RIP. I mainly knew her for her translation of an incredibly important book on the Knights Templar written by sandniggerlover Joseph von Hammer.
Found out about her death via esoteric disinfo channel TheHighersideChats which I added to my RSS reader because they were one of the only shows that let Tracy on: A Statement From Greg Carlwood Regarding The Tragic Loss of Tracy Twyman
This triggered one of her friends to release a dead man's switch video that you can find yourself.
tl;dr: She received death threats after talking about some shit she discovered on youtube. Some threats came from the owner of Green Leaf Canyon campground. Here's his youtube channel:
PS: Did I mention that cultist campground is an hour's drive from where Kappy died and that she told Kappy about the threats? PPS: If you go there, why not stop for a slice of pizza?
You’re the fag who made the other Eipstein thread with the “buttplug” that turned out to be a soap dispenser tube, aren’t you?
Bentley Adams
No and I don't usually lurk on Zig Forums but for this to be Zig Forums-compatible I'd have to delve into details about the finders.
Bentley Gomez
I downloaded the books that were linked on /pdfs/ and I have to ask how anyone can read her stuff and not get the impression that she has a mental illness. What value do people find in this woman's work (serious question).
Jonathan Nelson
The FBI's behaviour she talked about in the video strongly remind me of what happened when that dude hacked some darknet hitman scam site and discovered that some of the people really did have "accidents" all over the globe.
Leo Wright
I never read any of her books, only the one she translated, and the translation was great. Also the fact she included photographic evidence showing the drawings were not fake.
Jacob Johnson
…but I do agree that the more esoteric aspects of her beliefs are most definitely not based on fact. I'm sure though Zig Forums can handle that and separate truth from the disinfo that was fed to her.
Justin Bell
How about that Arkansas state senator?
Jeremiah Garcia
Green Leaf Canyon screams mason. Probably one of those shovel killing squads.
Men don't talk but cameras sure do.
Liam Barnes
archiving this thread since the last one got deleted.