Nowadays being overweight or obese seems to be the norm. Everyone has a few extra pounds they’d like to trim. However, the idea of fasting for even a brief amount of time sounds “unhealthy” to most people. Especially the bodybuilding types (“I’ll lose my gains bro!”). You can live past 30 days without food and fasting has health benefits and many religions promote it for spiritual reasons. You won’t die of malnutrition or waste away.
This 2010 study showed that fasting did not cause muscle loss. Patients fasting every other day did lose significant fat and showed positive health benefits such as the effect it had on cholesterol and metabolism. This 2016 study showed the fasting group maintained more muscle mass, and in fact demonstrated fasting may be 4x more beneficial than calorie restriction for keeping lean mass.
This is mainly because it is on tier with how humans used to eat as animals and hunter-gatherers. Eating once a day is a luxury of modern man and eating three times a day was essentially unheard of. People don't need to eat constantly, and honestly were not built for it. Humans are also category 4 predators (on par with owls and foxes) based off of how much bone tissue our digestive system is capable of consuming and when focusing on a diet high in animal fat and protein you are also significantly less hungry throughout the day.
It's bullshit grain-based diets that make people so constantly hungry and fat.
Tyler Collins
Gandhi was ripped
Brody Lewis
The last 3 5-day fasts I did I kept off about 10lbs of fat each time. It's just inconvenient if you have an intense physical job or social obligations.
Sebastian Jenkins
If you have a hobby that keeps you moving you can fast and expect to easily lose about 5 lbs in a day
Andrew Kelly
Fasting is just as stupid as eating salads, you nigwit.
The true solution is occasional periods of 4 - 8 weeks eating zero-carb. That means just fatty meat, milk, cheese and eggs. As much animal protein as you want. NOTHING from plants, at all. No pasta, no fruits, no vegetables, no sugar.
You will only need two meals a day and you still won't feel hungry, you might even occasionally only eat ONE meal a day.
The reason people aren't thin like in the good old days is because back then the center of every meal was (fatty!) meat, and today they're telling people that meat is bad and it's better to eat plants instead. And that is a total lie.
Nicholas Allen
Fatkins diet is fake and gay.
Mason Reyes
My neighbour ate nothing but bacon, eggs, and sausage in the morning, hamburgers for lunch, and steak for dinner. Dropped dead from a heart attack at 50 yo.