Today Mexico elects AMLO; fully centralised cathbolism inbound. Get ready lads, today we will make history!
Mexican Election Thread
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Is he not to the right of Chavez though?
But yeah if he gets elected this will be better for the Mexican people than the ultracorrupt PRI
Today is the day.
It's time
i'm only very little familiar with the situation in mexico
you say this person is against corruption? if that's legitimate, i wouldn't say that there are better times ahead anytime soon, but first there's going to be a struggle breaking through against all progressive forces around him
the CIA and their drug gangs would attempt to murder him and make an example of his supporters, no?
He is immensely popular: he may be the first president in the post-"Perfect dictatorship" era to win an absolute majority (the 1994 election is considered the first properly contested one) and his electoral coalition is polling above 50% too. He has been cucked twice by electoral fraud, this time if he is it will be so obvious that he was there will be riots in the streets.
But will they also advance to the quarter finals?
Yeah basically, I think they will try electoral fraud, but this time if it is too evident again there surely will be popular unrest
Btw this man is actually a progressive , he is not an Ultracatholic by any means, he is just a Christian the same way Chavez was
For the people that do not know him
Mexico elects AMLO and he will personally win the world cup by having the pope excommunicate all other contestants.
Not even that, the last two times were by less than a %: AMLO is leading by 20% in the polls, some show him as high as 64% of the popular vote. It would basically be impossible to stuff that many ballots.
Most of my family drove down there yesterday to go vote. Since I'm the anchor baby I stay here since my parents won't even get me a passport. They're all voting for AMLO but expect PRI to steal the election, which is why we all spend the latter month buying guns (CA's 10-day wait makes this a huge pain in the ass).
AMLO is basically a leftist Trump. Think Sanders but much more openly critical of capitalism, America, and the war on drugs in general. For this reason there's a significant chance PRI will just say "no" to losing power like they did a century ago, which originally sparked the last Mexican civil war. The thing is if AMLO gets into power he will do things, like renationalizing industries currently owned by Americans, that will force Trump to kill NAFTA.
At least in my mind the question isn't so much if AMLO will win, it's if PRI will try to go down fighting or eject and use their American investments to immigrate to America. Since Mexico is already in a state of defacto martial law, trying to fight the people is a very real plausibility.
wait, why can't you cast your vote through mail or whatever? Here in Europe everybody does it, driving all the way down to Mexico just to vote is kind of a waste.
Mail in Mexico is handled by the Mexican post office which is run by the central Mexican government. Nobody would ever trust something like a ballot with it. They're voting in person so they (with the entire town) can watch who enters the room where votes are counted. Since elections officials don't wear masks like the military does, it is easy to find them if they try stealing the election.
I mean, Trump kinda wants to kill NAFTA anyways, doesn't he? But you're right in the sense that this could give him a more "valid" (in the eyes of liberals and conservatives) reason to shut it down.
I don't think you get it. If AMLO renationalizes parts of the Mexican economy that were privatized into Americans per NAFTA's rules, then he is nullifying NAFTA until Trump steps in and, due to NAFTA no longer being in effect, formally destroys it with tariffs/sanctions/etc.
This is why PRI might fight because they really don't want to see their cash machine be destroyed.
That shouldn't prevent you from casting your vote just in case. I mean, it doesn't matter much either way, but it's a bit absurd to just assume they throw every single mailed vote in the trash.
Trump would like to renegotiate NAFTA to fuck over Mexico even more, not kill it.
why throw them out when they can just modify them onto new PRI ballots?
The NAFTA renegotiation is largely just a way for Canadian, American and Mexican (PRI) businesses to collude and lock the rest of the world out of north america. The only thing America demands is that Mexico sell them the state oil company, which PRI has been reluctantly to do because their monopoly on fuel in Mexico is incredibly profitable. But now even that is unstable with AMLO so NAFTA 2 will likely choke and die in Pena's lame duck term the same way the TPP (aka WTO 2) died during Obama's lame duck term.
Also that the trade unions want to killed NAFTA anyways: and AMLO's political coalition contains the PT which is their Labour party. NAFTA is dead.
There's apparently no way to tell if the ballot you send in the mail is actually your ballot, since the organism in charge of printing those ballots forgot to add a serial number or whatever. If they were to tamper with your mail, it'd be really easy to change the vote.
AMLO no va a nacionalizar o re-nacionalizar nada no exageres. Es mejor que los otros candidatos y más crítico del sistema neoliberal existente pero sigue siendo un candidato extremadamente moderado sin medidas muy radicales, la más radical y la que parece atacar el modelo neolib más directamente siendo su querer fortalecer los sindicatos.
Veo difícil que el PRI esta vez le quite la presidencia a López Obrador, porque como dijo Poniatowska, ahora sí tiene una mayoría significante y cuando dicen
que los pobres están con él sí es cierto. Sin embargo, aún si se la quitan no veo mucho pasando dentro de México y mucho menos otra guerra civil como pareces implicar en tu post.
AMLO is probably as corrupt as the other candidates but he is popular because he actually tries to help poor people. Ultimately he's a succdem and if he wins he'll probably just make things worse. He has changed political parties like, I don't know, 3 times?
What kind of brainletism is this? PRI didn't get formed until 20 years after the Revolution started.
AMLO doesn't want to nationalize the oil companies, he's not Mexico's Chavez, he's Mexico's Lula
yep. amlo is a succdem at best.
it's hard to say what he actually wants because he's always vague in debates and interviews.
apparently, there's a plan online, but I've been to lazy to look for it.
agree, but if amlo does "lose" there will be violent riots.
this is a good article that gives an overview over Mexican elections regarding AMLO.
Itt: pejechairos in denial
Admitanlo el güey es nacionalista como Trump
No soy mexicano ¿que es "pejechairos"?
Of course.
Peje is AMLO's nickname.
Chairo is basically "libshit" or "SJW' but with more commie/socialist connotations.
Cualquiera que usa la palabra chairo es un pendejo
Yeah for me a chairo is basically someone who is nominally leftist but basically ignorant of what does that even means, the kind of guy who will wear a Che Guevara t-shirt only having a vague knowledge of who he was or what he stood up for. I suppose it has classist connotations but you know.
no u
Explicadme por favor no existe en México un partido Comunista decente? Y en ese caso apoyan a AMLO en las elecciones?
Es una larga historia, lo que era el Partido Comunista de México fue absorbido por el PRD, partido basicamente sucdem, en los años 80, Pero ojo que venían de años de estar en la ilegalidad y ser perseguidos durante la llamada "guerra sucia", igual pasó con muchos que intentaron formar agrupaciones de izquierda, a las cuales el gobierno básicamente desaparecía.
Pues ahora sí que es lo menos peor, como diríamos por acá ¯\( シ)/¯
¿Y nunca se ha refundado?¿No existe el movimiento comunista en Mexico?
Los partidos comunistas se sumaron a Cuahtemoc Cardenas (Hijo del presidente Lazaro Cardenas) en la eleccion de 1988 que resulto fraudulenta. Despues en el 89 mas o menos se unieron distintas figuras izquierdistas desde Arnoldo Martinez Verdugo y Heberto Castillo con los PRIistas de izquierda moderada para formar el PRD.
Y si, el pequeño "partido" comunista no lo apoya pero en mi experiencia los socialistas que conozco votaran por el pues es lo que no es continuidad neoliberal.
No, hay de dos, o se rehusan o votar o apoyan a Lopez Obrador.
por favor díganme qué no votaron, imbéciles. ni de pedo cayeron por el meme de la "democracia" y se suscribieron al espectáculo de votar por "el menos peor"
me traen hasta la madre los pejezombies y los anayabots, no conozco priístas gracias a Nuestro Salvador.
absolutamente asqueroso…
Honestly I'm accelerationist and I never bother to vote but I hope this guy gets elected just so Mexicans can catch a break, they've gotten more than their fair share of suffering.
Que unico y especial eres tu. Mejor esperemos para la revolucion proletaria vedah
Al votar sólo le estás dando legitimidad al sistema para que el poder decida por ti, sean cuales sean las decisiones que tomen o si estás de acuerdo con ellas, ya que el único objetivo de la institución del poder es su preservación, llevándose a cabo medidas de corte electoralista que no ayuda en nada a la situación de las personas. Por eso no se vota, para poder protestar al no haberte desecho de tu capacidad de decisión proveniente de la dignidad de cada persona.
What will Canada do?
Doing my part to bring on fully centralized gadholic gommunism
Nice hombre.
Yo solo quiero que Veracruz finalmente escoja otro partido que no sea el PRI, el estado más pinche retrógrada de todo México
By the way, the booths were full to the brim despite being just 1 hour before it closes, everyone on their way out was talking about AMLO; Keep in mind my state (BC) is right next to California and possibly the most Americucked and majority-protestant there is after Nuevo Leon. I have high hopes.
Aunque estoy de acuerdo contigo, creo importante que si alguien da la vaga esperanza de traer una mejora a las clases marginalizadas es importante votar por él, sin dejar de ser crítico de las acciones que tomé.
Siento que la mayoría de las veces que las personas toman la decisión de hacer algo así como tú propones, viene de un lugar de privilegio al no verse afectadas directamente o no tan fuertemente por las acciones del gobierno, y en este caso, del sistema neoliberal. Creo que AMLO tiene la posibilidad de mejorar las condiciones de las poblaciones indígenas que históricamente han sido ignoradas y oprimidas, siendo ésta la razón por la que decidí votar por él. Pero entiendo que en general él es un candidato extremadamente decepcionante, y al final, al participar en el sistema presidencial, que aún si él fuera realmente radical, que hay un límite la mejora que puede traer y que las relaciones opresoras van a permanecer en su mayoría si es que gana.
Yo solo quiero metrobus en mi ciudad y asilos para los indigentes.
Nadie espera honestamente Comunismo Catolico Autogestionario con caracteristicas latinoamericanas.
Hice algunos errores con acentos oops.
En conclusión, no seas tan dogmático, user.
A mi de tanto estar online, leer teoria y usar puro ingles en el call center, se me olvidaron los acentos y usar la ¿
A veces se me traban las palabras y solo se expresarme bien en ingles.
At least one North American country didn't fuck up their elections. I'm not expecting a miracle, but Obrador seems decent, and anything is better than Pena Nieto.
Been trying to understand AMLO's positions and they confuse the fuck out of me, tbqh.
Absolutely disgusting.
Same, are they demsoc?
I seriously hope AMLO is not a total faggot and fixes this since he's been a failed third party candidate for 20 years now, right?
I don't know. He's actually reactionary and a nationalist but also economically a socialist?
u wot m8?
1. Your country
2. Do football super stars become politicians in your country?
1. Mexico
2. Yes.
Papa Stalin with 21st century characteristics
1. Spain
2. Not football but our president used to play b-ball.
Why do the cartels like him?
Will he legalize drugs and what is his stance on the drug war?
Is he an actual socialist? Like not just a socdem?
Can't wait too see poltards and other conservashits be pissed off to this.
What is his policy on the central/south americans who say in Mexico instead of continuing onto the US. Will he offer them protections or will they continue to be taken advantage of?
They already are kek
Ive always thought the "I can't wait to drink all those tears" kind of mindset was pretty pathetic. Zig Forums constantly has threads on it which I think serves as further evidence
I have seen some hot takes about Mexico will become """"Venezuela 2""""
An openly antagonistic Mexican leader is probably going to work well for Trump in the mid terms though
Lol they’re obsessed with Venezuela
Wait so social conse.rvativism is ok now?
Is AMLO even antagonistic to Trump though?
Yeah they're chimping out rn. Even on 4/pol/
in the articles I've read about him he has been. Not sure if that was just for votes or for real tho
andale andale jajjajaaja
Pretty sure AMLO said he was gonna make northbound train fare free for migrants trying to get into the US, so… Yes.
That's a stupid fucking idea to be honest.
mexico benefits from the migrant traffic. Well certain mexicans. The cartels also take their pick of them as well.
Well it's time for us to deal with super dictatorship in the US then.
No it's not. Because if Trump doesn't want his country flooded with Mexicans he has to start playing by AMLO rules
No, that's brilliant. Those kulaks will btfo the US and then AMLO will just get all the resources from the US he'll ever want as they will be his bitch.
I too like to stick my dick into a beehive.
So now it ok to be Social Conserv.ative???
Same here
meanwhile on 4/pol/
I'm not american and if you don't like getting bitten by bees don't throw rocks at the beehive
wow you found dumb posts on 4chan????
I didn't choose to be an American
lmao i love it when these fucks don't get their way
its funny to me
Conservatards BTFO
thats fine. I was just interested in talking about a leftist(?) winning an election in Mexico but I guess we can just laugh at screenshots from 4chan as they like everyday swim in the shitpile of their retard ideology.
You can't feasibly run for president in Mexico without being antagonistic to Trump. Literally all of Mexico despises Trump.