Just as Spain is going through the brutal Laura Luelmo murder investigation (the 25-year-old Spanish teacher who was raped and murdered while out on a run, see our related coverage), a US student who has passed the last 6 months in the nation’s capital Madrid has now also revealed just how dangerous Spanish streets have become in recent times.
My dick is harder than the core of a neutron star.
Ayden Gray
Noice. I bet she said dame papi during the rape.
Noah Sanchez
Let me guess, she was "culturally enriched"
Samuel Nguyen
How can people unironically believe the shit their teachers and media propagandists repeat? It's a religion. They have so much faith in their nonsense ideology they would literally die for it.
Were it intentional, it would be almost admirable.
Oliver Murphy
Women deserve everything bad that happen to them.
Brayden Fisher
Hope it was a rapefugee nigger or something and not an actual Spaniard.
Julian Gutierrez
stop sending your stupid fucking redneck whores to europe please