New Tokyo-based cult

Hi all,

There seems to be some new cult in Tokyo and my sister seems to be entering it. She wants to cult all links with my family and it seems she is going forward with divorcing her husband and leaving to him her child with him.

After some research, I came empty-handed and I have nowhere to ask but here. The only thing I have found is that the cult she is assisting is named something "infinity"… maybe like Infinity Group; Infinity company… and are trying to set themselves as a spiritual-like business.

Japan sees a lot of its cults unreported or are very secretive… does anyone know anything about this new organisation?

Attached: 1200px-Infinite.svg.png (1200x800, 22.93K)

Nice LARP, cum gargling faggot

No larp. very serious.

Nice sage newfag.
Stop responding to garbage or this shit hole is going to be even more shit like cuckchan than it already is

It's a very safe organization. Don't worry your sister is okay.

You fags can frog me like a piece of shit, but you can't even be curteous enough to bring me a damn bottle of water.

I know the cops and Jews don't give a shit and would rather watch somebody destroy me, but what the fuck. You know I am looking for water ffs. You watched me trying every spigot over there.

No greys or blacks allowed.

If you can't act human, then gtfo.

This is a no nigger zone.

You call yourself my friends, but don't even offer fresh water.

8 is the first fold of infinity!

Attached: arnold_4.png (169x223, 1.04K)

Get out you Asian niggers.

Look it's your selfie you Happa fag.

Why you think I'm hapa??

Well at least in the videos of her they'll release, the genitals will be pixelated out.

Cults are hot and happening right now so we need some more info to go on: this basically could be anyone, anywhere.

Because I saw you about 4 hours ago with Phoebee, or however her name is spelt

Judaism is a cult, you saying become a Jew?

no thanks, I need that water really bad though

Who THE he'll os phoebe? And who THE hell do you even think I am?

Tell her to stop browsing /b on 4chan.

Japanese cult ?
Sorry man, she's been brainwashed by the anime furries…

Attached: huuum.png (2990x2151, 3.5M)

is it アレフ ?
if so, it's pretty dangerous. someone from there lived in my apartment, and they come bang on my door and try to indoctrinate me occasionally.

They're the new version of オウム真理教. I'd suggest getting a private investigator or deprogrammer involved.

You're a nigger.

There are just too many niggers around now. I can't even walk without being harassed by fags, niggers, Jews, or fucking spics or their white trash friends.

Yes, call me a zero, because I don't give a shit about non Hapsburgs anymore. The rest of you are needy vermin that can't seem to stay out of my ass.

I don't think so… they're pretty extreme, right? I think her thing is a bit more discrete and they are trying to pass it off as if it was a company and not really a cult… I guess I will have to get involved with a private detective. Just wanted to know beforehand if someone knew anything as I didn't see anything in the net…

kek, my sides.

If its Shinto then based. If its foreign Semitic larping then shameful display.

If you have a very strong mind you could infiltrate it and report back?

Cults are a sign of societal collapse, your sister probably couldn't find meaning in a empty life working like a ant in a society that is fragmented by consumerism and cosmopolitanism so she found a cult.
If you're Japanese I'd suggest to try and escape the city life and try to return to the old ways, I'd expect a massive push to post modernize even more Japan in 2020 due to the Olympics.

Alright faggot, since your people fought on the right side, here: buscador
search it, download it, use it.
you're welcome

why have mods not deleted this slide yet?

Oh rearry? Ter me mor lrarp.