Is it 1993 again? Because that was said every fucking day since the early 90s.
Earth ‘decades away’ from tipping point which triggers runaway climate change apocalypse
He was right. Thats the thing, this shit took time to build up strength and momentum. It isnt just burning oil, its burning fossil fuels AND massive deforestation, AND massive over fishing fucking everything up AND expansion of steel concrete heat factory cities without gredning the towers AND globalized shipping burning up oil. Its all of it combined.
Thing is, if we stopped in 1998, I mean a hard stop and didnt dig up or pump up or frack ansingle ounce of fossil fuels afterwards and didnt deforest any further….we would still be where we are right now.
His argument, was that continuing as we were, with ALL OF THAT SHIT, all of it COMBINED, for another ten years and it was all fucked. Near irreversible. Too much momentum built up. What we need to do everywhere is reforest every square inch of land that isnt being farmes, readjust certain farming areas back into grazing areas, and green up the cities. Reforests, true real reforesting, needs to be done on a massive scale. For America, the Great Plains needs to be reopened up for for ranging and let the cattle go. Stop growing corn. Period.
Green all cities everywhere, turn every skyscraper into hanging gardens of Babylon.. Retree and rebush every acre of land not farmed or grazed. Eliminate as much international shipping as possible. And lots of other stuff. Like eliminating all fossil fuel powerplants for Molten salt plants that use Thorium ignited cycles to burn up nuke waste or concentrated solar thermal. And use fossil fuels exclusively as feed stock. Hell, use Thorium ignited nuke waste nuke plants for what few international cargo vessels still need to sail. Augment with actual sails.
And ban corn. Corn is complete garbage.
Actually it's both.
Good luck going against the vegans. Their greed for 'vegan foods' for the normalfags to feel good about themselves will be the end of mankind.
They are a selfcorrecting problem. Corn is still fucking useless.
Good, let it all end. Humanity and the earth had a good run but it would be for the better if everything died. Life is intrinsically terrible, it is filled with suffering, fear and only the briefest periods of pleasure that serve only to provide a contrast to pain and make it hurt all the much more.
You know it's kind of sad when Johnny is the voice of reason in a thread. Tell me Johnny, does it every get lonely being the only adult in the room.
So I'm like a successful, more creative version of yourself - minus unironically believing the TV news and the "taxes to save da climate" meme.
Nuclear power is not sustainable. It uses more fresh water resources than coal plants, and leaves indesposable radioactive waste.
Solar power, despite its costs, returns investments very quickly and can be deployed basically anywhere. It requires no fuel other than the nuclear reactor in the sky and maintainance.
Yep. And once we figure out better batteries, it will hardly even matter that you can only harvest sun effectively in certain areas.