Japanese school pupils told: dye your hair black to fit in

First of all, if you have to dye your hair black to fit in how is that not being a slave to the black hair dye corporation by your standards? Secondly, you're creating a kafka trap where if people don't be a slave to your standards for conformity they are automatically a slave to capitalism just because they wanted to retain their natural hair color or because they wanted to try something different.

People like you are exactly the same as the globalist capitalists you claim to hate, because ultimately just as they want to homogenize the world in the name of profit, you want to homogenize the world in the name of service to some abstract masochism. You're a spiritual sadist, and I hope one day that humanity transcends your bullshit, and you get shovelled into the same pit as the communists and neoliberals, because with different ends, you are alike in wanting to make everyone bow to your abstract bullshit. Your psyops end here, villainous scum!

Sociopaths lack empathy for even their own tribe, so your logic doesn't fly.

No but they perfectly knows how to manipulate people's gut feelings to get whatever they want from them. Ergo, they push for muh tribe shit.

ok japanese kids. time to all start wearing crazy and epic looking anime hairstyles.

We have a word for this….

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Fug, someone already got here!

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>>you must
LoL goddamn, niggers are so stupid

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The Japanese are honorary Aryans for a reason.

From the article:

cucked japan enforcing "communist grey" garbage