Greetings from pol

Hello reds, I challenge you to change my ideology through literature alone. Therefore post the greatest literature in your arsenal, I promise you I will read through most suggestions I am genuinely curious. I would like to broaden my understanding of the other side and I figure literature would be best at least for me. Also this is to test the intellectual strength of not socialism/fascism for if I read through your suggestions and my opinion of them erode however slightly I will be forced through my moral character to give your ways a more serious look which may in term lead to my full conversion. So have at it

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Thank you

This one is like a diet version of das kapital
It's something you'll actually finish, understand and don't need a degree in classical economics.
A take down on utopian plans for socialism

Also have a couple of lenin reading lists but right now stick to mark
Also go watch a slavoj zizek lecture or something

Attached: leninism reading list.jpeg (1074x1598 595 KB, 1.4M)

Thank you all for the library, this week I will go through what I can

Do tell us what do you think when you're done

If you go read some Lenin, "State and Revolution" and "Imperialism: the highest stage of capitalism" are his main works and both are accessible to non brainlet non communists.

I shall

Looks like I’ll start with those then