Open borders for Israel

Open borders for Israel

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no borders no nations stop the deportations

Israel is pretty much the model state for fascists, the only problem fascists have with Israel is that it's not them.


Meanwhile, in the real world, where Nazis and their anachronistic mindset are completely irrelevant to national and global politics, the overwhelming majority of political and military backing for Israel comes from right winger Christian fundies, and opposition to Israel comes from libs, and this has been the case since day 1.

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Nice try /r/socialism but the libs are just as bad.
Remember goy all nations come before Israel.

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Israel might be fascist but it's the historically progressive alternative compared to a backwards muslim state.

Gas yourself fash.

I wish the entire middle east were nuked tbh. We would get rid of fashies and backwards retards in one blow.

Israel and their allies have been doing everything in their power to keep these muslim states backwards, it is clearly in no manner a progressive force in the middle east, you god damn fucking retard.