I've just watched the following video: bitchute.com
It would be nice if you could clear things up. I don't have the time to do deep research. You people already did that and I would like to leverage that.
I've just watched the following video: bitchute.com
It would be nice if you could clear things up. I don't have the time to do deep research. You people already did that and I would like to leverage that.
I am a big history buff and I try to go into all my research with no preconceived notions about anything. That said and given his original actions I truly believe that the ORIGINAL intent was to take back the land lost in WW1, remove what he considered to be outrageous controls put on Germany by foreign actors and do all he could to stop what he considered to be a very serious issue in the long run for all western societies (communism, zionism, etc).
From there his wants expanded of course but I do believe his INITIAL desires were merely to help not just the German people but all people whom he considered brethren (of sorts) from what he saw as a major issue coming to the west after the seeds of WW1 fell.
He wanted to destroy the bolsheviks in the SU but Poland was in the way. He tried to negotiate with the Poles so that East Prussia would be connected to Germany but the Poles (obviously enough) didn't agree to it. That's why he had to attack Poland first before invading the SU.
That thing called the Second Polish Republic was ruled by clique loosely described as "Piłsudski's colonels." They formed an organization called the "Camp of National Unity," which was even (on paper) opposed to the Kikes.
This would be the second 'Right' wing government overthrown by the National Socialist German Worker's Party, the first one being the "Austrofascist" regime in "Austria." In both cases, the primary ideological issue at hand was the reunification of the German Nation. That thing called "Austria" is of course just a part of Germany, but in the case of Poland, there was the city of Danzig, which the multi-Euro formation known as the "Second Polish Republic" refused to relinquish.
To a genuine Nationalist, nothing can appear more disgusting than the pseudo-nationalism of a regime that actually couldn't give two shits about what a Nation actually is, especially when their "national" claims include territory (and people!) that obviously belong to your own Nation, because they speak the same as you.
Poles were massacring ethnic Germans in the Danzig corridor.
He wanted to claim whole Pomerelia/West Prussia but Polish diplomat Józef Beck refused, then he wanted exterritorial railway and motorway to East Prussia and Danzig, Beck refused. When in April of 1939 Beck refused a proposal of building the motorway and railway only, Hitler knew that he is gonna need to start a war.
So Hitler was just interested in attacking his neighbors.
The funniest thing about this claim is that it is ALWAYS made without a sliver of evidence. The "massacre of Germans" before 1939 is just like the holohoax. It didn't happen the way the propagandists claim it did.
Don't believe me? Whenever you see this silly claim made, ask for evidence. It triggers the living hell out of these people.
(checked for truth)
In a just world, Poland should have returned all German majority areas. And German should have returned all Polish majority areas.
Then the marxists should have been sent to IraHell or just shot and Belaran land in Poland either returned to Russia or made independent of Poland along with the Ukrainian parts.
Britain should have then returned the Irish majority regions of NI and Italy given Germany the parts of S Tyrol that were German majority.
It was rightful German land. The post-ww1 carve up was supposedly in to honor "the right to self-determination." Hitler showed this to be bullshit and the poles wouldn't budge an inch. If you think it was in Poland's best interest to take useless guaratees, obvious be occupied while the (((government))) stayed comfy in London, you need to kys.
Besides the evidence the Germans presented before they went to war? Go away heeb.
Howso? By invading?
The principles behind self determination are that each people should have a right to rule their own nation. A principle that Hitler clearly didn't care about if he wanted to annex non-German land.
Wow. I have evidence that aliens have a moon-base but I won't show you it either, go away heeb.
You see, ethnic-German citizens living in Poland (since WW1 gave German land to Poland by expanding Polish borders) were being genocided, and this combined with Polish guys invading Germany (the attack on Sendeturm Gleiwitz aka Gliwice Radio Tower) was a combination of abusive of human rights and an act of war against the Reich, so Hitler was 100% justified to invade
Watch this
Provide evidence to back up your claims
None will ever be presented
Yes he wanted to "germanize" the poles like the Prussians had done in Silesia. U dont know why thats a bad thing though. Curing poles of low IQ alcoholism seems pretty nice to me.
Here is an excerpt from jrbooks online which is one of the best sources I have found:
Here is an admission that the Poles attacked first, by a Polish source:
Does it realize how badly it's nose is showing or does it think it's doing a good job?
I'm here to laugh at you btw OP, not humor you. Lurk more, or at least come in good faith, or fuck off.
How the fuck is this even a thread?
Oh, I see, because this is a shilling platform thread.
Thanks Moderators!
You think my post was shilling? God damn you people truly are morons….
Strange, did Germany spend that much men to invade pooland?
Looks like the crying "dutchman" is back.
All allied subhumans and their spawns will suffer with nuGermany until they repent
You do know any genuine kike hater would laugh at the idea of pooland being anything but a kike puppet.
Hitler attacking (((poland))) first or not doesn't matter. What matters is that the entire history of that subhuman shithole is about helping the kikes. The US has nothing on poolish kike servitude.
Kind of unfortunate that this topic always gets hijacked in one way or another because this is actually a really good topic of discussion and something that has been considered by many for many years. If we take what he himself said and then add the recent statements from Israel that Germany didn't "want to kill the Jews originally" we begin to be able to paint a picture as there is just no way that the Jews would say that and remove their victim status unless it was at least partially true. Everything about his pre leadership history shows a man who simply wanted to help his people and it wasn't until much later when the things he is remembered for came into play. So I think this is a really good topic but unfortunately I know it will deal with a serious hijack which will fuck the research discussion up as this topic here brings out the stupidity like no other.
Do I think? No. I know your post was shilling.
Do you have any idea how rare this is:
Four (1) and dones in sequence, not citing any previous post.
Yet another shitty thread about Bolant, which in the last 6 months has become one of the shilling fetish points of the /int/nigger moderators who attack NatSoc on the daily on this board.
Sloppy job Mr. Mod.
Four one posts mean absolutely nothing as it just means four people made a point and moved on. Not everyone is attached to the computer 24/7 like a shill being paid such as yourself. However, thanks for the bump as this is a good topic and decent tits never hurt.
So organic. You fit right in.
If hitler was simply getting his shit back, why did he expand Germany's territory to all the other slavic areas that weren't previously german territory?
Ah good. This anti-White is back.
He can answer your question, OP. According to him, Hitler not only was an imperialistic aggressor but his goal was to annihilate pretty much all of Europe. And when Germany "re-awakens" she will exterminate the children of Europe once and for all time.
Really Mr Moderator, do you think this sort of thing is fooling anybody?
And then to try to use the reverse-jewdo to throw it back?
Come on now.
Whats weird is how you disa-fucking-ppeared until I called you out and now you're kvetching at nobody while screeching that you're "attached to the computer 24/7" if you notice extremely-inorganic shillposting about a topic which shills have latched onto.
You fags suck at this shit, you really do.
Sloppy job Mr Mod.
Woops, meant for you Mr Mod, obviously.
Of course it is organic, anyone who isn't a moron would clearly see that most people on Zig Forums do not write more than a sentence per reply. Linguistic monitors could easily pick me out of a hat given the years of replying as I do on the site.
Look at your shit for example, literally have not added a single point to any of the content. Been around long enough to know shills and your patterns but every so often I discuss things with you to see if you will finally be upfront and just explain how the pay programs work. It happened about a year ago where we got two and you appear to be a talkative/organic type so figured I would try but since you don't want to open up about that, take care.
Look at this desperate inorganic shilling loser of a Moderator and laugh.
I'm not here to add a point, I'm here to point out your lazy shilling and laugh when you squirm like a worm in the Sun as you desperately try to cover up your bad shilling approach. At least learn how to use the site before coming here you losers.
You hear that mods, I am one of you now (where is my money?!). Give this guy the boot or… wait a second… I guess I can do it myself in this idiots mind.
Hoping for an intelligent discussion about Hitler on nu/pol/ is hoping too much. The only politically correct position here is to slavishly and blindly worship him. Anyone who just wants to talk about him as an actual historical person is hated and feared with the same hatred and fear that liberals have for dissident thinkers.
Yeah, you are, you've been here for months now.
And here's your main IP.
As per the usual, you're juuuuuuust shy of going full MUH SHITLER, and this entire thread was you and your brigade of fags – assuming its not just you, which is truly a pathetic thought – just setting up the substrate for you to shill all over.
You do this like once every 2-3 days now dude, you think anyone who is here regularly is not going to notice you?
And who to my wondering eyes should appear?
Fuck off, Crying Dutchman.
You're right, it's too bad as it wasn't always like this and discussions such as this were highly researched with solid responses and debates. The moment the normies and fucktards heard about this oasis was the moment the stupidity level raised. Unfortunate but, yeah, you are right user, unfortunately right.
And then you look at this shit and its like, how the fuck do you think we don't realize you're the moderation staff?
8/pol/ was fun while it lasted. The place has been decaying since imkamfy banned everyone who didn't suck trump's dick, then it slightly improved but ever since Tarrant's exposure, the all the wierdoes, inbred morons, and paid shills have descended to fuck everything up.
Which I suspect was his plan all along. For better or for worse, we will now need to take our movement off 8/pol/ and out into the real world again. Like George Rockwell and Pierce before us.
Trying harder, (((polacke)))
You will soon reap the reward of your holohoax industries, subhuman.
Hah, and he's just circle jerking himself.
This shit is pathetic.
You fags ban people for spam with great regularity, but never the people who truly deserve it.
Here's one of your past threads.
Prussia is (((polish land)))
Who would absolutely loath the (((polish))) subhumans and would return Prussia back to Germany.
GLR was pro-Polish, retarded kike
This is probably also OP, sadly.
He even knew to call himself Dutchman, and only showed up after I started shitting on him for being the Dutchman. And of course he goes with the over-the-top "I HATE BOLANT!" narrative because that was his MO from the start, to create the appearance of anyone actually holding that viewpoint.
Notice that with this post, he goes back to the posting without replying to anyone.
Just like he did his previous shitposting.
This is so lazy and ugly, but you can't expect the moderation to moderate themselves, can you? Sloppy job Mr Mod.
Back to circle-jerking.
Gotta keep pushing that narrative! Keep the appearance of D&C going!
Gotta create controversy, otherwise the goyim might engage in worthwhile threads! Can't have that!
Sure thing. Why don't you phone him in heaven to hear what he would have to say about Prussia and the "German Death Camps" campaign of poolish (((nationalists)))?
Fuck off. The subhuman poles have furthered the kikes' objectives for far too long. They will pay.
And nice degradation of Aryan women in sexually provoking photos. Totally what Hitler and Arno Breker had in mind for the Aryan women!
Circle-jerking + had to respond.
You do this exact same thread week after week after week and you think nobody is going to notice you, especially when you do such blatant shit?
Reported you to yourselves, but Gods know that never works.
Anyway, sloppy job Mr Mod. You really suck at this.
>post some (((mystery meat))) whore
Fuck off.
There are other sites out there where we discuss such things. I won't post it for obvious reasons but if you spend enough time looking into the research of such things and are a Zig Forums user for a good while you will undoubtedly find your way there. It's a really good community at moment and well hidden. Just consider Zig Forums as it once was before it became Zig Forums and then work around that name and the exact old phrase from the header and you will find it.
And OP is still a (1) and done.
Go ahead and see if you can get your VPN to bring that IP back and make some posts, that'd lend some legitimacy.
We've got you in three flavors here, at least:
First response + damage control, attempted to create appearance of consensus and failed.
Full Crying Dutchman posting, primary IP for response to on-topic discussion to push the MUH BOLANT EBIL JERMINI! narrative. Also part of the attempt at creating consensus, also failed miserably.
Over the top anti-BOLANT posting, only showed up after Dutchman shill posting started to get called out and immediately attempted to align itself to calling out Dutchman alongside over-the-top anti-BOLANT posting. A clever ruse, but also failed miserably.
You try so fucking hard, and you fail every time. How long are you going to keep doing this Mr Mod?
>shill trying to poison the last sites where the subhuman kike servants of (((poland))) can continue to push holohoax
I don't need to. GLR was quite clear and open about his pro-White stance.
He advocated for 100% of White people. Poles, Russians, Germans, Swedes, and French.
Cite one time in all of history where GLR or Dr. William Pierce slandered any White nation as you do. You cannot because these Great men were pro-Polish, pro German, pro European. Pro-White.
Eat shit and die, worthless kike.
You're right but they're not the same. Certain ones have enough meme-power to affect the wider world but if you're talking about what I think you're talking about, I've found it to be more of a memetic circle-jerk.
I agree and when it comes to meme power there just is no better place than 4/8 chan. The site I mention is basically just for research discussion and the sort and very little in the way of meme discussion goes on there so, yeah, fully agreed. I always preferred Zig Forums over half chan but both are very good when it comes to breaking news, uncovering issues and of course memes. That other site does not compare in those regards and is merely discussion related about those things.
The Crying Dutchman is now in neopolitan mode.
Neon Chocolate.
Dutch Vanilla
Strawberry Smolbrayn
I've always said that Dr. Pierce and his nemesis Harold Covington were right about anonymous culture. The internet is a great way to communicate but the problem is that the jews control all the doorways and can thus herd us around by banning us from social media platforms. Once we're all coralled into a few small pastures, they can unleash these obsessive freaks ITT upon us. Or simply allow the low IQ wiggers to flood in and destroy us with their mental disfunctions.
Zig Forums was actually quite useful for the movement as a meme and idea culdron. Yet even so, so long as we content ourselves with online "activism" nothing will ever change. We used to be able to spam White-Genocide on twitter but the kikes caught wing and shut it down. Youtube used to be a right-wing site then Larry Page shut it down. We need a new, IRL National Alliance.
Oh Good, Dutch Vanilla is gonna give it another shot.
Most tactics of coordinating and meeting that I have recently seen are the most obvious and I am really happy they are happening in my area - Meeting in person and discussing it like the old days. Eventually this is going to have to happen everywhere since social media and the internet in general is simply not to be trusted with planning campaign, discussion or anything else of that sort. It's really unfortunate for those of us who just come on to discuss things and genuinely want to fix these issues but it is what it is and I am personally pleased that people (in my area at least) are reverting back to the old ways as personal time with people to discuss major issues is how it should be done and the internet ruined that in many ways.
And Strawberry Smolbrayn comes in for the assist!
Circle-jerk complete!
Now quick, hop onto Neon Chocolate and make some inflammatory statement about BOLANT being jewish clay or some other nonsense.
Lurk 2 years on cuckchan before lurking 4 years here
Oh you.
For extra kicks, try reporting it.
I'd love to see them have to dismiss reports on this shit, though I doubt they ever will – that'd be way too obvious.
Or would it?
Okay I gotta go do IRL shit now, can't shit on you fags and your VPN circle-jerks all day.
When I get back, I hope you'll have that map I asked you about awhile ago. I know how much you love your maps, and if anyone can find what I asked for, it'll be you.
Good to hear.
Kicking us off the internet will end up being a mistake.
Don't think I'm under any obligation to continue posting in a thread.
The ZOG lies so much about WW2 that it is unbelievable. Your average "American" thinks of Hitler as some extreme version of an "American" 'Right'winger, and Stalin as some extreme version of the "American" "Left," when nothing could be further from the truth.
The issue of Poland, when it is discussed at all, is always under the "totalitarian" paradigm of nonsense. There is never any mention of Danzig. Hitler and Stalin just decided to pick on poor old Poland, for no reason at all!
Nevermind Austria. This is almost never discussed. Why did the National Socialist German Worker's Party invade a "Fascist" country and overthrow its government? The ZOG can give you stupid, bullshit answers, but it would rather simply avoid the topic altogether.
The 'Right' wing of the ZOG can talk about race all day long. That's because race is a nebulous concept, and they can tell one audience one thing (Kikes aren't white, they're sandniggers), and tell another audience something else (Kikes are our White Blood Brothers fighting darky Arabic hordes).
The 'Right' wing of the ZOG, however, is never comfortable discussion Nations and Nationalism. That's because to do so in any way that is coherent threatens to give people ideas about what a Nation even is. So they avoid these topics, like the plague.