Since most of the team of people that did the work for the Q-Op have families or further ambitions and know my threats of exposure and targeting will be followed up Q went silent after my ultimatum at end of May. The Q Op was dead and it's grave was fresh and I was ready to take a rest before launching my live propaganda deconstruction outfit on the inter webs until some entry level piece of shit thought they could use their moderation of the Q board to take the place of the PsyOp they once modded for.
These petulant retards couldn't accept that their Messiah went completely dark, couldn't accept their Messiah deleted his aggregate page after my ultimatum, were seething over the fact their 4th July happening was the latest Q nothing burger, and as soon as they saw Epstein in the news couldn't help themselves from letting a crisis go to waste and attempted to resurrect and monetize "Q" again so they could continue to live in their fantasy world of black and white good and evil dichotomy.
The person presently posting as Q is not the Q team but one of the orbiting retards that the Q team delegated power over the board to police their little modified limited hangout to. Were the Q team still actively posting I'm sure this little toady would never dare assume his master's moniker but in the vacuum left it seems this basement dwelling sperg thought that they could re-open their master Q's very own Boomer Alpaca farm to fleece the livestock from.
This retard has 48 hours from this post to cease and desist or I won't even bother exposing them but skip straight to the final solution. Only 40% of homicides are ever solved and many are ruled as accidental deaths or natural causes to begin with after all.
Apparently this faggot got tired of waiting for Daddy Q to come back so his raucous spergposting began the day after he saw an opportunity in the arrest of Jeffery Epstein who was Donald Trump's neighbor, friend, and sex party companion. Donald Trump literally appointed the guy who gave Jeffery Epstein a sweetheart deal his Secretary of Labor and his Attorney General Barr formerly was a partner for the firm that represented Epstein in his first case. Trump also retained Epstein's chief counselor Alan Dershowitz as his own legal counsel following the death of Roy Cohn and still uses Dershowitz's services to this day.
If you are stupid enough to attempt to use this as an opportunity to rebirth the Q movement under your own tutelage I'm genuinely afraid for you as you are either a colossal retard or a rank opportunist neither of which bode well for your longevity.
When your false prophet didn't come back the day of the Epstein arrest that should have been your sign to go gracefully into that good night but instead you thought you'd reanimate the dying corpse of a dead psyop for what purpose? You are either motivated by greed or delusions of grandeur to think you will not have to pay a price for what you are doing now and that price will cost you more than everything you have.
You realize at most all I have to do is wait another 5 years until your deranged supporters are so agitated from absolute and complete betrayal that I won't even have to life a finger myself just tell them who you are and where you live right? Are you that stupid as to think their won't be consequences for everyone who supported Q when the fuel supply to the Gaslights run out and Kushner is no longer President. What then Qsperg will you tell all the people you continued to manipulate that you too were deceived and try and put the blame on your real master Jared? Maybe but it still won't keep you safe on that day from me or your employers who will want to tie up all lose ends on the Qpsyop before the Kushner presidency is over to prevent any of it from coming back and hurting Ivanka's chances of running as a moderate centrist down the road.
Maybe all the faggot Q you tubers and personalities offered you money if you revived their gay little psyop after I killed it maybe you just thought you could be a namefag and it'd be cool idk I'm not you but I know what will happen to you if you don't cut this shit out now.
I making a list and checking it twice, if you trust the plan you'll get the same treatment the Nazi's used on lice.