Mexican Mafia busted for running crime in LA County jails

Leaders of the notorious Mexican Mafia "gang of gangs" were charged Wednesday with running a government-like operation to control drug trafficking from inside Los Angeles County jails that included ordering violence against those who didn't obey.

The U.S. attorney's office charged 83 people in sweeping racketeering conspiracies that alleged they ran drugs and carried out violent assaults and murders.

"These cases have delivered a major blow to the Mexican Mafia and leaders of many of the street gangs under the control of the organization," U.S. Attorney Nick Hanna said. "By taking out the gang members who control the jails, and by disrupting their communications network, we undermined the Mexican Mafia's ability to coordinate street gang activity."

Prosecutors said the gang — an organization of imprisoned Latino street gang leaders who control operations inside and outside California prisons and jails — was able to control smuggling, drug sales and extortion inside the nation's largest jail system.

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if reality was a movie no one would believe it. But I would surely watch it.

you forgot the triple parentheses, m8

spics spic
nigs nig
whites genocide innocent women and children
The circle of life is really beautiful.

Hint: nobody could possibly give any less of a shit.

fuck you

you guys are pompous bitches who sit in your stinky computer chairs and act smug, pretending that you have actually experienced real life, smug and self-entitled, boring and naive

ms13 are just salvis being cucked by mexicans, hence the 13

In any normal society these ppl would just be mass executed