Zig Forums for coloureds

So you would fail the Blue Vein Society's every test. Still, that is no issue. We need allies. There are more 80/20s and 70/30s than mutts like us. 30 million of you and less than five million of us. Come to /hybrid/ anyway.

Pregnant men eh? Your mask is slipping invader.

I think part of the strategy from those at the top is to racially confuse us. White guilt, but also convincing blacks they will fit in.

I look in the mirror and I know "i got it" . I don't think I'm ugly or anything. I just know white girls won't like me.
Honestly, I wouldn't like one that does, because how stupid do you have to be to throw away those genes? Unfortunately, I've been through this with someone. Tried to make it work. She was a straight up thot.

If I was surrounded by mulato girls and such. That looked as good as I do, then fuck yeah. I'm just not

Go drink more trashy piss water.

Nigger, you're already fucking dead. Do us all a favor and commit suicide.

The hate agenda will only bring you the returned fren. A love agenda is what will be sustained. Hate is only begotten from (((others))) who can't subsist as they are on their own first, before working with others.

I appreciate the comforting words, brother. I still feel empty over that, though. I had hoped it would kick off by now, keeping gaymergate in mind and all
Nope. I guess I'll keep cultivating my survival, fire-arms, and occult skills in the meantime. And by occult skills, I mean spiritual services. The men are going to need the right kind of hope in order to keep morale up: the belief in yourself, your peoples, a god more loftier than the jealous kike lover, and faith in your ability to absolutely succeed, because you've already willed it.

So mote it be, brothers. Let's get this shit rolling!

The jews murdered JFK, bombed the USS Liberty, and bombed the Twin Towers.

I will kill you Anglo faggots for every kike practice you programmed into Novuterans trapped in your nation. I will kill the Jews who enslaved us that you people love so much when this war starts.

We will not be slaves for you people or your kikes a second time under Coudenhove-Kalergi, as we were under the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Hybrids like us will outlive you kike loving freaks and your faggot nation. You will never control or constrain us again. Novutera, invicta.

Kill yourself.