and from (((Desjardins Group))).

Link to the original news article (cannot archive where I am at the moment):


Attached: 282B1E6E-2F3E-42B5-A883-5267A663ED56.jpeg (400x600 36.39 KB, 35.75K)

It is rife with suspicious bullshit and weasel-like wording from (((Desjardins))) and (((CBC))) itself. (((Desjardins))) is offering 12 months of identity theft protection, but really, that’s nowhere near enough to rectify the situation. These people (and businesses, many small White-owned) will have their identity permanently out in the inter-ether online and sold for years to decades illegally but unavoidably on the dark web and in other ways. You cannot put this info back in the box and give these people their privacy again - that ship has sailed, and it will forever be available to shady criminals, pajeets, chinks, kikes, muzzles, etc., for various prices. After the 12 month protection period, the information will still be out there. *Many* people will suffer and be the subject of identity theft or be subjected to the usurpation of their finances, property, assets, and some will likely lose everything. The (((Desjardins Group))) should be sued in a class action lawsuit, as the effects of this massive criminal fuckup (for which I find no charges pressed as of yet) will be extremely intense and will be permanently affecting victims for many years to come.

I also wonder how this ties into Canadian politics. Are the kikes going to use this for societal manipulation with fraudulent polling or other methods? Fraudulent votes? Who knows exactly what can be done with the private information of so many people (to be sure, a large percentage, perhaps a majority, of the Whites of the province of Quebec), and to a lesser extent a still large minority of Canadians (over five percent) - combined with other recent leaks, breaches, etc., just how many Canadians even *have* any measure of privacy anymore?

Any Leaf-anons out there willing to dig into this? Really, any user’s help would be greatly appreciated. One big thing would be to find the name of the employee responsible and examine his connections and his identity, we could learn some very useful information I’d wager. Also, if this was a blackmail situation, have other executives of (((Desjardins))) been co-opted or otherwise corrupted? Was this perhaps even done on purpose with the employee set up as just a mere patsy?

Please, any help is appreciated, even just discussing this situation and their narrative about it in a place like here could be extremely fruitful and I am grateful for every earnest user out there who posts regarding this incident, and I hope that it is of interest for some if you as well.

The fact that jews have perverted a system and organized co-operative invented to bypass and avoid their usury and abuse enrages me enough, but then to find that things like this are now happening in that kiked up (((Group))), it just absolutely sickens me.

Have to go for now, but I have some more contextual and additional information to drop later when I can at a different computer.

How about you try reading it and see? Or don’t, I don’t give a fuck if you like it or not. I just wrote all of that myself except for quotes. I’m a NatSoc Leaf-user and I give a fuck when Whites are fucked over by Kike banks. Do you?

Btw, I’ve lurked for fucking years, but I rarely make threads, maybe only a handful or two in all my years here. I post a lot more than I make threads and I lurk a lot more than I post. I’m not a newfag, but I’m travelling, thus having to phone post, and this situation is incredibly damaging to people I know and care about personally, beyond just Whites in general.

It connects to politics, and it is about the shady fucked up kike and shabbos goy criminal/s who took the first North American credit co-operative invented and founded specifically to avoid their usury and have turned it into the absolutely jewish mockery of what its French Aryan founder wanted.

Just as they always do, they have perverted and destroyed all that was good about it, and then they took it further into the dark side of the chosenites as just another cog in their usurious financial machine.

Made shorter sentence

sorry wrong thread

Ok, I will rewrite at home on the computer and remove all irrelevant details. I tried to give some context and history for people who aren’t in Canada or aren’t Quebecois, but I do get that it is very long and most people nowadays haven’t the attention span for something like this. Will try to focus just on the kikey aspects, political aspects, and usury/international-banking aspects.

I appreciate your feedback from DemPart.

Some French Canadians have his phenotype. He could be part injun.