
/Cyberpunk/ general

Basically the present, but with better smartphones.

Nothing gives me a harder erection than expressions of cyberpunk fiction in present day reality and critical theory that borders on science fiction.
Below is a collection of stuff, with varying degree of relatedness.

Ghost in the Shell is the quintessential cyberpunk anime (also Akira, but I like GITS more). It follows the lives of an advanced police force as they solve crime. A main theme in the anime is self-identity in a (late-)late stage capitalist society. Another theme is about the "realness" of things in a Baudrillard kind of way, which tie back to the "realness" of human experiences. This show is about cops, but don't be fooled, it paints a dystopian capitalist world that highlights socialist themes like worker alienation, government and capitalist collusion, corporate greed, refugees, worker exploitation; an uncomfortable picture that mirrors our present reality. The series looks into societal themes, much more than the movie.

Society of the Spectacle, the hyperreal, and Ideology
Fake news, Facebook, hollow/flat earth theorists, QAnon, /r/the_donald, political bots, impeach drumpf, I'm with her; it's hard to keep track of the insanity of propaganda that is fed through all of our sensory organs. I'm just glad I'm doing my part by telling my waiter to not give me a straw.
>Tesla Inc. is offering incentives and tapping an army of brand-loving volunteers in a frantic push to boost sales and deliveries before the end of the quarter…. The volunteers are answering questions from buyers picking up their new vehicles whom Tesla staff are too busy to handle. bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-09-26/tesla-offers-incentives-taps-volunteers-in-end-of-quarter-rush
>Amazon Is Forcing Workers To Pee In Bottles, But You Shouldn't Be Surprised digg.com/2018/amazon-workers-pee

Mark Fisher
Capitalist realism
Fisher argues that the term "capitalist realism" best describes the current global political situation, which lacks visible alternatives to the capitalist system which became dominant following the fall of the Soviet Union.[10] His argument is a response to, and critique of, neo-liberalism and new forms of government which apply the logic of capitalism and the market to all aspects of governance.
His ideology refers to a perceived "widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it". [11]
Cybertime Crisis youtube.com/watch?v=h4r9-AmfaDs
Lost futures, vaporwave, his analysis on hauntology, etc.

Modern day ruins
Dead malls deadmalls.com/

Memes, viral media, influencers, and internet communities
Usenet, BBS boards, imageboards, Facebook, WhatsApp, Discord.
relevant: twitch streamers, pewdie pie, alex jones, yoddle walmart kid, korean girls that stream themselves eating.
See this virtual influencer: instagram.com/lilmiquela/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lil_Miquela

Post is too long.

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How do you prevent your phone from audio recording you in your bedroom, where you charge your phone, or when you are in adjoining rooms, if the doors are open?

I think one of the more relevant cyberpunk-esque things going on right now is the advancement of surveillance by using predictive policing software.
Every leftist should be aware what Predictive policing is, it's really important and barely being talked about.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] New Game! - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.31_[2016.08.29_19.23.29].jpg (1280x720, 87.17K)

Just read an article about that.
The letter is signed by the Chief of Police and Captain Nolte. It says the recipient has a "propensity to engage in at-risk behaviour" and that the purpose of the letter "is to encourage you to refrain from this behaviour in the future."
This is really scary, it's amazing how easily this individual predictive policing shit can be abused. How do yankees still have the courage to call the US the land of the free?

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Weebs get out.

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Blade Runner isn't even a clear-cut example of cyberpunk. Aesthetically, definitely, but aside from that it doesn't really fit in with the rest of the genre. Of the two, GITS is probably the better example.

Psycho Pass is very lefty friendly, the represion agents of an opressive state vs a pro free borders terrorist


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Citation for [11]?

Cinema snobs reign supreme. This is a film buff board only.

In what way? Lots of seminal cyberpunk works clearly utilize crime mystery and noir-ish plots and atmosphere.

Soldering Iron not included.

Surveillance is a global phenomenon, predictive policing is being used in China, and is also coming into European countries like Denmark. One of the big things they cite is so-called "terror prevention" yet the research (journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/7126/6522) shows us that it has little to no preventive benefits.

Attached: [REVO]Cowboy Bebop Knocking on Heaven's Door[10bit,1080p,FLAC] [97F149A1].mkv_snapshot_00.39.11_[2018.05.03_19.15.05].jpg (1916x1040, 293.68K)

It lacks most of the common themes. While cyberpunk does draw from noir and detective thrillers, simply having a noir movie in a gritty sci-fi setting does not make it cyberpunk. Cyberpunk as a genre is centred on the disruptive effects of technology in a late capitalist society and the breakdown of the social order - for example how cybernetics or genetic engineering could turn the divide between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat into a physical divide, or how predictive policing could lead to the rise of a police state. Blade Runner, despite how it pretty much defined the aesthetics of cyberpunk, is kinda lacking in this.

you can't be sure it isn't recording unless you put it in the fridge or something. Just put it there when you have something important to discuss

Isn't Blade runner like the movie that defined the visual aspect of cyberpunk though? I think it utilizes corporatism and runaway climate change pretty effectively in demonstrating how a dystopic future of unrestrained capitalism will look like.
I think that the way humanity uses replicants as slave labour can be analyzed with marxist analysis, but it's been very long since I watched the movie so I can't say for sure.

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TBH, it's been a while since I've seen it too. I'm probably being too rigid with the genre definitions. Blade Runner definitely has the aesthetics of cyberpunk, and along with novels like Neuromancer it pretty much defined the genre. But being such an early example of cyberpunk, it lacks a lot of the themes of its contemporaries and later works, and the themes it does have are perhaps treated a bit more low-key than you would expect. Which is why I would hesitate to call it the quintessential cyberpunk film.

Blade Runner basically deals with the same themes as GITS though, with sophisticated and dangerous AI living among us and the possibility that some people are androids and don’t even know it.

I posted this on /leftytrash/ but can i just say how much i hate it when rightist think that cyberpunk is about a socialist future. Cyberpunk is obviously a bash on late-capitalism and a comment on how corporations are taking over. It's just cringy when Zig Forumsaks try to use it to say "STILL THINK SOCILISM IS COOL XD"

is that a bad thing? That's why i love GitS it's like the squeal to blade runner.

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GITS is great, but Blade Runner is the OG.