Contra points appreciation thread

Thank you based trap for helping me stop being a literal nazi
I've only read the manifesto so far, but I know the journey doesn't end here. Apologies to all non-whites and LGBT whom I've been rude to online

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Tell me when you've read all three volumes of Capital.

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plz no

I-I'll get there, pinky promise

so you wanted to kill all the jews and racially impure people, and wage unrestrained war against the whole world, but something about Mrs. Plinkett's Cringe channel convinced you that was a shit idea? can someone explain how Contra is persuasive to anyone at all? Further, how did she turn you not just from being Nazi to actually being a socialist when her socialist content is miniscule and flimsy like her penis.

You must be really pathetic if contrapoints was the one to make you change your mind

It was what triggered me to reevaluate my views, I'm new to leftism and know no better

Well, I was sort of aware of the ills of capitalism, having dismantled fascism I saw socialism as the logical solution. I don't know, I guess she has an appeal that many others, be them socialists or SJWs, do not have

what an ugly hon
truly only asian traps can put on believable disguises and trick people

not buying it bro

Y'know, I stopped coming to Zig Forums regularly a few months ago. I still come on here every once in a while, see what's up. Things like this comment and the OP remind me of why I don't come here regularly anymore. I don't know if it's just part of "chan culture" (like that's an excuse at all) or whatever, but this board acts as if saying n-gger, tranny, trap, etc. are badges of honor or something. OP can be partially explained away, they just admitted they used to be an idiotic fascist, but why the fuck are there leftists, people that supposedly care about the oppressed, that nonchalantly use racist and bigoted terms like this? It's fucked up. It's alt-right reactionary shit, coming from the left.

What an asshole.

what did she say that convinced you? what video was it?

Nigger faggot tranny liberal capitalist baboon cuckolds need to get off my board.

I watched first the decrypting the Alt right one and thought "this degenerate has no clue, as if the aut right were real fascists anyway, he'll hang the day of the rope"
But something about the aesthetics made me binge and I just gradually started seeing things differently

hah, have fun with your decreasing user base.

Shut up fagboy

oh, so nigger is out of line, but tranny is alright and doesn't need to be "censored" with that pointless little -?
who are you trying to fool, you're obviously just another sanders liberal that takes offense over words more than real oppression
suck on my tranny D, fag

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That tranny turned me into a reactionary Nazi with his little shtick.

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I didn't say any of those words though.

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still waiting for that sorry excuse of a justification for your bullshit and failed language policing pseudo leftism you little oversensitive bitch

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next your going to say that while I didn't use any of the words you said, I'm still contemptible all the same because I joked about her having a penis. that doesn't work because contra has joked about and talked in detail about her penis before. and when I wrote that the socialist/anticapitalist content she makes was flimsy and miniscule, the phallic application of those words crossed my mind. I recalled that Contra had also used almost the same words to describe her dick, so I made the reference.

just so you fucking know, scum like you is who makes guys like get fed up with trannies like me because of the bullshit you fucking pull without any of us fucking trannies even giving a shit because we're not in your fucking retarded idpol crowd
go fucking kill yourself, you're the reason why fags giving me shit even exist on this board to begin with
eat my fucking tranny dick and choke on it to death you insufferable piece of democrat shit, fucking seriously people like me would be better off if guys like you just killed themself instead of trying to talk in our place you victim complex pushing fucking cunt
i'm actually fucking mad, good fucking job

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You do realise it's likely a pol/yp that knows that SJW talk is divisive among this crowd

Jesus Christ
this thread is the worst thing to ever cross my eyes

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I mean kind of a legitimate point, even if this is some anonymous image board and nothing here should represent the left in a serious manner, to get too used to using reactionary language and humor could condition us to be slightly reactionary

He’s right lmao, you do come across as idpol because the dude literally never used any of those slurs, he actually perfectly got his point across in a non serious and obnoxious manner expected here without doing that, so kudos to the christcuck

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This was pretty obviously written by Contra point's PR team. Hate to go into conspiracy theory territory but I keep seeing grifters like Contra being promoted more and more now that Marxism is becoming more interesting to young people. And someone like contra would definitely frustrate their efforts to learn about critiques of capitalism since she only concerns herself with idpol and completely through the lens of a liberal.

Oh, fuck off.

This, although she has made some level one leftists slightly less retarded. She's necessary IMO

Pretty solid shitpost OP. Spergs ITT took the bait in a second.

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Please don't worry about the criticism in this thread. Welcome to the team, and kudos for breaking the ranks of bigotry.

At this point, I honestly recommend just reading up on different parts of the labor movement, and figuring out what most appeals to you. Obviously Marx and Engels are key. Check out the major communist branches - Rosa Luxemburg, Leon ⛏️rotsky, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and so on. Also read up on anarchism - Mikhail Bakunin's anarcho-collectivism, Proudhon's mutualism, Piotr Kropotkin's anarcho-communism, and people like Daniel Guérin, Rudolph Rocker, Augustin Souchy, Murray Bookchin, and so on. read up on the CNT-FAI and the IWW. Also read up on labor figures like Cesar Chavez, Joe Hill, and Howard Zinn's work.

There are also some people from the New Left - the obvious names, like Noam Chomsky and Cornel West.

As the late great George Carlin said it's the context of words that matter more then the words themselves. I actually think chan culture has done a great service in taking much of the venom out of those words. There are faggots who call themselves faggots with no sense of self hate. I tend to think these words over time will become something like bitch and slut which are no longer stinging words perse and are quite often spoken in an endearing context.

upvoted, fellow redditor!