Post alternative communist flags of you cuntree/state/province and so on. Here's a communist flag of Canada, isn't it nice?
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that looks quite pleasant actually
Posting the communist flag of my country would be cheating so I'll go for the more obscure one
Literally the most A E S T H E T I C flag ever, they should have kept it.
3/10 is the best I can do tbh :D
I actually really like communist flags without the hammer and sickle. For example, I think the DDR's looks fantastic.
That looks too busy. The best and most aesthetic flags are just symbols on a plain field tbh. If you have more than three colors and/or elements you are overdoing it
Rule no. 1 of flags: Keep it simple.
I don't know the first thing about image editing so I used paint to recreate the exact same flag we have since it already has a star and it's got a face and it's great
Praise the sun!
epic :DD I recommend using It's free (as a beer :D) but almost as powerful as photoshop
Best flag itt imo, hella tight.
Are you actually Kazak?
Oh wow, that is beautiful.
Arent the Flemish Nationalists just morons who want Flannders to Join the Netherlands because Wallonia has to many poor people or some shit?
and they basically have wet dreams about Wallonia being Nuked / destroyed or some shit?
there is only one true Kazakh flag
Flags are symbols of bourgeois fetishism, the only flag a workers' state needs is plain red.
meant to be british republican
I hate the idea of a flag having to have some shitty "communist aesthetic". I would rather have it reflect the local community's traits, nature and culture. Here is the flag the vikings used, which is ten times more preferable to the ass christcuck flag we got when we were europeanized. I swear I am not a nationalist, I just would like the Nordic countries to have some kind of identity again, you know?
It can be both.
I have never seen a more explicitly pagan post in the entire history of the internet.
See? A star and the hammer and sickle are the key to success
More like gommunisd Faroe Islands :DD
Imagine if all of Scandinavia was as based as Iceland in terms of preserving the language and history. We could be our own cultural corner of Europe, distinctly Nordic, just like the other European countries. Instead we speak like retarded dutchmen and import loanwords from english like they are any better than using soulful dialect words.
Anti 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Gang assemble, no longer will non Scandinavian's imperialists hold weight against us by pushing their shitty Amerimutt language on us, and their Christcuck religion.
Fugg ignore the s added onto Scandinavian
Honestly wanna get this made.
that torch looks like a carrot :D
No, they want it to be independent
Yes, their whole argument is based on the "unacceptable" money transfers from Flanders to Wallonia which is the poorer part of the country. While of course they don't give a fuck about money transfers that happen within Flanders, let alone about the wealthy families hoarding their billions in tax heavens.
If you check flemish nationalist facebook meme pages (which are among their typical ways of communication) the memes all revolve around 1) blaming Walloons, 2) blaming socialists and 3) blaming immigrants. In recent years, the right-wing and nationalist parties are focusing more on muh mudslimes (and the occasional anti-gay/"traditional family" spookery) than on the Flemish independence issue, because it's obviously the hottest topic right now and the best way to trick working people into voting against their class interest.
hier heb je wat leuke nederlandse vlaggen
the post-soviet flags are pretty good actually, especially kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan
First is my nation, second is my heritage (because we've all seen commie us flags ad nauseum)
Combined Federation of Socialist Republics?
Confederation of Free Socialist Republics
Have you taken the brown pill yet, mateys?
it's a tough pill to swallow! The brown pill was founded in 1999 by Sir Reginald Brownpill, who presents and narrates the attached video.
Forget red and blue pills, brown pills are the way of the future!
Please leave your questions, comments, and concerns below about this radical new paradigm of thinking!
Swallow the brown pill today! .Red pills are for fedora fucking wearing faggots, blue pills are for the ignorant masses. Ignore the other le epin Zig Forums maymays, this one is the real deal!
Dat's a pretty sweet U.S. flag.
looks like a communist flag for the maldives
Searched "chile communist flag" and this would be a pretty sweet looking flag for my country if it were socialist.
Fixed it for you
idpol detected
still has a hammer and the sickle, peasantry, is symbolized with the garland of corn, we merely added the divider, or whatever you call the Zirkel in english
Fun fact, the initial Soviet symbol was hammer&plough but it was changed fast because it was too unwieldy
didn't know that, but makes sense
The best socialist flag this side of the Atlantic
Anyone have any British Communist flags which don't have cross symbolism?
(Please don't post that discoloured hungary meme flag)
The one in the center is sick as fuck. Love it. Also let's bring back art deco while we're at it.
paint.NET is good but
fuck outta here
Doesn't need the black portion. Fucks with the balance. Here's a version I found on google.
how about coming up with something fresher?
Here you go. 100% approved Christian Socialist flag.
I like the colour violet, and the fact that it's the rarest colour when flags are concerned
Here you go
hey, add a red star…
an upside-down red star, hehehe
But seriously guys, have you thought about fundamentally reshaping all visuals, and creating something worthy of being revolutionary 21st century's symbols? Things you have now are rather nostalgic, in the past.
The French Revolution literally was a larp of the early days of the Roman Republic, costumes and all
виждам че и ти си културен човек
You are a nationalist
Are you all currently vikangz?
History happened, good luck attempting to undo it.