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anti-racism is one hell of a drug

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America is a joke. Good thing it is dying.

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Most of them are lumpen anyways. They don't have anything close to "careers." That's why I honestly prefer targeting the younger ones who come from "respectable" suburban white stock. If you ruin their lives it sends a much stronger message. Pic related. Kid got a felony and a couple of years in prison for beating someone up during the first UTR rally.

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Yeah if you try to play this kind of game you're already sunk. A fascist goon squad goes around punching people and someone goes "y'all are racists" and then they point to a black member who proceeds to punch you; and then they both laugh about it. But I'll say with groups like the Proud Boys, they aren't even really political so much beyond wanting to keep the Republican Party in power. That's more or less the extent of what they're about and their chauvinism and bigotry (such as against Muslims) is within "normal" parameters.

Different from the neo-Nazi crowd to be sure.

If anything it shows how slippery race is as a concept though. I was keeping tabs on one white-power boy who had beaten up two of his ex-girlfriends (one who had been in the white-power movement, another who he had kidnapped – that landed him in prison for awhile). Dude has a lot of legal problems and is kind of hibernating. He was showing off his new girl on Instagram and she was Hispanic and his Nazi buddies were like "anything wrong big guy?" and he was like "nah bro she's Castillan." This same guy works as a day laborer and complains about working with "spics" but because he's sticking his dick in one she's now "Castillan." There's a reason why whiteness as a concept always seems to be expanding and contracting depending on the circumstances.

I was also talking to a Brazilian friend and they have a whole different system for categorizing people. You'll get people who consider themselves white down there who would be thought of a savage mudhole people by Nazis up north. It's hilarious to see their reaction to that but it does fuck all to change their views so what can you do?

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Also I'm not sure why you are mad at the meme image. It's not real.

Everyone's trying to get them doxxed, that photo being a fake doesn't change that.

If fascists/alt-righters/white supremacists are as powerful as people claim and an existential threat to "democracy", how can doxxing be so successful?

It's a good demoralizing tactic to discourage recruitment among white nationalists but once they are already assembled it won't do you any good. Just stay low and out them when you can.

Because these people have jobs and reputations? The non-lumpen types are terrified of losing either of these things. Pic related got doxxed hard and ended up killing himself.

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And if the ideas of white nationalism/alt-right/fascism were as implicitly accepted in society as liberals shrieking about "the spectre of fascism" claim, how would doxxing even work?

How do liberals and the Left so easily - and schizophrenically - shift from "white nationalists/alt-righters/fascists are an existential threat to our society" and "white nationalists/alt-righters/fascists are basement-dwelling unemployable NEET incels - and if they're not, once we out their association with the former they'll become unemployable NEET incels"?

If they live in a society where they lose these things after being outed as a "white supremacist" do you think that society can be described as such?

The answer is – they're not an existential threat, of course. You know that of course. At least on their own. They're a threat, of course, and they potentially have a mass base in the white population but they're not there yet.

Anyways this NYC thing seems to have stirred up the liberals, which is unusual. The New York AG and governor seem like they want to do something about it, which is also very unusual.

But I don't think these NYC guys are the same as the alt-right crowd. I don't think these guys are acting on their own. The whole thing seemed like a dirty trick. First you have what's likely false-flag vandalism and some note from "antifa" talking about Hillary Clinton. Just totally bogus. Then Gavin is in there reenacting the Inejiro Asanuma assassination, which is provocative and brings in protesters. The earlier vandalism then serves as a casus belli for the Republicans to bring in their goon squad to crack skulls. And also notice how fast Fox News flipped it around to present another "out-of-control left-wing mob" story? I think the whole thing is a setup to get right wingers into a frenzy before the midterms to vote for Republicans. Just playing to the fears of their constituents because they risk losing the House and don't have anything else to run on. The tax bill? Really? You see where I'm going with this.

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I say "of course" a lot. Note to self: edit shitposts more closely next time

The answer of course being that we don't actually live under the "spectre of white nationalism" or whatever and mostly just live in a pussy ass liberal society where the worst thing is being seen as uncivil

There's definitely some white supremacy in the country, but in all the areas where they don't have to march with tiki torches around a university to petition to not live around whites since they already don't

NYC was ground zero for the Occupy movement with a well-oiled Democrat machine, and is filled with liberals that sincerely think Trump is Hitler 2.0. Is it really that inconceivable they'd do something about FAR RIGHT MOBS ATTACKING PEOPLE WHILE SHOUTING HOMOPHOBIC SLURS?

Possible, but that sounds like a Zig Forums-tier theorising about Soros and paid protestors. The political climate is getting pretty heated (especially after the Kavanaugh nomination), doesn't surprise me that it would escalate to the point Proud Boys/antifa look for an excuse to beat each other up.

Yeah no, you're right. And people are saying the NYPD are a bunch of fascists (well, they are) but I think it's more that they're lazy bums who would rather hide in the evidence room smoking stogies and eating salami sandwiches than getting off their asses and doing work.

Cuomo is also a shithead but he's a shithead that likes fucking with chuds so can probably sic the cops to go after these guys, which seems like it's happening.

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yep: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_Aryan

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It’s not so much that Nazis are an imminent threat (although Proud Boy style lite fascism definitely is), it’s more an issue of making sure it doesn’t grow into one.

That's the difference. These gangs have been a fairly normal thing throughout American history. America is a horrendously reactionary country. The major difference is that now American is global and its firms need to sell to everyone. The country itself is also much more diverse. It's really a practical matter. Companies will fire these reactionaries because they don't want to deal with the potential backlash from their customers or get international backlash from potential partners abroad. I don't understand why you are getting so worked up here. These guys are ardent anti-communists and spend most of their time hassling leftists, not liberals (though they will eventually do that if they get really powerful.)


I know it sounds a little tinfoil, but my operating theory is that the right believes in Soros paid protesters because that's how they actually think about politics. Pic is from some protest of Mike Cernovich. I think Sargon had some fake antifas at one of his things.

I can't remember now but there was some right-wing grifter who later said a bunch of them do it and she was encouraged to.

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But that's exactly what these groups are. America has a proud history of millionaire/billionaire backed right-wing paramilitary groups that terrorize proles.

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they probably believe that because soros donates huge amount of money for far left ngo's

Yeah the old second-wave Klan was like that. Now it's anti-Muslim instead of anti-Catholic. And less anti-Semitism. But the '20s Klan's big thing was nativism and anti-communism and anti-labor, and they tried to present themselves as being within the "normal" parameters.

Just watch this: youtu.be/mGC3uJadXh0?t=147

All of our answers are contained therein.

Seriously bro

I didn’t say the Proud Boys specifically, I said the style of fascism that the represent, ie civnat MAGA chuddery.

user america is dying. The bourg is getting increasingly anxious about their profits. These groups are only going to become more numerous, especially if a competent left emerges among proles in the US. I mean this guy was reenacting the assassination of a Japanese communist that night. I mean can you imagine the headlines if we got actors to reenact the execution of the tsar on a city street? Boomers would be losing their minds.

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Also turn on close captioning.

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Bro that's a good idea

Ok, but they don't represent any style of fascism and whatever they do doesn't represent a threat to anything.

Of course it's dying, the founding stock of the country is scheduled to become a minority in the next few decades.

sorry, but you live in an alternate reality if you think the media would protest about that to any extent.

You severely underestimate the ability of burgers to stroke out over absolutely nothing

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zizek is a clown; are you denying soros donates huge amounts of money to far left causes and organizations?

only a retard wouldn't deny that. he literally funded the downfall of the USSR

Yes. Liberals aren't left-wing. And Soros explicitly funded pro-capitalist media in the Warsaw Pact.

Also about dirty tricks. This happened in Arizona a few days ago where some Republican activists tried to donate money to a Democratic candidate under the name "NAU Young Communists." But they were doing a lot of shady shit in the Democratic office that raised suspicions since it's illegal to falsify donation information.


One of the Democrats then went to return the donation to the GOP office and out of an office came one of the "young communists."

Doesn't even really involve us at the end of the day but it just shows how the Republicans roll. This is how they do politics.

If you think paying George Clooney's airfare for humanitarian trips to Africa is "far left" then you're a fucktard.

Oh, I'm perfectly aware, not just the US but the western world at large; but you seem wrong about their ideological sensibilities.

forgot pic

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I don't think it's contradictory to state both that right wing boomers would add it to their list of grievances for the next decade and a half if someone LARPed the russian revolution in a park or some shit and that liberal media cares about every minor idpol grievance (though they usually have much shorter attention spans)

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Nah, that's just apolitically retarded. Like other people of his business, Clooney is openly supportive of far left policies though.

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no he isn't. leftism isn't when you like immigrants

Sorry, his views on immigration and refugees are clearly on the far left. Very likely on many other social issues as well (probably all, really) but I won't google it.

fucking normies

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America and Europe more or less created the Refugee crisis via imperialist warmongering. But of course the real tragedy according to you super lumpen NEET types is that people want to give them shelter. Can't wait for the crash to send you out onto the streets.

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wth, user

Nah, allowing jews to set American (and, by extension, European) foreign policy is what did that. Regardless, white communities shouldn't be doubly punished (first by losing their country to an elite that fights wars and pursues a foreign policy that doesn't benefit them, and then by opening the borders to large scale non-white immigration).


So you know hyper-reality, how the powers that be effectively "write" it? Turns out it belongs in the comedy section.

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Communism isn't all that exists on the left. I don't think Clooney is a Communist but the policies he advocates are unambiguously on the far left. The people defending his stance on mass immigration ITT, for instance, are self declared Communists.

He's a liberal just like you.

The only reason to get all immigrants and refugees out of an imperialist country is because you want them to not get caught in the nuclear blast as you cleanse the imperialist fucks.

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I never denied he's a liberal, I explicitly said in that very post that he's not a communist. I'm not a liberal of any variety or on any issue.

Not really though. Israel is an empirialist and expansionist state and it gets no refugees. White countries get rufugees because they're governed by traitors, and no other reason.

Communist-galaxy brain take here. I like it. Very dialectical.

You’re missing the point. Even if you want to call Soros’s positions on immigration “far left” then it doesn’t make a difference since he’s a liberal porky on literally every other issue. By your logic Stalin would be “far right” because he had conservative policies on homosexuality despite the fact he was a radical leftist in all the areas that actually mattered.
Hate to break it to you m8 but there is no shortage of wh*tes among the porkies that set America’s foreign policy. What, you think that white people cant be greedy? You think that they wouldn’t throw their country under the bus to make billions in arms contracts and oil wealth? Lmao, your white “brothers” are crushing you under their porky boots, and all you can do is lick them while whining meekly about “da joos”.

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Proud of your Goy

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Yeah, they're traitors and payed by a huge jewish lobby. American foreign policy is much more dictated by jews than capitalist groups like military complex though. I found this video to be informative on this subject. youtube.com/watch?v=rzXS3tmZrcU

I never said you didn't. Just saying they get no refugees despite their foreign policies.

you are absolutely a liberal and i guarantee there is no political movement or figure past or present you support that wasn't an economic liberal

I guarantee you that whatever that lobby pays them is a fraction of what they make through ownership of US oil and arms companies.

Guys stop letting this liberal troll you so hard seriously

I don't think organizations like AIPAC act in the shadows. Pretty much all jewish groups are very openly in favor of open borders, pro refugees and, at least the powerful ones (like AIPAC) in favor of wars for Isreal.

Yeah and the power behind them is 99% lead addled evangelicals

Its dying because of this kind of leftist demented SJW STUPIDITY.

If it makes you happy, I hate traitors every bit as much as I hate AIPAC people; there's no denying jews have a hugely disproportionate role in pushing for all of this.

I'm not a liberal of any kind, nor a troll. As far as economic matters go, I'm literally a socialist.

Describe your opinions on economic matters.

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What scholars?? Did they pull that out of their ass or are these "scholars" real? (Pardon, haven't read the whole thread)

He holds fund raisers for the DNC. He didn't even come out to support Sanders, so he's not even a left liberal. He's just a bimbo.

See Jimmy Dore phone in sketches with Clooney for a laugh

Wait I thought this was Zig Forums

I think the government is right to levy and collect taxes to fund social programs that help the native population

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I'm not sure why you're answering a question directed at me but I'm pretty sure that's liberal my dude.

Alexandria, please.

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Unfortunately, it's rapidly becoming /open borders and idpol/.

That is too bizarre to believe.

Source please

No, it's not.

I wish. Have you read any post in this thread?

Internationalism isn't just A communist position, it's the DEFAULT one.

All pol is idpol.
It sounds like the other pol has rotted your brain tbqh fam

is this compatible with communism?


doesn't it go against hismat?

Internationalism isn’t globalism tho

We already knew this, though

Big surprise.

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kek that pic

Ahut the FUCK up tank shitter

You mean the invaders at the border? They're lucky America is such a cucked country; they should've been shot dead.

Ouch, the edge

this isn't really evidence of a false flag since fox news is a partisan/WN network so they would've done that shit anyway

That’s a fake sign that was handed to them by a right winger. They took it down the moment they realized what it said.

They are in fact multi-racial white supremacists. I think it's the contemporary American zeitgeist. Something like "our society is garbage and it's always been garbage". Basically a total disillusionment fomented by the failure of modernism and the meaningless, hated postmodernism. This kind of thinking can easily be mirrored over to any second-or-more generation american's perspective of their own culture. All existing culture is trash. Everyone is a savage. The only real good life was the one you saw on TV as a kid, the fact that it didn't really ever exist is actually a point in its favor. It's aimless, omnidirectional anger of a generation that believes itself to be stillborn. For the top 80% of them, who are not actually that pathetic or doomed, they will realize this is a dead end probably the minute it gets "too real", at which point they will either have to become a real nazi, determined to commit suicide, or choose something else.

Jewish projection is one helluva drug.

They are just nazis that believe their race, their home country, or their native culture is full of backwards, violent lunatics, most likely because they live in America where that is a common perception of Americans by other Americans.

You know, this would be a perfect opportunity for you all to talk about how Class is what actually decides everything and that this is caused by Class Warfare waged upon by the Rich on the Proles…but not EVUL NAZIS

Project much juden?

You are an arrogant pussy bitch of a leftist though. What…do you want to be a mixed-race faggot boi who follows every self-hating/anti-white progrom in existence? Faggots like yourself will get a .308 round in the skull like any other traitor.

No I won't.

What's hilarious about this post is because Nazis don't know how to deal with this. You have multi-racial fash groups, but Nazis hate non-whites so… they just get really mad and threaten murder and probably other disagreeable things like castration probably

See, they have to kinda defend groups like the Proud Boys, even though the Proud Boys are literally a pro-Zionist organization with black members, but they also hate them and envy them for their relative level of success which the alt-right has not been able to achieve.