The gender polarisation of normie politics

The political and ideological gulf between millennial women and men has never been wider in much of modern history. More young women across all racial groups are voting liberal and leftist, whilst men are becoming more conservative relative to young women.

I know people here don't think that political trends emerging from Normie politics doesn't affect material centric Marxist leftists, but there's no doubt a trickle effect. I mean, when I visit the local Marxist university societies, I see a lot less new male members than before. How should we treat the increasingly gender polarisation of politics?

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Single females will always do the opposite in order to attract a male to tame them, they then conform to their husbands political views.
Its just biology, part of human mating ritual.

Oh, and since feminism and modern society has made it more unattractive/discouraging to settle down this gap will continue to widen.

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It says younger women are more likely to be more left but young men are still likely to be left than older men, so yeah there’s a gap, but young men are still more left which is good. Really, modern Idpol needs to become more both anticapitalist and considering of disadvantages of working class men(suicide rates, police brutality, etc.), to really close that gap.

Wait, women's voting habits have not changed, it's the men who have moved more to the right because of reactionary attitudes you boob

Go back to your containment board

It exists to serve as a normie distraction. The people behind it are not going to let it shift to anything they need it to cover up petrodollar warmongering and other crimes. If you want a real leftist platform to exist in america you must first destroy the fake left one we currently have, completely, not try to work with it.

I am legitimately offering you sound advice tovarisch. I though communists were supposed to be pragmatic :^)

Women vote for more third world immigration so they can get raped. The idea of getting raped gives them tinglies.

Side effect of this is that the dating scene is really good if you're a young gommie male.

This really ignores that lots of young people believe in it. I think we oughta just appropriate their terms and ways of talking to get our ideas across, just as they have with us. Start really hammering the link between capitalism with racism/sexism along with inequality, this is a good starting drug to socialism.

Is this the fantasy you jerk off to bud?

Irrelevant, they're both reactionary, bourgeois, imperialist parties. Now, if there's a gender gap in communist organizations, that's worth investigating.

tumblr riot grrrl zine revivalism is uncritical fad that's lost most of it's momentum and won't survive into the 20's

once trump is out of office and fails to deliver most of these tree emoogley mofos are gonna burn out too

let it run it's course

Young people believe in it because its fashionable and it makes them feel good about themselves.
It is encouraging that you said believe though, you understand that most people do not 'agree' with ideas, they believe in them.

And this is where your plan falls apart. If your plan is to explain to people why they should hold an idea, you will fail every time, because most people just dont care to think or understand. The goal then is to get people to believe, not to understand. Some people can be persuaded, they can be explained to and come to agree with you, but the majority of people are emotional, they need to be tricked.
Do you honestly think those 'young people' would care about 'racism/sexism … inequality' if they were not instructed to do so? Most of them have never experienced any of this sort of thing, outside of their own minds. It would never have occurred to them to be concerned with it.

They get their thoughts from a source, if you coop certain words they will just be lead down some other path. You need to block them from the source, the system with feeds their mind this leash.

Uhm you literally just explained why my plan makes sense. You make em believe the connection between these various forces, capitalism, sexism, racism, and they turn. Also no lol, lots of people experience those things, of anything, a black guy getting called the n word by some alt right loser online is more noticeable and obvious a grievance than the ultra normalized exploitation of wage labor. But you link the two, and suddenly you actually have something to work with.

Millenial men, especially white men are increasingly identifying with mainstream conservatism.


Essentially Asian/white hispanic/white men will identify with republicanism whilst black women/men, and women in general will identify with democrats.

so I get to chose between white idpol with Republicans or sexual and other racial idpol with Democrats.

Also you have to take account of the fact that men naturally get more conservative as they get older, irrespective of whether they marry or not, whilst women only become less liberal/leftist when they get married. Marriage rates are tanking for millenial women, and with the increases in single motherhood, older women who would have been more conservative if they were in trad families, will feel compelled to support a larger state with comprehensive welfare state, . So there will be a gender based political ideological divergence among millennial women and men and the gap will widen. Theres no doubt that politics is becoming more stratified by gender.

Unfortunately. I wouldn't doubt it if every presidential election is going to be "Clinton vs. Trump" on steroids for a while: neoliberal identity politics vs. reactionary identity politics.

29% of black males support Trump, according to a recent poll.

If youre a working class low status male of any race wholl lose the most with the breakdown of trad monogamy, and the increase in competition in the labour market from mass immigration, then youre less likely to be for racial/sexual idpol. Im expecting Reactionary politics to become normalized,even among some minority men. I regularly go to black social media sites and im seeing the growth of reactionary gender and racial politics from alot of black men. Theyre angry that hispanics are "taking their jobs" and that they dont have the chance to have stable nuclear families like white people .Many are even warming up to Trump, and see white racism as a lesser concern that the diminishing economic prospects of black men resulting partly from hispanic migration, and the breakdown of the nuclear family. Things are changing fast among millenials, so Im not sure if we will see normie politics increasingly dictated by racial idpol or gender idpol or material concerns. But Im seeing the divide getting wider.

yah. Im seeing a lot of black guys who are for trumps economic protectionism, since a lot of them work or used to be employed in industries that were affected by the 90s and early 2000s outsourcing to China and Asia. i think Black men are going to be a wild card. Many of them are tired of racial idpol too, and would much rather side with racists wholl give them better jobs than dems wholl only give them empty promises. Theyre also beginning to be as reactionary as white chuds when it comes to feminism. Many of them hate black feminism because they believed it contributed to te destruction of the black nuclear family. The black men I interact with online are pretty reactionary though.

Can’t tell if the same poster or not, but directly contradictory. This shows that regardless of race and gender, younger people are more democrat…

Ehhh, you guys oughta be really really more skeptical about that. Especially since a lot of reactionary black men tend to be online only, anonymous, sure you can argue they might just be hiding since they’re the minority… but it’s also just as likely that a lot of them are white alt rightists roleplaying and trying to make it seem more acceptable, which shouldn’t be surprising, since they’re obsessed with black masculinity in how they both fear and fetishize it.

well, i think it shows that millenial men are not tied down to any party and re more reactionary than we think. The latest polls shows that republicans saw an increase in support from millennial men, especially among white men, whilst supprot from black men doubled to a nearly third after that Kanye incident . This is less the case for women, where their allegiance to the democrats is built on more sturdy ground. It shows that millenial men are a wildcard.

Well im black, and im noticing a lot of black men who are against mass immigration of hispanics, because theres a belief in the black community that Hispanics are more openly racist than whites and are setting shop in traditional black dominated areas and using ethnic nepotism to push black men out of the labour market, whilst denying them opportunities when theyre employed in their businesses. This belief is becoming even more entrenched in the black community as tensions between Hispanics and blacks worsen, and as Hispanics gentrify traditionally black suburbs. They also fear the growing political power of hispanics in inner city local counsels . So there are many blacks who are against mass immigration from Latin America and are supporting trumps wall. You dont understand the tensions between Hispanics and blacks so you wouldnt get it. Its not widely covered by the media, because black leaders want to present a united front among other non WASPs minorities, but its there. .

Wouldn't that make you MORE invested in sexual/racist idpol, since as you, I feel, accurately describe the average low status males view of were his power and agency is depleted by (immigrants and liberal feminist sexual liberation). Do you mean they wouldn't buy into LIBERAL Idpol?

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Ah then that’s somewhat a fake point, women just seem more entrenched by years of being more catered to in idpol circles

No, as a Latino, I’m very aware of the tension you’re talking about, I know Hispanics who are anti black and have heard black friends tell me about older black men who are very weary of Hispanics. And of course there’s gang beef between Hispanic and black gangs, especially here in L.A. But even amongst the black men who are weary or prejudiced to Latinos, I’ve noticed they’re also often still on the fence on Trump and republicans in general, just due to the bad history. Crack is hard to forget.

Can confirm, I'm Mexican 3rd generation. Everyone save my parents in my extended family voted Trump and would be indistinguishable to you from an alt-righter if you talked to them online. This isn't new, hispanics have always been really racist toward blacks.
Also much of my family sees themselves as white. Some of them have white skin, and I think more and more white people really are treating them as white.
I'm indio as hell looking so I've never passed as white to anyone who's not blind, so I never bought into the Hispanic coopting of white supremacy. But I'm the exception not the rule.

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You are underestimating black men. They are also suffering from the same shit white males complain, and in some cases they suffer even harder.

If a moronic president like Trump got 29% support among black males basically without even trying, then imagine when a actual talented and smart politician tries…

Well I wasn’t under estimating, more over estimating by your argument. I really need to see where that number came from, cause it sounds a bit bogus. Also idk if I’d characterize Trump’s political campaign as low effort or stupid, if anything, as a candidate who wasn’t the traditionally stuffy white republican dude, more this bombastic comedic personality, I can see why he was more likely to draw attention from more black men.

It is 22%, not 29%. Disaproval rate is 71% which means that 29% black males either approve Trump or do not have a opinion, and in this political climate it is almost the same as approving him. Either way, it is the largest percentage any republican president had in decades of this particular demographic. And this number is even more remarkable, considering the amount of negative press Trump had.

We could be seeing here the turning point in Black voting tendencies. Republicans are definitely going to explore this tendency in 2024.

White racism is no longer the major issue in the "black community", they have much more pressing issues right now, and ones much more aligned with white males, the traditional republican voting bloc.

Pardon me my poor english, and probably, wrong analysis. i'm not american and i'm drunk as fuck.

That’s okay, drinking away the social antagonisms of capitalism is a genuine political goal. Anyways I don’t think this really shows any kind of sustainable turn of black support for republicans, unless they get another figure with the vibrant personality and anti-establishment rhetoric of Trump(which is gonna especially unlikely after 4-8 years of actually being the establishment). Andddd yeah no, with incidents like the Roof massacre and Charlottesville fresh in mind, white racism is still one of the most pressing issues.

I agree with the rest of your post but this is just wrong. Black people have always been deeply reactionary, and their values have always aligned with conservative whites on everything outside of white supremacy.
I think this has always been an unspoken axiom in american politics. That the only reason why black people vote dem is because the GoP literally rallies on bringing back Jim Crow. As soon as they stop doing that liberals are in for a rude awakening as the black demo completely abandons them.

Ehhh uhhh no. Black people do vary on this, but usually when they are homophobic or sexist, it’s out of machismo they have to wield in order to survive where they live. That doesn’t mean they’d actually support the policies of reactionaries. So say, it’s more like an unspoken axiom that although a black man from the ghetto might not like gays or find himself disgusted by them, he wouldn’t vote to keep them from being able to do what they want to do.

young people tend to consume media from different sources while old people get their media from one place (PBS or NPR)

this is not surprising

Was gonna say something like this, but specifically for this line:

Economically, even a lot of socially reactionary black people still lean left. And historically, I don't think black people have really even been so socially reactionary as they're said to be. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong things, maybe it's artists - but from something like the '30s to the early '60s, black culture appears to pretty totally defy any alignment with conservative white culture.

Take that second one - Little Richard's shift into hardline reactionary ideology not only involved abandoning his sexuality in favor of religion, but involved (for a time, at least) abandoning rock'n'roll as well and describing it (paraphrasing here) as "evil voodoo rhythms." Black popular/folk culture during most of the segregation era seems to have been much less focused on purity, masculinity, and "respectability" than it is (said to be) now. Not that this stuff is ever all that consistent.

Anyway, offer unity. Chasing after people who are still using Limbaugh lines in 2018 isn't helpful. Base build, run for elections (even if you can't win, get the message out there and show support), describe the problems with which people are already familiar and how the solution could be done.

One old principle is positivity. Not sugar-coating, people forget that. No "be happy," no "things are great," nothing that emulates the status quo because overall the status quo is not positive. Evoke the desire to build and create and to have a purpose in society, and shun fixation on sex and gender and race and whathaveyou - even if someone is fixated on those things, once you're gaining traction those people will likely come over too.

Yeah, it’s actually primarily a right wing stereotype that blacks are like super conservative socially, and even with its kernel of truth, they defintely aren’t economically, the legacy of the Panthers is still alive and many still remember fondly the free lunch programs and ideal of community supporting one another.

This is exactly the opposite of what is needed, though. Much of the spread of idpol wrecking is because people fixated on identity issues have joined other groups en masse or infiltrating to gain positions of authority. They then force whichever grouping they have joined to similarly adopt their fixations.