Reminder that completely unregulated capitalism is the truest form of anarchy

Reminder that completely unregulated capitalism is the truest form of anarchy

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Reminder ancaps are completely ahistorical and a political adulteration.

Read a fucking book dickhead

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If you want to live in somewhere like Somalia be my guest.

The fact these people put "radical" in reference to the status quo would tell most people enough if they weren't politically retarded.

Socialists really are economically illiterate.

and here we go

Well the fed did lower interest rates in the aftermath of the 2008 recession.
But guess what, if the fed were gone there'd be no interest rates to begin with.

Crony capitalist are just capitalist who aren't stupid, and realize they can use the state in their favor.

Why do you want to be dominated by hierarchical capitalist institutions which will intrude on your personal liberty?
See: social media censorship, Tesla workers among others being unable to smoke a joint, union-busting attacking the right of workers to act on their own interests.

Why do you trust that unaccountable hierarchical institutions will not form governments or effective governments of their own to protect their personal interests?

Do you think that in a system where rich individuals have more access to advertising, hiring paid shills, propaganda campaigns, etc. a poor individual will have the same amount o free speech? Do you think a system of open debate is sustainable under that situation?

Oh yeah, and last but not least, how do you reconcile your beliefs with the tendency of the rate of profit to fall and the increasing amounts of automation in work, along with other ways capitalism proves incapable of coping with advances in technology without becoming tyrannical? Do you not think this will lead to a dystopia if we went by your rules for how to act?

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Reminder that private property has never existed without the state, and probably never will. Hence "anarcho" capitalism is a contradiction.


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*provably never will

I meant to say.

adam smith was a lot more critical of capitalism than people think

Social media companies are free to censor their platforms how they see fit, other social media companies have been created to ensure free speech (see how markets work!). If you want to smoke weed, don’t work at Tesla, no one if forcing you to. While I don’t deny some unions are useful, many are coercive and rely on the state to enact their goals.

I trust the people in an ancap society to not allow this

Yes and yes.

Increased work automation can only be good for workers in ancap society. Low skilled workers could be trained by companies as cyber robomechanics (cool eyepatch, laser wrench, other cool steampunk attire) also more people could start their own specialized companies using said automation, creating small factories in their basements for and further diversifying the markets

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Too bad I ain't an anarchist.

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It's like Christians who don't read their bible, WoN is just a symbol.

t. Idealist
It will always be in the largest corporations self-interest to either create a government to enforce rules favorable to them or influence local politics to manipulate interest and information.



t. Adam Smith

How does the ancap respond?

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Who would even enforce the laws?


Smith was extremely redpilled for his time, being appropriated by the libertarian right is a shameful disgrace. I feel like he would have been a socialist if he only lived to see the genesis of the modern corporation. He supported free trade because he saw it as viable in the conditions of the time, mainly the interests of local producers who would favor their country's industry and development over foreign ones out of national pride. The international borgeoisie is so different from what he had in mind that it's ridiculous to apply his reasoning to the policies of global financial system.

Idealism: the post