I don't want to be a Zig Forumsack anymore. It's ruined my mental health. How do I stop thinking this way?
How do I stop being racist?
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Buy a blacked subscription, comrade.
read fiction from other cultures… like Mishima or Marquez or something
also note that there are qts from all ethnicities
even if everything Zig Forums says about race is true (it isn't), it doesn't really matter
the world is being ruined by faceless capital, not common jamal or schlomo on the street, who get fucked as hard as you are. autistically obsessing over I.Q. points and melanine counts is so fucking petty when $$$they$$$ are literally killing our planet and driving you deeper into squalor with every passing day
who do you really feel more solidarity with, a poor black or a white millionaire?
also if you care about your nations culture it is capitalism that is one tapping it. They're ruining the homes of poor people in syria (who have their own culture and history to be proud of) and forcing them to move and search a better life. But immigrants aren't even the real thing that hurts culture its the comodification of everything that detracts from valuable celebrations of history and heritage etc etc
Realize a white worker has more in common with a non-white worker than a white ruling class member. Nobody on top, regardless of race, gives a single fuck about you. Sure, they may say they do and wrap it up in collaborationist rhetoric "for the good of the nation" shit, but in private they're laughing their ass off eating crack-infused caviar off a whore's ass. Fucking Julius Evola (like all fashies tbh) even made an exception for aristocrats to be "degenerates" and justified it in some fucked up way.
u dont
Races with low in-group loyality always die out so just kill yourself. Mass immigration is how porky keeps you and your earnings down and eventually gives him access to a low Autism Level labour force that doesn't challenge the status quo. Anyone who's serious about marxism puts his people first since you can't punch porky when you're busy fighting religious arab nutjobs who's raping your kids and stabbing you to death. Stop being a retarded liberal.
Meet black people and not sperg out. More importantly, try to have a social life.
The real disease Zig Forums is festered with is anti-social tendencies. Most of the bullshit comes from social isolation.
Races with low in-group loyality always die out so just kill yourself. Mass immigration is how porky keeps you and your earnings down and eventually gives him access to a low Autism Level labour force that doesn't challenge the status quo. Anyone who's serious about marxism puts his people first since you can't punch porky when you're busy fighting religious arab nutjobs who's raping your kids and stabbing you to death. Stop being a retarded liberal.
You have nothing in common with the other races and at the first possible chance they will fuck you over, just as hard if not harder than the bourgeoisie will. Fuck this bullshit about some parts of materialism being off limits, marxism is at its core about looking out for your collective interests and not having your country full off niggers is one of them.
For real though I just feel humiliated if I see a white woman with a non-white. I just get these thoughts like "why is she with him?" "does she only like blacks?" etc. It's pathetic, I never used to care AT ALL before Zig Forums but I do care now and there's seemingly nothing I can do. Of course, seeing a white male with a non white does fucking nothing.
I have lived abroad and travelled significantly. I'm not ignorant to other cultures, not really racist in that way, just in the way I see race in EVERYTHING, see whites as victims of our times, definitely want to preserve the white race in Europe (don't really care about America) etc. I admit, I am confused, I am most likely wrong about a lot of things.
But there are consequences if this stuff is true IMO. Not saying it is or it isn't.
I can agree with this
If Africans really are less intelligent there are definite consequences for society. They wont succeed no matter what the system.
I'm not poor or rich so I'll go with the white guy, as at least he wont hate me for being white.
I can agree with this too. Although I think both capitalism and communism both destroy culture.
For me, multiculturalism does lead to a watering down of the original culture and moves a society progressively closer to a global monoculture based on consumerism. You can see in every western country how immigration has been accompanied by "white guilt" and a willingness to demean the traditional cultural identity in order to make people more acquiescent to huge amounts of foreigners.
t. Champagne socialist
Anyone who's been living in a "diverse" hellhole hates it. There have been a ton of studies and they all show the same thing, as long as it's not your skin in the game it's okay to be as anti-racist as possible but if you actually are a working class native who have to put up with the the bullshit results of liberal porky policies it's hell.
Step 1: Find blacks.
Step 2: Relax.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Die.
Care to link them?
That might be true in some respects, and not true in others. I don't think white and black interests (for example) correlate perfectly.
I meet black people and not all of them are stupid but I do think their psychology is different. I have only in my life ever met one black person who was truly introverted for example. I just get the feeling they are different from other races at a pretty base level and I can't really shake it off.
Listen to my wisedom, kid :
Disliking a group of people overall is not a problem as long as it's just overall and you judge a person on who that person is.
Some dislike fat people, some dislike old people, some dislike young people, some dislike redhead people… and some dislike black people or asians or whatever, and it's just the same. Banning racism somehow makes things unfair because hate against fat people, old people, redhead people and so on, is not banned.
I dislike blacks and arabs overall because I truly think that most of them are stupid jerks, almost all those I met were, but I had a few black and arab friends because I judged them on who they were and these were good guys. So I am a racist, but it's not a problem at all, for anybody.
Being a racist is natural and is not a problem, as long as it's just overall.
I don't have any links at hand but I assure you they do exist, I've been looking pretty deep into this stuff for a long time now. I'm sure you'll find it if you just look. It's godawful how the transnat corps and rich pigs have tricked the left into thinking that questioning their money making migrant labour projects is wrong somehow because racism. The rich get richer and the working class is fucked economically as well as literally in many cases. So fuck your middle/upper-class ass and fuck the shitters who make a dime out of this misery.
Except for the fact that most other people of other races are also proletarians and have a common interest against the bourgeoise.
I'm probably the same. I don't hate individuals. But it just gets tiresome having my identity so linked to my race in my mind. Like I'm personally offended by the existance of non-whites in my country, not because I "hate them", but because of what they represent.
talk people of different races, they aren't all bad.
i live in san diego county, a good chunk of the people i went to school with were nonwhites, i never had any problem growing up
So? We all shit, eat and sleep no matter class, doesn't mean our collectives have mutual interests. Same goes for race. On some points there will be a shared interests but not within your nation. Tribe is much stronger than class, blood is thicker than water. If you abandon your tribalism then the race that doesn't will win.
The only sane approach is Juche. To serve ones people and working class must come first but if you can help another people in their struggle against the liberal capitalist system then you should by all means do so.
I dunno, try to damage your brain on purpose, you'll be an anti racist in no time flat
t. Porky
Yeah, you grew up in a nice rich area with a nice white acting pet minority. Get stomped.
yeahhhhh but what about the fact that I have more in common with a white worker than a non white worker?
We don't want poc!
We don't need poc!
Bye bye PoC?
I've met black people! Can't say I recommend it in GENERAL, especially if ones stated aim to be less racist!
Bye bye
I grew up in a very "diverse" city and growing up most of my classmates were black/minority. That's how I learned to hate them.
Sorry libshit, but lack of real world interaction with blacks is what leads people to be infected with your particular ignorance.
Also you need to drop that fucking flag, the DPRK has never promoted racism or chauvinism.
Oh my lord, if this isn't a troll just try to communicate with any group your prejudice against. Get to know them as a person.
You can’t stop being “racist” because you exist inside a bubble of naivety. Try losing everything in life (house/parents/wife/kids) in under a year, or have your heart stop in the emergency room. All of a sudden all the things that used to bother you, don’t really mean anything anymore. You don’t have anymore “problems” so to speak, and you stop being beholden to abstract bullshit. I’m convinced Zig Forums is what you get when you live your entire teenage-hood on the internet.
san diego doesn't have a white majority, it doesn't have any majority no race is more than 50% of san diego county, and will the area i grew up was majority white , it was only 60% which is far from "pet minority"
status, i went to school with mexicans with mexicans blacks and asians. when i go to nonwhite majority areas no one really bothers me, so you can get bent,
This post made me lol.
Not quite, he said:
Damn it's true, fascism is a sexual pathology lmao.
Isn't it funny how it doesn't count if the non-white people you meet are well off, even though by fashy shit logic it shouldn't matter at all and your experience should be roughly the same regardless of wealth? Really makes u think.
to be honest I get the same feeling, (although it was /ints/ doing and not Zig Forumss and I sad looking at couple of any race)
fortunately it makes little difference as no one would want me in a homogeneous society either.
Read George Hegel and read Max Stirner
Put your racism on hold until after the revolution. Once worldwide communism is realized you can live around whoever the fuck you want, until then work with blacks and other races to BTFO capitalists.
Realize that people are dickheads or mad lads regardless of race and most dickheads are created out of the conditions present in their life.
Also if you're spooked by race:
damn a video on race realism made before Zig Forums and contrapoints tier liberals reduced the conversation to idpol drivel
Here's a fresh idea OP - how about you stop being such a fucking loser.
You're walking down the street, looking at these white women, worrying about the race of the men that they're fucking.
How about you stop being so pathetic, and worry about a real problem for once in a while.
/b/ was racist as shit back in 2009. It was mild compared to the racism on the internet today.
People are impressionable, and it's one of the biggest mistakes of the internet that is yet to be accounted for.
You are simply mentally weak OP. It is not our fault that you became this way, and it is not the responsibility of Socialists to fix your problem.
Stop making these types of threads.
If you're stupid enough to let your entire worldview be warped by some imageboards, then solve your own problems on your own time and dime.
this is disgustingly reddit-tier
But he isn't wrong. Zig Forums ideology is an addiction to internet outrage. It asserts itself with constant negative feedback. The answer to "how do I stop being Zig Forums" is "stop your daily intravenous dosages of cherrypicked twitter screencaps and do literally anything else".
thats a different answer than that sander guys condescending attitude
a much better one
that's how I became an anarchist tho
Dude just stop using imageboards in general or even just stop using the internet for a few days, go out and breath some fresh air, have some time alone to think and gather your thoughts and relax, believe me i have been through this, leaving imageboards for like a month helped me regain my mental health.
Also if you see this please close this thread now and do what i said, it can be really difficult to force yourself to stop using imageboards at first, and if keep hitting that [Update] button you'll just be stuck in a vicious cycle.
op, don't exchange your internet addiction with socialist theory either. you can try reading ancient greek philosophy if you really want to try theory.
if you can afford it, go to a therapist.
I would, unironically, try visualizing love and compassion towards all human beings, understanding that all things I don't like in other people come because of no fault of their own.
Sounds deepak chopra bullshit, I'm not a theist nor into esoteric shit, but this has really helped me. I'm usually misanthropic, most of the time too much. It started to get in the way of making good relationships with retarded clients, so I gave it a shot and it has worked really well so far. It took a while to "ramp up". Now my mind doesn't repeatedly and automatically scream "fucking useless retard" anymore, so that's a plus. I do it for 10 minutes in the morning. If you try it and it works, please post somewhere here that it did, I'm really curious if it can also "cure" racism.
every single time
You can be a leftist and still be a racist. Have you ever heard of National Bolshevism? It's okay to be white comrade.
NazBol is undoubtedly leftist. The only reason anyone has a problem with it is because it's a meme.
Nazbol is a joke ideology invented by some russian performance artists. It's self-contradictory on purpose.
it's actually really fun having a wide variety of friends, I don't know what these losers in this thread are talking about OP.
also, why are you guys hanging out with dumb people? "ahhhh these people are so dumb!!!!1111" why don't you hang out with smart people, like damn
i did the same and it's amazing how fast your thoughts go back to a normal and healthy state. the "information" you consume shapes your mind.
by accepting that interracial banging has been going on for milleniums and if there's 5% racially pure on this planet at thmoment is too much.
Race without culture means nothing. Zig Forumsacks defend fake culture.
Lol I'm from Africa and I know plenty of introverted people. Has nothing to do with race.
and there is no uniform "black" psychology, blacks from country to country and ethnic group to ethnic group are different. Giving such sweeping characterizations to entire races is mind blowingly retarded and I'm not surprised fascists think like this.
The whole point of that ideology is there being one giant nation for each race. Which means getting rid of all those smaller cultures into some sweeping racial-nation.
Stop browsing pol and start browsing Zig Forums.
Watch videos by Shaun he debunks and explains a lot of race myths by pol
Women participate in porn in only one reason:capitalism. A lot of girls in porn come from poor backgrounds and participate in porn for money. Blacked is result of porn industry pandering to success of black Hollywood actors and rise of liberal minded people who value social justice
blacked isn't even owned by Jew, it's onwed by rich french guy
you are a honest to god retard if you think people actually watch interracial porn to signal how liberal they are
Read my comment again, it's not liberals who watch interracial porn, it's the rich who think that liberals watch interracial porn.
well that's even more retarded. show me a capitalist who bases his market research on Zig Forums memes
and commies have no culture. Being classless, sexless, raceless, ethnicless… senseless.. is what Marx espoused right?
Dude I live in an area with all sorts of racial and cultural groups in the South, you're talking bullshit. Yes places like this face unique challenges when it comes to getting people to get along, but if it wasn't race it'd be some other thing, and it's actually not that hard to get people of different races or cultures to get along.
If what you say is true, why do whites in areas like California, New York City, and Austin for instance still vote centre-left? Why are white Canadians often happy with how multiculturalism has played out for the most part? I will grant that the tolerance of Islam and other often-repressive religions is a mistake, but that's not much of a problem in America and is more of a Canadian/European issue.
but that's not a race thing at all
i, and really anyone i know, who lives in my area, hates people from the capital
they buy our houses, drive up the prices, live here only on weekends, drive obnoxiously big cars on our small village streets, act like they own the place and force "modernisation" that makes our quaint little village look like a fucking suburb, widening roads and killing old tree-lined streets
i hate them so fucking much
I think you should look a little into Marxist criticism of the so-called "culture industry".
Zig Forumsacks, Zig Forumsacks, how does the difference between these two experiences emerge? Is it simply up to chance from which multicultural neighborhood exactly you happen to grow up in? What would you all of one of these experiences say to those of the other?
cause leftypolacks were not bullied loosers
As a european ghetto junkoposter i know people from many different nations and i did not came to the conclusion that literally all people with a lot of melanin have the same mind
Everytime a 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧honest yet racist🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 user comes here, i have to ask
Why the hell most scientist lie about race
if you are not retarded(muh joooooz) ,you have no reason not to beilive people with PHDs
You fags need to read
i got bullied for not being german enough when i told in school that i visited family abroad during summer break
really made me want to kill them
by now i just don't give a shit
right wingers are strongly emotional fragile little things
basically what they think of women
This is interesting though
In Serbia, a lot of skinheads and other sorts of nationalists are at least half gypsies.
I'm trying to think if anyone I know to be or have been a skinhead was bullied, but really can't remember.
I'm a lot of the white guys I knew or still know who became fascists weren't really bullied in school (there wasn't much bullying in the first place), rather were just outcasts or socially awkward with only one exception. Which to be fair is a description that fit me as well in school.
Not always bullied
Especially in europe
We have talk about that before
There are many types of reactionaries
Those weird occult nazis are mostly just crazy(tho an unironic anarchonationalist i've met was autistic as shit)
But most ameretard polacks are bullied cryptofags
Except I'm working class in London and I've only ever had problems with Pikeys, shut the fuck up faggot
That's not Zig Forums memes. Doom, a very mainstream games even parodies fake progressive business culture.
Hollywood, gaming and porn industries.
you are fucking deluded
Just stay up to date with more current pop culture.
But like I said main driving idea is pondering to minorities for profit. Hence why so many new movies feature Chinese characters, fake progressiveness is maybe third or fourth reason.
interracial porn has nothing to do with fake progressiveness whatsoever, it's a fetish, and one that is far older than the current sjw wave. I've seen more liberals claim that interracial porn is racist than admit to watching it - and in a way it is racist, sort of the same appeal as monster rape in manga. no one watches interracial porn for progressiveness cookies, and only lobotomized retards from Zig Forums think people do.
Agree. Sorry, I got over myself and started talking about Hollywood and gaming industry.
i was only talking about blacked.com shit. of course the mainstream mass media is mired in fake progressiveness
What's wrong with being condescending? You've got fuckers lining up here going "I really, really wanna be left wing but muh jews" and then everybody here starts falling over themselves with the "it's alright, snugglepuss" bullshit.
What positives can we gain from this? We should have uncompromising principles, not pandering to fascists.
Life after hate.
look it up
i love being condescending myself, and i hate myself for it, but the moment should be opportune
i didn't see him make any apologies for being a dunce
not saying his OP quality is great but it's not what you make it out to be
i just don't see the reason for this sort of reaction here
You first step is to stop visiting places that are filled with pol propaganda.
The next step is to find some friends from other races.
Then read some marx.
The first part is the most important one tbh. Its the same way I keep away from incel shit.
Stop browsing Zig Forums. Once I got sick of the Zig Forums bullshit I stopped obsessing over Jews and race constantly and realized I didn't really care about it that much. Then I read Marx
Then I read Marx too and suddenly didn't care that 66 million goyims were killed by our Jewish masters in Russia!
Communism is KKKool!
Weird how the population didn't drop