I've decided that if I were to for some reason get kicked out of school, rather than toiling for 60 years for bosses I would just blow my brains out. Does anyone else have a similar plan for if they were to have to work menial labor for the rest of their life? I'm aware that all labor is basically menial but you must admit that office bullshit is preferable to working on oil rigs or whatever.
Liberation through suicide
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No user, trust me, menial labor is much, much more preferable to office work. I've been in all sorts of jobs and I can guarantee that menial labor is a lot better than sitting for 8-9 hours in a cubicle.
btw saying suicide is "liberating" is like saying "deleting a written mistake corrects it"
I mean if your office job is working with spreadsheets then sure but I want to be an academic which I'm sure is also doomed. I don't really care about logical fallacies I just simply won't go on unless my conditions are met
i'm sure there are better ways to adapt and change your situation than just killing yourself
Don't hurt yourself friend. There are better options. Therapy and/or medication can help a lot.
What's the point though? I won't be fulfilled I'll just be adapted to a miserable situation
"Father Mars Strider! This man has done faithful vigil for you. We therefore ask you to take him under your protection. May his enemies flee from him! May their city walls crumble! May their cattle and women be taken! This man is now.. . Evocati!"
owo what's this?
Why would you even be kicked out in the first place. And if you do finish school, you could still end up doing office work.
No reason I'm just paranoid
You shouldn't let it get to you, it could end up making you more suicidal. Stay strong man
thanks man
Nah, life's good man. Just quit the system. No reason you have to judge yourself by how cucked others are. Plenty of world and people who give no fucks about any status quo, just have to look bruh.
you can still try to make the best and get something out of really bad situations
you can't just leave everyone else behind, being educated is a responsibility to carry on
Suck it up faggot
Physical labor is much more rewarding than being an office drone. Trust me. I've done both.
maybe while you're young. just wait until your back gives out, so you have to use opiates just to get through the workday and booze to sleep. trust me, anything that requires a skill is going to be better than loading trucks for a living.
it does tho
there are people that opt out of society all together and live dumpster diving, working odd jobs, selling trinkets, or asking for donations. The richer the country, the easier it is to do this. Read up on anarchists that have done this. There are also communes that try to be agrarian. There's a shit ton of things you could do that are more interesting than dying. Don't fall for the arbeit macht frei meme if it doesn't work for you. I saved as much money as I could, quit my job, moved back with my parents, and now I'm trying to start my own business. I hated office work and retarded bureaucracy. I struggled with mild depression and considered suicide on several occasions. Putting a date when I would move back home helped bear the last couple of months while I saved enough money. You'll see later a lot of your friends will have jobs that are neither manual work nor office work. Some shitty, others great.
I spent about two months working in an Amazon warehouse (this sounds like a short time, but by the end I was one of just three people left from the 20 or so I trained with). By month two, I thought about killing myself almost every night (during my shift). From what I understand, such inclinations are not uncommon among Amazon employees. I don't consider those thoughts irrational at all. Frankly, if in some hypothetical situation I couldn't have any job but that, I absolutely would prefer to be dead.
When you're working ten hour shifts like that, it consumes everything. For the four days of the week when I had work, it was nothing but that and sleep. And even when I slept, I dreamed about the warehouse almost every day. The sight of the aisles is still burned into my memory. And during the three-day weekend I just played video games and escapist stuff, because under no circumstances did I want to remember the inevitable next shift. I felt totally drained of everything all the time. And I was a single person living with my parents, knowing that I would be able to go back to college when it was over. I can't imagine what it would be like to have a family and bills while doing that. That's one of the reasons I never want to have or raise children; at that point, you can no longer exit with a clean conscience.
None of this is even touching on the physical toll. By the end I was dependent on Tylenol and that ice gel stuff to function in my job, and I think it was the same for the long-term workers.
based nihil OP
remember to do massive amount of drugs and fuck a copious amount of hookers before, get a load of credit cards before hand so you won't even need to save any money or work
Go fuck up besoz please
Take that nigga with you and you'll be an eternal hero here
This will only hurt leftism, anytime a right wing idiot goes and kills people it only hurts their recruiting. Educate,agitate,organize not murder,murder woops police crackdown by by any support for leftism anybody actually had.
Let the Right wing keep their autism
Killing Capitalists only hurts Leftism and people won't want to join us if we kill Capitalists like has said.
No fun
What can one do then?
But suicide also has the tendency to liberate you from the good things in life as well like drinking alcohol and jerking off
What's your plan for going off the grid? I feel like we're so swamped in the system that it's difficult to find which way leads out.
I've been considering carpentry, it seems like a nice middle ground. Plus, you get to bill and scam the fuck out of bourgies.
Acknowledge that the nature of society is determined by the underlying material conditions, not by anyone's individual choices.
FALC is almost inevitable, but our actions aren't going to bring it about.
why the HELL would you commit suicide as a neurotypical person with 2 arms and 2 legs? you are literally retarded if you do that, a spoiled child manbaby
your understanding of the human condition is very, very weak
Can't be defeating Israel 💖
cubicles aren't that bad
now open plan offices, that's a justification for defenestrating yourself if ever there was one.
Jones Gang Assemble!
the best gang
live in the woods in a hut made of sticks
not really, I'm in a position where I cant really work at the moment but Id gladly work just about any job. its not about the boss, its about the comrades you make along the way
do you really think any sort of job in academia would be better? unless youre a capital owning bourgeois, youll be wage slaving. perhaps your cage will be gilded but it will be a cage nonetheless.
tbh, not to be rude, but you sound pretty weak atm. take some time for your mental health comrade.
How peaceful is hanging? Seems pretty painful to me
That's such a waste, at least do your part.
it's pretty shit
afaik the point shouldnt be strangulation but breaking your neck with the noose but what amateur knows how to properly make the knot and applies it correctly and has the means to make a proper drop that has enough force to get the job done?
if you're just hanging there you start instinctively struggling and fear kicks in
it's a really shit way of going out
That's great, don't think I have another way
u wont
this, embrace pure nihilism if that's what you want