Marijuana vs. Opioids for Pain

I've smoke weed for 30 years now. Been prescribed opioids for over 10 years. in 2016 the CDC started their shit and now I am on a minimal dose, 10mg 3 times a day oxycodone.
When the doctor started taking me off the pain pills and prescribed me medical cannabis, all it did for me is make it where I cant own a gun.
I have been suffering for years now because of the "opioid crisis".
Its bullshit. There are people that need it in order for a % of quality of life.

ive had pain for years and years im female it helps for mild stuff if it actually has to be taken in combo with stuff

I tried all these Shit, not working for me. Now I take Methadone for the pain. Yes I am addicted because I worked too hard for over 35 years. Don't believe the marijuana fairytale, they are all junks.

It would depend on the cause of the pain, it's not a blanket cure for everything. I dated someone who had chronic back pain and taking some oil would help (or so she said) but then taking pills also helped, so… I do think the oil is healthier than the pills though.

Opiods lower your pain tolerance. They are strictly only to be used in the immediate time after an injury or major surgery. Taking them on prescription is absolutely terrible.

Cannabis doesn't really cure most pain, it just distracts you from caring about it. Again, it has a tolerance factor.

Just quit all that shit, deal with your pain.

Pussy who has never experienced serious chronic pain detected.