Why should I have to labor for 40 years in order to prop up the medical bills of fat fucks like this who are killing themselves with corn syrup and lack of exercise, even though he knows the consequences and chooses to be unhealthy?
Muh universal healthcare
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It's like 25 euros a years total
Same goes for social security. Why should I have to work for 40 years for something that won't even exist when I retire for a bunch of fat fucking boomers who destroyed my country?
You aren't asking the real questions.
Where's the rest of the money coming from?
over 50% of the US is considered medically "obese". It's not a strawman, it's the fucking majority of americans.
Well there's your fucking problem :D:D:D
What rest of the money? America is the only country where medicine and medical care is that fucking expensive. The pushback is that doctors are not millionares
Your whole problem is because you all don't have universal healthcare in the states. If you did, people could take more preventative measures with health and be more educated on how to stay healthy so they wouldn't be a burden on the system. The way things work out now, it's a lot easier to make money off fat fucks stuffing their faces on the same products owned by huge companies. You're looking at the problem from the wrong angle buddy.
Nigger that doesn't even cover the cost of the electricity and supplies just to keep the hospital running.
You are so fucking delusional. These people know soda makes them fat and unhealthy. It's not like these people are drinking gallons of soda a day because they lack the education to know it's not good for them.
Because they are taught from school age to consume these products. Look at what kids eat in fucking school, it's not home made it's products from companies that they will be consuming from as adults.
No they aren't. They consume these products because their fat fuck parents consume those products and they've been raised on them. Their fat fuck parents buy it because it's cheap and tastes "good".
They eat what their parents pack them.
Also to add onto this, yes they do lack education. Ask Americans what they think healthy food is, if you want a real laugh. They are completely fucking retarded about it unless they are taught at a young age what to eat. Parents just take them out for fast food or buy the same products. Everyone knows soda is bad, but do they also know fruit juice is just as bad? No. When Americans try to be "healthy" they still fail at it because they still know nothing about how to eat.
I am an American and we were constantly lectured to in elementary school about making sure our diet consists of vegetables, fruits, grains, and a little protein, with little to no sugar. The whole "food pyramid" meme. Ask any person in america with a cart full of frozen pizzas and soda if that's "healthy food" and they'll unequivocally say it is not.
Yes their parents consume those products because those are constantly shown to them as kids and their kids are also exposed to it. In capitalist terms, it makes a lot of money to make obese families dependent on your products.
Also last I heard some schools don't let kids bring a packed lunch anymore. Most kids I knew in school didn't pack their own lunch.
Why are you treating these people like innocent victims? These fat fucks walk past the produce section every time they waddle their fat asses to the frozen food section. They know what healthy food is and what unhealthy food is. They just don't give a fuck.
Yeah fucking right. Americans eat "healthy" foods like 20 grams of sugar yogurt, half the daily value of sodium frozen healthy dinners, they really don't know anything. The food pyramid is also a huge fucking scam too, with grains being the biggest when it should be one of the smaller ones. Vegetables should be at the very bottom of it.
They aren't completely innocent just like I won't say drug addicts are completely innocent.
Why should I have to labor for 40 years in order to prop up the private jets of fat fucks like this who are killing the environment and workers with exploitation and pollution, even though he knows the consequences and chooses to be a cunt?
This metaphor doesn't work because you don't have to, you can start your own business. I can't do anything to avoid paying for fat people's heart transplant bills.
I didn't say americans eat healthy, I said they know what heatlhy actually is, they just don't care.
starting your own business doesn't lift your status as "cog in the machine"
come on man it's just ==BASIC ECONOMICS==
No, but it makes the metaphor irrelevant and inaccurate
Have the state regulate what the population out to be eating them, with the interest in mind of finding a nutritious but affordable diet. End any and all corporation that sells junk food. And this is not me going agaisnt individual liberty, for if you want to eat junk food you can do so, but you ought to produce it yourself (home-made patties, chips, fruit juice rich in sugars, and sugar and butter rich pastries and cookies), that way you can enjoy it ocassionally, but you'll never get addicted to it because it'll be hard to produce.
Junk food is dangerous, and if the last couple of decades have taught us anything is that no, even when you give people a wealth of information on how dangerous they can be, they'll still eat them. I'm sure many people would not like the idea of regulating it, but having half of the population be addicted to junk food is a problem that requires extreme measures.
Except I just proved they fucking don't. They label high sugar products as "healthy" in the US and people buy it. Same with "lean cuisine" bullshit dinners.
nah, all you proved is you're only capable of exaggeration and a cartoonish understanding of America
That 24 pack of cola most likely costs less than one organic smoothie or whatever, is packed of delicious addictive chemicals and advertised on every corner. I don't know anything about the guy's life but he probably doesn't have the time to read nutrition websites/journals, pick healthy food and cook three meals a day. He just rides into walmart, buys some coke and bread, and makes some sandwiches. The capitalist mass culture supports his choices.
I like to /int/ shitpost as much as the next guy but the obesity epidemic (anywhere) isn't because of laziness or dumb americans or whatever it is because of capitalism and poverty. People no longer turn into skeletons if they are poor they get fat on hotpockets.
Like Marx said, rights which belong exclusively in one sphere means the lack of rights in another sphere. Whether one can move between the spheres is irrelevant, the large majority of people will always be left in the sphere which contains a lack of rights. To put it simply, the majority will always be exploitated in capitalism.
ah yes, the typical burger attitude of fuck you, got mine. as long as MUH MONEY is being spent on you and specifically you, it doesn't matter how many people suffer and die because of your greed and avarice.
if it's properly funded and run, it's a non issue. Npw go and hang yourself you greasy, ignorant waste of fucking space.
Exactly. People like this buy the most bland food meant to just fullfill them, like sandwiches and eggs, and so they are not satisfied and they compensate with sugar flavored soft drinks like Coke and Sprite, and some chips like Doritos or Cheetos.
Except he's not drinking it for nutrition, he's just drinking it for fun. It's a water replacement for these people. I have a relative who literally drinks a 12 pack of soda a day because she "doesnt like how water tastes". It's not replacing food for them, it's a beverage they drink with food or even just for the taste.
Again, it's always this victim mentality. This guy could buy a salad mix and some dressing for a few bucks. He could drink water and tea for less than the cost of the soda. I don't know why you're so invested in making excuses for people like this. I know lots of people like this, personally. Like my relative, you give them a plate with a steak, salad, and veggies and they just eat the steak and leave everything else on the plate. It's not about lack of education or not having the "time" to read the number next to "sugars", it's about "this tastes better than salad".
They aren't suffering because of my greed, they're suffering because they drink 10,000 calories a day in soda.
opinion of an american social democrat
I don't oppose the cultivation of poppy, mariguana and some other such plants. I do oppose cocaine and crystal and such. Those are very dangerous to the human body. Mariguana is too, but not as bad as those.
meant for>>2631230
The greed and avarice comment was referring to Americans being ludicrously fucking stingy, wanting to help only themselves to the detriment of everyone else.
Well yeah they do drink it for fun. Sometines shitty food like these is all people can afford to feel some happines. It's rather hard to commit to just drinking water and eating meat and potatos all the time.
It's a psychological thing behind the scenes, their lives are so unfulfilling that food and trash TV are the only drips of dopamine they can get.
It's not an exaggeration if it's true. If a company puts "lean", "healthy" or any word into a meal an American will be more likely to eat it. They are incredibly susceptible to advertising and seem to lack critical thinking.
They can say that it's healthy or whatever, but the thing is it can have all kinds of other shit in it. "Low fat" stuff often has shitloads of sugar in it to make up for the loss of taste. And do I need to mention the E numbers and additives?
We've just had a thread discussing how junk food is cheaper than normal food in the best country on Earth, and how obesity mostly affects the poor. Why do we have to go through this again? Just nuke America! Nao!!!
Well most Americans don't even know what most of the ingredients in their franken frozen foods are, so I can't expect them to do anything but see basic shit like "lean" and "low fat" or "low sugar" and pick it just because of that. There's another aspect which is calories and how companies measure them (look it up, the calories on a package of food can be up to 20% more than what's listed).
No it's not. Cooking your own food is way cheaper than buying pre-made. A gigantic salad mix and a big bottle of dressing is a few fucking dollars. Anyone who can spend $30 on soda is not scraping the bottom of the barrel to survive. He could drink water instead, and spend that money on vegetables, which are also super cheap.
There's also branding, exposure, availability, and advertisement brainwashing. These people are so hooked on sugar, MSG etc. That it doesn't matter if healthier stuff is cheaper, it's like a heroin addict starving themselves for their next hit, it's a complete bend in logic,
Right. It's like living in a house where half the people are barely-functioning heroin addicts who complain you aren't giving them enough of your income to pay for their hospital bills when they OD.
Except addicts who OD often realise how fucked up they are assuming they survive, and make an effort to recover. But what about the cancer patients, for example? Or any other patient who needs medical care, you're massively oversimplifying this.
I am not making up excuses for them and there's definitely a measure of personal responsibility involved. I am poor but I still attempt to maintain a decent diet and find time to work out. But it's still definitely a product of the system. Capitalism makes such a lifestyle the easiest option and promotes it.
And how's that actually going?
Where's your business, faggot?
Got all we need to know, thanks for 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧your🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 time. Been fun though, see you next incarnate brother.
On a more serious note, what makes you think universal healthcare under socialism (fuck off with your socdem projection) would not come paired with promotion of public health, by education, posters and PSAs (replacing advertisements), sports and outdoors programmes etc.? The reason promotion of public health is always half-assed is cause capitalist states serve capital and a capitalist state properly promoting public health is something liberals believe in too much.
What even makes you think we'd keep up corn syrup products and junk food? It's literally a product of capitalism.
n-not so good…don't bulli…I do cook my own meals but here fresh greens and meat are quite accessible and cheap
Because means tested welfare programs have proven to be awful and overcomplicated compared to universal ones, the point is to make everyone's life a little easier and affirm their humanity, which, if they're a fatass like the OP pic is much more likely to lose weight than if they're marginalized and denied help
Going a step further, even the half-ass socdem shit I criticized works better than what you support.
You will find that most countries with single-payer healthcare have low obesity rates. A good example are the nordic countries liberals jack themselves off to. Ofcourse they don't want their healthcare to be burdened by fat fucks, so they promote public health. No one here supports universal healthcare without promoting public healthcare.
But I wouldn't be surprised if you will claim this "strings attached" support for universal healthcare is authoritarian. Will communism have mandatory fat camps? Definitely.
should be
So I just checked my last payroll. Out of mine pitiable 800 EUR, 80 EUR went for health insurance. That's 10% of my income. How much % of income average american spend on healthcare? (or even european, I am sincerely curious)
Even within social democratic(read capitalism with human face) framework universal healthcare is a good thing. It just forces to take government more responsibility than just protecting properties of people -> Running to deficit with medical spending? Where can we cut the costs? Lumpen needs too much money for fixing themselves after gang wars? Raid them and proletarize them. Too high spending for obesity-related diseases? Incentivise people from buying junk food. And so on and on.
Universal healthcare is not a socialist policy. It's sign of properly civilized society.
Murica is the furthermost from a civilized society you can get.
I do not understand what are you trying to tell me.
There are countries in worse conditions, just look where CIA operated the last time
no really i would rather live as a click-click african than an american
It's taking the piss out of tgd "argument" of "why should I spend my money on other people"
It's worse.
Excuse me while I throw up for a second.
have you considered that since she's american, her water is probably literally poisoned?