Also, FBI are masons. That Royal Arch Mason thing where you pretty much have to cover for everyone's crimes. Never use them. County sheriffs and US Marshals. Try to link it to a fugitive case so the USM take the lead.
Tracy R. Twyman dead after researching Elsagate-related content with Isaac Kappy
I didn't know that. Do you have an archive of the last one?
Tried to post before but gave up after three different errors here and on /x/.
Which is good, as now I was able to add additional information.
It had just started; had about 20 comments so I hadn't archived it yet. Sorry mate.
go on
meant for>>13506885
maybe try posting this on /x/ ?
Why? This is about as political as it gets. She was literally investigating childmolesting shitskins in our own nation when she was murdered.
Feel free to cross-post but if you read the OP carefully you'll find the connection to Zig Forums favourite counry's state religion.
Nothing new really, but if you look at their members it corroborates the official story of them being quite high-tech, running ISPs in the early days and all that shit.
Here's a relative of Ted Reiss, look at Computing Summary, not sure if he's actually a finder himself but there are more examples:
Sorry I don't have a better example atm.
I don't have any evidence tying the finders to her either but in the end it's all connected anyway.
Her computer got hacked while she was talking to the FBI and she regularly complained about various related issues.
Link the deadman switch video