Zig Forums
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Right Politics #26
Right Politics
Repeal Copy Right Law
The Boomers are at it Again
Used to be pretty passionate about this stuff, but for the last few years i keep getting more and more pessimistic...
US military will deploy 5,200 active duty troops to Mexican border
News 10/29
Population transfering in the Soviet Union
Trump putin bolsonaro
Once again, on productive labour and Cockshott
New Zealand, led by feminist progressive darling Jacinda Ardern, approves TPP
Do you also advocate for the equal redistribution of women?
RAF Thread
USA is fucked
Bolsanaro Victory
Cultural Capitalism vs "Cultural Marxism"
Dystopia: Photos and Art
De Leonism
Lazyness and Socialism
Defeatism Thread: No Coping Edition
Ok leftypol
Why did Cornman lie about Stalin? What did he gain from doing this...
Occupy Wall Street
Anarchists and Marxists
Amnesty International Now Pro Prostitution
Brazil general
Brazil General 2: Electric Bolsaloo
Shooting in American Synagogue
Why did Marx think Socialism could be achieved through peaceful, electoral means?
The Soviet Union Was Not Fucking Imperialist
The reason why the Democrats lost in 2016. In one short video clip
No one, nor the left or right talks about this country ever...
You will be the first to go to the Gulag
Venezuela Is A Shithole Thread
Even a Maga-Tard is more revolutionary than your whole entire movement. "Anti-fa". More like "get butt kicked fu"...
Baboon poster here
Trump Is A Symptom Of A Larger Problem
Enraged Maoist Jason Unruhe goes ALL OUT against capitalists...
Social Democrat Criticism/Cringe/Hate
Native American Thread
/leftyk/ - equipment/survivalist edition
The only realistic alternative
Marxism in the Soviet Union
Which one of you faggots sent the packages to the Democrats?
Cultural Revolution
Moral Nihilism Thread
Whats your economic status leftypol?
Jimmy Dore's conservative AND liberal-patriotic American fans ENRAGED after him saying Americans are "backwards people"...
Richard Wolff thinks China is socialist
Everybody can see how completely hypocritical and brain-dead you masochistic communist-pussies are, if you like it...
News 10/25
Who would you kill?
The left can't meme
Did the Internet doom the World to Reactionarism?
News 10/24
US Bomb Alert: Clinton, Obama, Brennan and CNN evacuated
But it is not true that a socialist revolution necessarily establishes sexual equality...
Board Volunteer Applications
Crisis in the Kremlin thread: NATO gets smacked by the Warsaw Pact edition
Well leftypol, I just won the mega million jackpot. I'm looking at ~1.6 Billion before taxes...
Why isn't everyone here on the same page?
Dicky Spencer beat his wife
What's Zig Forums's take on this ugly motherfucker?
News 10/23
The Opportunity Costs of Socialism
Is anyone else starting to think that trying to get rid of all suffering is an inherently lost cause...
Let us have a thread in which we share pictures which are useful for converting and despooking. Share
What will people force to work under the communism?
Magyar fonál
Society of the Spectacle
What is this shit?
Explain to me how the immortal science of marxism-lenism defeat anarchism? I getting more
Why is the political right so painfully stupid? Like the "intellectual right" like Shapiro, Sowell, Peterson...
The great purge was it really as bad as western historians say it was? Was it necessary and or justifiable?
There is no incentive to work hard in a communism. Capitalism invented the internet, computers. agriculture, fashion...
Unpopular opinion thread
How does historical materialism account for those rare significant individuals that really do drive major movements and...
Life under allende
Central American caravan reaches Mexico chanting “We are international workers!”
Is this music video commiepilled?
If I want to get into Marxism/leftist ideology what do I need to read...
What's the Marxist critique of Anarchism...
What are some good books on GDR, especially history, and if available, the positives that happened in the country?
Climate Change
Transgender people and materialism
Reminder that completely unregulated capitalism is the truest form of anarchy
I like socialism, communism, but I don't like the abolition of private property part...
Is the us headed to a full on racialized political conflict system?
How communism would look like in america
News 10/20
Richard Wolff takes on Jordan B. Peterson
Marx on Religion
If you're a leftist why aren't you using a GNU/Linux distro? If you use Windows or Mac why are you even here?
Why did the Soviet Union participate in imperialist wars against Poland and Finland while agreeing to a non aggression...
Wrap it, fellas. This big brained PhD/tenured professor solved communism...
Flawless plan:
I've always wondered why would a human being oppose freedom, private property, ..etc
What is fascism
War game scenario
Why did every implementation of communist economics eventually end up as state capitalism?
What is the ☭TANKIE☭ response to the John Hunt incident?
Whats the deal with the abundance of interracial couples in adverts these days...
Why national socialism was the only system that secured the birth rate of germany?
Left communism thread
This new North Korea documentary is great, watch and spread
Would China's "Social Credit System" be allowed in a socialist state?
Why are people like this
Gritty thread
I have a lot of questions, need directions, please help
Open offices have driven Panasonic to make horse blinders for wagies to keep them from "getting distracted"
This is the future of the left
Is this the FBI or is it safe?
Francis Fukuyama interview: “Socialism ought to come back”
Market Socialism
Russian parliament admits guilt over Polish massacre
Why doesn't self-described "socialist" China which is ruled by the "communist" party have free / universal health care...
Tfw I like both anarchist thought and Marxist theory
I'm starting to think that Bakunin BTFOed Marx. From Statism and Anarchy:
The other Chinese revolution: Meet the people who took Deng’s economic great leap forward
Redpill me about the migrant crisis and the fact that the left failed...
Be ex-Yugoslav
Liberal/SocDem hate thread
Party of Labour of Albania appreciation thread
What was the darkest or most unpleasant communist movement of the 20th century? Obvious answers are Pol Pot...
Does anybody know about the cpusa platform?
I did it!
Trump is the best thing ever to happen to the left
Why were the eastern bloc states not integrated into the USSR as soviet socialist republics?
Drug Dealers
News 10/16
Haven't been keeping up; is there any real evidence for Russia controlling any aspect of the US election or Trump's...
I work at a call centre based in Northern Ireland. It's a fairly big call centre, but the pay is awful...
Gorbachov Hate Thread
Did Marxism seep into your dreams? I'm not joking, nor is this meant figuratively. I'm asking: literally...
Realistically speaking
Jimmy Dore's Pathologically Silly Critique Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Why do so many leftists absolutely hate cops? I don't understand, is leftism against law and order?
Are we heading to a racial caste system?
Why doesn't the Communist Party of China have any American branches...
I'm an American socdem...
News 10/15
59 years from death of ukrainian nationalist piece of shit
Message to you, board owner and mods
Bye bye leftypol. I have found salvation and you can too
China: Achievements of
Why are communists in particular such vicious, evil, sadistic people? They make Islamofascists seem merciful
Doxxing 101?
URSS pill me
Is Venom actually /ourfilm/?
Chinese are being targeted by US elites
Anti-America thread
What does Zig Forums think of AOC? I lean to the political right and I'm honestly enamoured with her...
General webm thread
"Privilege" doesn't exist
Belgian elections thread
Somalia - a country in an artificial state of war
Well im thinking about this shit again
A Communist won in russia/ Opinion on the CPRF
Why are Leftypol's waifus so much more intelligent and entertaining than Zig Forumss waifus like Blaire, Southern...
News 10/13
Unpopular opinions thread
Hey "comrades" ;), what do you think abou the stupid gentiles...
Russian Leftists and IdPol
Why can't liberals tell the difference between democratic socialists and social Democrats?
New Gen Barrison, and boy are these takes spicy
Zig Forums_irl
News 10/12
Why it is the undeniable imperative of western (read: Anglo) communists to uncritically support Comrade Paul Biya of...
Requesting a cuba thread
What exactly is the endgame for transwomen...
An alt flag I made
Yugoslavism today
In order to destroy poverty, we have to kill all wealthy...
Yes hello I am looking to kill as many commies and other faggots as possible
This is the peak of our civilization ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴...
News 10/11
Have you all noticed how rightists make the struggle between left/right and nationalists vs "globalists" to be the...
President of Cuba is on twitter
Last minute convert
Deng Xiaoping
Why did this imageboard furiously circlejerk over these guys two years ago? Was it a shill psy-op? More importantly...
News 10/10
What is your view on the NPC meme? Zig Forumstards say it's about normies who follow their programming...
Workers Party, yay or nay?
Brazil general
Trump rips Dems’ embrace of 'Medicare for all': ‘The centrist Democratic Party is dead’
#aufstehen is NAZBOL GANG
Thoughts on the Trashman? I'm your standard ☭TANKIE☭ ML, but sometimes his writings intrigue me...
Why do lefties hate Ancaps so much? You know Anarcho-Capitalism is just communism with money and property, right?
Yemen Civil War thread - /ycw/
This is Adolf Stalin, an unironic nazbol who hates women
Post modernism
Here we go again. Michael is about to devastate the northern Gulf coast and then dump heavy rains over the Carolinas...
Chris Hedges, the man, the legend
Social Democracy
Politically Confused user Here
Why I hate survivors
Che died today
”leftists” who prioritize thinly veiled SJW progressivism over class struggle
Ok i know theres someone who will come across this board that has lived or have had relatives that lived in a socialist...
For those of you who started off with racist tendancies, how did you shake them off?
Right Wing Channels With An Actual Understanding of the Left
I'm gonna get banned but fuck it
If you lived in a communist society what would be your profession?
Voting in the US
The Right Wing Mind
News 10/8
The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a...
So under ML communism what's stopping the dictator from turning the entire country into a prison other than good will?
We pay taxes to mantain our towns and cities!
The greatest weapon we have against porky: Soundcloud rap
Since karl marx and engels were against the family what's the alternative?
Am I going crazy, or what?
You learn Rhine German and resurrect Karl Marx
Thread for asking questions that don't deserve their own thread
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is - Socialist Mutual Aid Society
Climate change / Environment
New communist manifesto
World could be better now if
Will he ever bring the ussr back
Noam Chomsky says US should stay in Syria to protect the Kurds
Will China be able to destroy the American world order...
Juche gang spotted
/Leftky/ Cheap edition
Even other liberals are turning on liberal bourgeois feminism...
Thoughts on the Russia-Crimea situation from a few years ago...
I get why poor people would support an ideology that give them free stuff, but if you are rich...
Why are you guys agaisnt council communism and market socialism
Ban scientology
Incel general
be me
When will you Americans finally rise up against your government and thus against the capitalist system...
To understand Zig Forums you first have to understand the Left and Jewish subversion in its totality
Soviet Espionage
Walter Benjamin
Would the communist country make videogames?
Blanquism General /bg/
Neo liberals are going fucking apeshit insane!
Can we get a thread for this underappreciated leftist of the 20th century?
South Korea Thread
Millennial men were much more likely than women to call themselves a socialist or democratic socialist...
Amazon's hourly workers lose monthly bonuses and stock awards as minimum wage increases
Dengism does not wo-
What does leftypol think about neets?
Catholic vs. Orthodox (leftist perspective)
One korea
You know, I just realized something. I call pic related "commiecat," but that really isn't a proper name...
Socialist Party of America
Nationalism is the Path to Honor and Virtue
Why is stirner associated with anarchism?
Are people on the Forbes 400 list like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk considered proles...
Socialism in Argentina
New Chinese Game Show: "Studying Xi in the New Era"
What do you think of RJW (right justice warriors) using the same systematic victimization as those who denounce
Why does Hegel's philosophy lead so many (both right and left) to become outright Neocons and western chauvinists?
North Korea TV watch thread
Euthanasia Thread
Why dont you move to cuba?
I’ve seen this type of comment a lot on the internet and real life as an analogy against socialism...
Why are anonymous boards excessively right-wing?
Nazino island
Can somebody explain to me the difference between Maoism, Marxism-Leninism-Maoism...
Question to ML peeps
Why is anarchist so prevalent among hispanics?
Honest question, has Michael Parenti ever been wrong about anything?
We don't have enough crossposters
Venezuela thread #5295238
One mistake of Marx??
Why was he the best communist leader ever, lads?
Capitalism is ugly
I Think Bernie is Hiding His Power Level
Someone explain "decolonization" to me
News 10/1
Anons, This is true?
Do liberals side with Fascists out of pure naivete or is it actually because they view the left as a bigger threat than...
Enjoyment and utopia in the Mass Effect and Halo universes
Hello friends...
Christian Anarchism
Cuba going back to capitalism
Do Capitalists work?
Bunkerchan is 3 BOYOS and GIRLOS
Sage life
Bayzeek Ecanomicks
Anyone active over at Zig Forums?
Which one of you fucktards did this so i can bully you relentlessly
Holy shit just get over it leftists
Has there ever been a society that was so capitalist that it led to its own collapse?
ITT: Let's call out PsyOps
What's the point of this board anyway?...
Leftists protest open-carry rally
East German Alt-Hist
Communist treason?
1-O was a year ago
American Cultural Imperialism
China’s Leaders Confront an Unlikely Foe: Ardent Young Communists
Expulsion of Germans 1945
Zig Forums creates a content rating system
Would you let a pedophile babysit your daughter so long as they were asexual?
Is Trump Engaged in Hegelian Dialectic?
The Left Will Abide the Regal Queer
News 9/28
Socdem cuck Trudeau just got humiliated in the funniest way possible
Do you think thered be any chance the average american redneck would partake in class struggle
Great job BO. I know it took a lot of hard work to pull this off. You did it buddy!
Reddit banning leftist subs
News 9/27
U.S. Senate committee recognizes 1932-1933 Holodomor as genocide of Ukrainian people
Sexy Communism
Most anarchists are against the State but not all forms of government, right?
I need a girlfriend? How can I find one
How can we provide material support to our Bangladeshi comrades in their time of need?
Cuba is NOT socialist. Buying and selling homes goes directly against what socialism is supposed to be
Political compass thread
Let's assume we do take control of the USA
Thread about how a socialist economy would work
The big imperialism discussion
Liberalized Proles
Melenchon speaks at UK Labor event
Should we support UKIP and nationalist politics short term to break the liberal power structure?
Is this an accurate portrayal of Germany after WWII? Or is it just an overestimation?
Is the End Upon Us?
Why doesn't North Korea hire Cockshott to replace their capitalism with cybersocialism?
Wtf is their problem?
You need to find a job
/Leftybritpol/ - Liverpool Rising Edition
News 9/22
Collective Decision Making and Suggestions Thread
Prager-u made video on Karl Marx, watch on your own discretion. A very banal,full of lies videos
Emanuel macron masive popularity downfall
"Rojava" hires American corporate private mercenaries
Contra points appreciation thread
How do we get rid of the brocialist problem?
Converting upper class
Been reading the works of notable right wing thinkers over the centuries
Alternate History
Why stalin did nothing wrong
Go into bank to borrow a few hundred euro to cover extra expenses and surve till next paycheck
Antifa Soy Boys
Warsaw Pact General
Trump's america
Actually building socialism? Nah, let's just wage a world war against the capitalists instead, that'll work
Char count
Mikhail Gorbachev
News 9/22
Ban all religious delusions for anti-materialist delusions
Tfw revolution probably won't come in the 1st world in your lifetime
Darling in the FranXX: Japanese anime series about fighting for the survival of humanity
The Left is Failing to Capture Hearts
Tfw even the fucking marxists Leninist in your area are pozzed
This is the face of a man in defeat
Posadism thread
Le white genocide meme
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? When will comrade Lenin get the burial he deserves, Zig Forums?
Marine Le Pen ordered to undergo psychiatric testing
Prager-U made video about based Hezbollah
R/neoliberal users collectively orgasm at the prospect of an illegal invasion of Venezuela...
Maoism is fucking gay
Americans Talking About Socialism? It's not happening
Pol Pot Discussion and Truth
News 9/19
How was Nazi Germany pre war doing economically? How was it attained?
Falangist AMA
Why America tends to fetishize guys like pic related as some sort of know it all glaxy brain gods...
Molyneux DESTROYS Socialist comments
>Right wing projection
Just a reminder Stalin was based
What are some key books about the founding of the US that dives into the elitist proclivities of the founders when they...
How do we fix antisemitism from the Left in Europe
Cuban president backs same-sex marriage
Why do Trots have no revolutionary potential despite saying all the time that PERMANENT REVOLUTION must happen?
Maduro Feasts on Steak, Cigars at Salt Bae Restaurant
/uspg/ - US Politics General
Liberation through suicide
What is your thoughts about the group people call "SJW"? What should we do with them...
Change my mind
Kino Thread
Get ready bois!
Berlin Blockade
Music Thread
Vietnam is NOT socialist
Psychedelic Communism
Socialism does not work with shitskins
Venezuela hands China more oil presence, but no mention of new funds
Actual IRL Praxis Thread
Aydin Paladin
Jesus, the hippie, communist, libcuck
What I always find funny about the Nazis is the fact that they think that the evil Jews control the capitalist system...
Actually reading rightist theorists
Sargentini report
Communist memorial names
Rat Utopia
The fall of ML as a theory
Fascism is Human Nature
Tfw no jewish booj gf
Labour theory of value
The Holocaust didn't happen
Brain size 2nd attempt
So I smoked weed the other day with an ancap and he asked me the following
How can just one man btfo class relations so goddamn hard they go back to the status quo?
Get hit with Hurricane Maria
Are car bombings Marxist?
Nu Jason "ROO" Unruhe Vid fuckers: Windows 10 Going Monthly Subscription
Jeff Bezos is going to create schools where ‘the child is the customer’
John McNaughton
Encounters with SJWs
Left Politics in the Netherlands
Can we have Zig Forums memes thread...
Trump Administration Makes Criticism of Israel a Hate Crime in Schools
Hi, can you guys please help me to understand Stalin? Everytime I'm trying to study his part in history...
DDR Revivalism/East German Nationalism
The Woman Problem
Memes now illegal in Europe
Major Hurricane Florence Thread
ITT: dogmatic retards
Is there an unbiased history book about the Soviet Union? Im looking to educate myself on what really went down
I'm in love, and very confused. First this >>2635916, now this. Zig Forums turned me gay, fuck you guys
Kyle Kulinski vs. Noam Chomsky & Chris Hedges
News 9/11
What do you think about George Orwell's 1984 and Animal Farm?
ITT: We wish our president a happy birthday
Fuck world trade
September 11th
Happy 9/11 Zig Forums
Amazon wage cage patent
Teenvogue giving an actually *woke* discussion of actual anarchism
How do I stop being racist?
News 9/10
Ho Chi Minh died in 2 of September 49 years ago. How did Zig Forums miss that date...
Ideology Thread
Revolutionary to Liberal pipeline
Another landlord hate thread
Why does RT keep branding Sweden's ruling Social Democrat party as "socialist"?
Corbyn and the so-called "working definition of antisemitism"
Labor Theory of Value
How do we go about getting get mainstream center-left parties in the west to focus more on the working class again ?
How did Gorbachev fuck up this hard in 10 years?
Fast Food
Autists unite
News 9/8
Hey comrades, Fascists from 4chan have taken over the core of pixelcanvas...
Trump officials secretly met with Venezuelan officers to discuss overthrow of Maduro
An-Cap thread
Hi commies im living in the socialist dream and i have 19 years of my life waiting for a NATO/USA invasion and i see...
Saw this ad on youtube. do you think dennis prager browses leftypol?
Alibaba’s Jack Ma, China’s Richest Man, to Retire From Company He Co-Founded
Polarizing events and/or decisions
News 9/7
Serious question for syndicalists, co-op socialists, market socialists etc:
Hey whats my tendency if I want to do communism but without the idpol freaks...
I was not rude. I just brought up the issues that men face
EFF Thread / South Africa News
Follow your leader
4chan is writing CIA operations
Riksdag election, 2018
Real shit
Anarcom give me reasons and argument to be one of yours …
Is HE Our Guy!!!!!!!
Another Late Stage Capitalism Thread
Cockshott General 3.0: Chad Cybernetics Edition
Right Wing Brazilian Presidential Candidate Stabbed
Did the Cossacks, Volga Germans, Kalmyks, Chechens, and Crimean Tatars deserve it...
Sooo looks like DPRK might open up:
Blueprint for getting Zig Forums to question capitalism
Arabian horse, earliest improved breed of horse, valued for its speed, stamina (see photograph), beauty, intelligence...
Why is BO so shit?
Bernie Sanders introduces the BEZOS Act, slamming Amazon's low wages
Alex Jones vs...
Social Media Openness
I am a communist...
Challenge: find and debunk a picture of a breadline or empty supermarket under "socialism"
An American Carol
Why are Trots such creeps
Nike has Kaepernick endorse their clothes
Not a leftypol native, but I know you guys fucking love Cockshott...
How come Russia is considered an oligarchy but China, with its 819 billionaires and extreme inequality, is not?
Debord vs Cinema
News 9/4
/lit/ is better for leftist discussion than leftypol
Think heroin addicts are scary? Imagine a population of ex-soldiers coming home
Howdy Zig Forums. I'm a friendly sojourner from Zig Forums...
Whats the deal
You better stand up for the Special Song, user
Mfw my country is under attack by 8 foreign powers, and is being internally ravaged by sabotage from trots, anarkiddies...
Creating Big Organizations and the Microparty Phenomenon
"labor day"
Friendly reminder that tankies are pathetic losers and everybody is laughing at you
Sailor Moon is a satire of the Spectacle and consumerist culture...
Brazil's National Museum hit by fire
Ben Shapiro
Left-wing economics departments
Eugenics in communism
So…are we still just not gonna talk about this?
Africa is fucked
This is the modern representative of your ideology. Sheltered, liberal arts, twitter dorks. Capitalism won
How do we counteract the "lefties r anti gun reeeeeee" argument...
Revolutionary Communist Party USA
What Makes Zig Forums Zig Forums?
#DeleteArt13 #DeleteArt11 EU Copyright Directive voted on again on the 12th
Is anyone else annoyed that this asshole is the face of anarchists right now? As much as i hate this lolbertarian idiot...
Left-wing prageru
What exactly is the marxist stance on the pet industry...
Christian Communism
Why did no one tell me about this qt? He's definitely /ourcomrade/...
How successful was Engels as a capitalist? Was his business doing well compared to other businesses of the time?
Was in military
The Nuclear Family
A political system that has only failed is better than the most successful political regime in human history
Which way?
Strategy Games
What does Zig Forums think of the situation in Ukraine...
Do I have the right to defend my personal property with force under socialism?
Encyclopedia dramatica, youtube and such have claim the hearts of the millennial and z generations of people...
Shit Conservatives Say
CIA admitting they've infiltrated every part of US society
Israel Drops the Mask
Soyboy Leftist Owned
Thoughts on squatters?
Left-wing book publisher Douglas Lain asks in this new video:
My country's economy is about to collapse
Guys, i'm starting to actually get worried...
User, are you a natalist or an anti-natalist? Do you base your position on some kind of Marxist analysis?
Autism thread
Amazon calls Bernie Sanders' claims of poor worker conditions 'inaccurate and misleading'
Death to Communism!
What is the consensus on the IRA? Based or unbased...
Is hard core socialism bound to fail due to human nature?
Unabomber Manifesto a.k.a ISAF
Don't ever talk to me or my girlfriend's underaged lover ever again
Tribal communists
Now that the dust is settled, what is the Zig Forums consensus on Barack Obama?
Anarchist catalonia was bad
'Are they sure it wasn't the Russians?' Clinton's emails were reportedly hacked by China
Syria Thread
Lmao. Seen the new masterpiece?
If Marx and lenin didn't want a bureocratic state
This man made $250 million TODAY, that's $10.4 million in one hour, 170k in one minute
Philosophical challenge:
Trump looking at regulating Google because of hurt fee-fees
Hi Zig Forums i’m banned from Zig Forums for another week so please no bully or ban
Patriotism and left-wing "nationalism"
Africa general
My fears about the Qanon "Movement"
Chomsky, Hersh and... Boris Johnson? Twitter pundits ponder odd 'Assadist' blacklist
This man ruined leftism forever, he created sjws, was a pedo...
Anti-Imperialist Cinema
Propaganda Plz
Junk Food Tax
Why do some wannabe Communists here think, that you are a pol false flag offender...
Muh universal healthcare
==Katyn Massacre was done by the nazis==
"a lecture series about the sacred icons of the left. (Marx, Foucault, Derrida)"
US preparing sanctions against SKorea
How do we fellow socialists fight against dangerous mass movements such as the alt right, intersectionality...
"oh salo feel sorry for me i was starved by soviets 5 times! no 7 times!
Afghanistan: Factions, Soviets, Critical Support, History
Anti-White Politics is anti-Revolutionary Nonsense
Boston DSA Cringe: Conor Arpey Edition
"New to Zizek" thread
Will I be able to jack off to anime in your communist utopia?
Women in the military
Mass shooting at an eSports event in Jacksonville
Right winger here, honestly trying to convert...
Is PragerU good praxis?
How to undo alt-right brainwashing?
Can you guys give me a good counter to the "human nature" argument? I know you like to make fun of it a lot...
Just Fuck my shit up General
Suck more Jew cocks...
How to destroy the alt right
What's going on in Kerala?
You disappoint me Zig Forums. A whole week and no commiecat OC? What the fuck are you even doing?
Cooperation vs Competition
Stalinism was good
Organizing to get Power
Bro fish pops are dying in the future fish is going to be for millionaires only I remember when tuna cans cost 25 cents...
Generic Arguments: The Post
Why did halfchan fail? What killed imageboard culture? OP must be at least 100 chars on this board
Women are so weak
Concerning "real" Communists
Zig Forumstard rants about 'Day of Reckoning' against non-whites in California
How do you fuck up so hard?
I've created an Anarchist political party. I'm based in Northern Ireland and need members. Irish anons...
Verizon throttles Californian fire departments during wildfires
Primitivism thread
Ex-leftypol lurker back after alt-right excursions
How Can This Be Argued?
Capitalism is for useful idiots
How are 1000 year dynasties even made? How can a family even keep the money for that long...
Have you ever dated a right-winger or a centrist? How does your political views affect your dating life?
Come on ya'll show me what you got. Lets share some of our favorite leftist music with whatever theme may come to mind...
What are other leftists spaces you frequent? Forums, blogs, newsites, video channels, imageboards, subreddits, etc...
THE Angela Davis is coming to my school
/ourgirl/ Abby's show is censored by capitalist sanctions
Please help me embrace leftism
If the area in blue became a shallow sea in 1871, how much better would Europe be...
Why is the left so big on censorship?
French "structuralists" general!
So is Ben Garrison an outed fascist now or what? He was crypto with his pro-Trump shit...
What started the "CPC is socialist" meme?
Hey guys, lets smear Marx's ideas for the next 200 years
How do you guys feel knowing that Eion Musk's descendants are going to be fighting legal battles over the ownership of...
Does anyone else feel extreme anger when they hear this fucking guy...
/trot/ - Trotskyism general
What's next after Trump goes to jail?
Labor Theory of Value
A pesar de que el episodio "Veme, siente, canta" de la quinta temporada, fue censurado y omitido en su país de origen...
Identity Politics = A Distraction from the elitist 1%
The Perestroika deception
Datamining thread
Warsaw Pact general
Silent Sam is down
Saying Goodbye to Planet Earth
No identity
What's the most tolerable Western country at the moment?
Economic policy of Japan
X thing is not communist
Non-monogamy showed me what it really means to be with someone
Yurp vs USA standard of living
Cursed Liberal Images
Founder of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales publicly denounces Jeremy Corbyn and implies he's an "anti-semite"
Crisis in the kremlin thread:gennady yanayev edition continuing from >>2620230 muh 100 characters go here
Political Hackers
Why did the USSR and Czechoslovakia vote in favour of the UN's 1947 partition plan for Palestine...
Important Postmodern Philosophers
Praxis in the 21st Century
Suck my dick
Here is why communism doens't work
The bourgeoisie always uses some kind of elaborate orthodox social rituals to be genteel and justify themselves as...
Venezuela hikes wages 35x, $0.87 to $30/mo - Workers will be on the government's payroll for 90 days
If you really want to piss off Zig Forums go into their trump general and post this stuff...
Inmates plan nationwide prison strike over forced labor, appalling conditions
Let's have an intelligent discussion about unions
How to deal with suburbia
Getting sick of Zig Forums because it's retarded. Are you all retarded too? Should I become a /leftypoler/ instead?
I'm curious Zig Forums. Which variant of not real communism is commiecat supposed to represent...
Street gangs
Crisis in the kremlin thread lads
I'm an English nationalist who has given up on capitalism...
What did he mean by this?
Thermonuclear takes from your family
Hail Caesarian Marxism!
Debate Stirner
Question to China apologists: does the CPC have any real plan to deal with China's extreme inequality and 819+...
Warren introduces Accountable Capitalism Act
Nu Dr. Richard Wolff economic update video, fuckbois! Special guests: Sex workers' advocates Chapo Trap House
Is Bernie a controlled opposition?
How should leftists actually go about organizing in America...
>muh capital
For Glorious Stalin and the Commune we will wipe out Finland until they all listen to us!
Why do some capitalists push SJW stuff in a market where most of their consumers out right reject it?
Bosnian Thread
There are only two genders. Change my mind leftypol
I know that ⛏️rotsky was a butthurt traitor and modern Trots tend to be insane...
Connecticut socialist turns in over 10,900 signatures for U.S. Senate bid
How JUST is he?
Americain is naturally vile being serving the capitalism these people have no humanity something must be made against...
Has anybody ever considered making something kind of like pic related...
What is Venezuela? Some have said Venezuela is a communist country. Others say it is a socialist country. However...
Why would I ever be a communist?
Were former Nazis willingly joining the liberals in the West during the Cold War the ultimate example of how the two...
21st century stalin
Rafiq's works
Sends white men in own country to die in pointless conflict
ITT we post our favourite /ourguys/
"Freud’s theory has now become a fad. I mistrust sex theories expounded in articles, treatises, pamphlets, etc...
It’s time to stop
ITT: Misunderstood /ourguys/
Is China really a socialist country if they banned homosexuality, extramarital affairs...
Leftist arguments against social democracy
If you still think that in 2018...
The Alt-Right Is Taking Over Renaissance Fairs
Brainlet here pls debunk
Legitimate criticism of the MeToo movement
NATO Should Give Turkey the Boot
Conservatives call for constitutional intervention last seen 230 years ago
/sv/ Sverigetråden
Redpill me on the Soviet Union...
Cognitive dissonance
Do you think that there is a plot in order to demonize the Left and bring about an authoritarian World order?
All these threads from 2017
Why do Whiteoids hate Maoist Third Worldism?
Is the meg /ourshark/?
In the case of Revolution in the US...
Anyone else noticing how a lot of these fascists don't want to admit their rally failed...
The Young Karl Marx
Majority Report with Sam Seder
Law of Value and Wages
Politics is just a cope for the meaninglessness of existence. All this will pass, including the human race itself
European Union
Are leftwing reactionary accepted here and there is something wrong with it?
Conservative Shit
Zig Forums IQ thread
Is this a psyop?
What Syrian militias recruit Women?
What the fuck happened to this board
Left wing antisemitism
A Vote on new “Space Force” logo
What did the New York Times mean by this...
Was Saddam /ourguy/...
Black Nationalism?
Hezbollah's Next Battle: Islamic Communism
"Unite the Right 2" Thread
Why are ⛏️rotskyists the nicest commies...
Jimmy Dore's 2nd appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience
Are there any Khmer apologists here or can we unanimously agree Pol Pot was scum ?
Current Russia
The Problem of rape in the US military
Zig Forums Approved Horror Films
What are the "Socialist Benefits" of Communist China?
How to read capital
Give me ONE good reason why I shouldn't abandon all opportunistic partisans and embrace LeftCommunism
"Why Socialism is a threat to minorities"
I made another video, anti PragerU this time
I have created a board called >>>/ecopol/ for the discussion of environmental politics...
When I realized Marxism isn't the only method to communism
In the whole fuck fest that was the fall of yugoslavia, was he /ourguy/?
The Underground Reich
Last threads
Why are white people so violent?
Support roflcopter2110 torrents, I give out Red Pills of TRUTH via BitTorrent PART 2
Harnessing Mass-Shooters: How to Save the White Race
DDoS protection shutting off in two hours
The end
Right Politics
Zig Forums is under attack
List of recent coincidences
El Paso False flag shooting
Connor Betts, Ohio Shooter, Died in 2014
Corbyn: An exception to first world electoralism
Right Politics
Why aren't we shitting up Zig Forums
Study: Racial Patterns and Mass Murders
Trump says 'hate has no place in our country'
Alternative News
Don't be a retard like El Paso faggot