Texas Father Sentenced To 244 Years For Raping 38-Day-Old Daughter


that's illegal
US is a 3rd world shithole. they torture prisoners in 3rd world countries like North Korea, China, Russia, Africa, US

in civilised countries you get to prison and that's all. no torture.

Illegal shmillegal
If you don't wanna go to prison, don't

t. Pussy European


Gee, it sure is nice living in a world with no murder!

You have a point. The legal use of force should remain the government's exclusive domain. He should be executed instead of jailed.

should or should not, he was sentenced for jail, so his only punishment should be jail, not rape/cruelty/famine
but americans are barbarians like muslims so they don't understand this. americans are not white, they don't have white sense of justice

I would think a dedicated torture program would be quite good, actually. Don't give criminals like this the release of death. Chemical burning, un-anesthetized amputations/teeth-pulling, waterboarding, sensory deprivation, bullet ants, all while doing everything to keep the sentenced alive.

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And it's a spic