Have you ever dated a right-winger or a centrist? How does your political views affect your dating life?

Have you ever dated a right-winger or a centrist? How does your political views affect your dating life?

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No. My political views affected my dating life insofar that I hardly ever meet any right wingers or hardcore liberal centrists. However, even if I mixed with that crowd more, I wouldn't be able to date them. I can't even hang out with people that don't see capitalism as a threat and the revolution as a necessity.

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Not hugely but centrists tend to be less depressed and mentally ill even if their politics are bollocks

honestly dating and human companionship in general is fucking disgusting and should be avoided at all costs


You people are smart but fuck if you are bonkers

A lot of you people end and start relationships (even with fucking family members) based in how much interest they have in communism

what the fuck mang, I can't be the only one that thinks this is fucked

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Who hurt you user?

Tell me how you can communicate with rightist retards.

Unless you're an amerifatard

By not being a fag thinking everything must be communism related 24/7.

It seems out of your grasp though.

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I've never dated anyone :(

You aren't a commie, are you?

I've only ever fallen for left wingers. Right wing girls are typically as dumb and/or insane as their male counterparts, and I need some intellectual stimulation in the relationship to not lose interest.

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Also copy-pasting my reply made it all greentext

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Yes, not wanting to communicate with people that believe in "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" "let poor people die of hunger" and "medicare for all is socialism" is really hardcore communism lmao

people on marxist board

lmao, kill yourselves, liberal scum

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yada yada most people don't care about politics despite politics caring about them

Most people wont tell you that even if they are in the right

I'm not nowhere near close to say that feels trumpet empiricism

I'm saying that you probably should be attracted more to what they do and how they act rather overall, than this one aspect.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth and making a strawmen btw

really high lQ genes

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No, I haven't.

And that's why they're boring/stupid/complacent people and impossible to be attracted to them.

when i go dating it's to get to suck some
not to find someone to go on protests with or anything, men are just one track minded assholes anyway and girls are just annoying bitches i can't be arsed to put up with
i don't see where exactly politics comes into play here
there isn't exactly many MLs to go around to be picky about dicks

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Well if you think literally everyone is beneath you, then sure, just get someone pretty that wont open their mouth for anything but dick.
That's not how most people function though.

no, i feel like i'm beneath them
i consider myself lucky they are desperate enough to settle for me so i'm not having any expectations that they want anything more than just getting their dick wet
tried this dating shit for long enough and even when they pretend to be interested in me personally it takes half an hour at best before they come to the point
and i wouldnt let mine get sucked, that's just too gay

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Now I feel bad
Sorry for being mean anons

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Wrong flag

It was an ancap all along. No wonder you dont expect your women to be of your political conviction, she'd have to be like 11 to be that dumb.
Oh wait..

Every person i have ever dated either was a communist or became one because of me post highschool when i didnt really have a firm grasp on theory yet.

Ive been a communist since i was 11 but i dont think i was a good afvocate for my own ideology until like 2-3 years ago.

Tfw fucking my best friends ex who is a communist because me and best friend converted her but she doesnt know im also fuvking another girl who is also a communist who is setting me up with her best friend who is just now reading her first ever literature, the principles of communism, that i gave her and she also wants the D.

Who else is a leftist Chad?

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Im not lieing.

The ex of best friend is this really smart cute short brown haired girl who really really really likes cats and she is really quiet and reserved.

The other one is trans and is pretty wild but she is a really well read communist and is super passable and tall and dominang and she makes me call her mommy.

The other one that is her friend is kind of dumb and also trans and christian but she is absolutely stunning and has an interest in learning about theory but she is kind of intimidated by it and idk if she wil follow through but she is thirsty for dick and i wanna give it to her but i havdnt been able to yet.

Not everyone on chans is a kissless virgin user.

well yeah stache has fucked like 10303003 guys

the fuck
no i don't
but i wish

well if you say so i guess i have no other choice but to believe it

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yes you have dont lie

Tell us about the last time you had your boipussy destroyed stache.

Ill tell stories if you will.

Tee hee ;3 RaWr *glomps you* ~(^3^)~

hands off he's mine

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is this a fucking psyop?

it's been a year actually
it was pretty rough and kinda hurt but it was without any emotional attachment so i could just enjoy it
and now back to topic, this isn't about deranged sex hookups with savage males that just pin you down without mercy and ram it in raw with just some little spit


i was just trying to make a point that "dating" is shit, men are just out there to get some effortless fuck and there's really no place for politics
except maybe that one guy he was pretty cute and a friend of big bro but i didn't have the nerves, he was a punk anyway…
i have just seriously no idea where you guys are looking for dates that you find room to pick from a selection that includes politically compatible partners
is this what you all go on protests for or join organisations?
would love to find some handsome hunk that can also give me lectures on ML but i can't see that ever happening

Was about to say this is just the local nerds talking in the trash thread as usual but I just noticed this isn't a trash thread but just some garbage.

On topic though, never been with a rightwing girl, even though you could count like half the Serbian population into some sort of reactionaries.

My girlfriend is apolitical as you can be, though it's not like you really have a choice here lmao.

I think you guys would be happier at shitpost.com

I dated a liberal in college and we genuinely got into an argument because she asked me what the definition of a republic is and she refused any definition that wasn’t the American meme definition in the federalist papers. It was incredibly autistic of me to keep pressing the issue but the whole “erm akktuaalllyy America is a republic and not a democracy” is incredibly triggering to me

yeah that never happened before and is totally new and cancerous, good thing we got a watchdog like you out there keeping an eye on the neighbourhood so we stay strictly on theory and discussions on how to advance socialism
thank you tovarish commissar

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I'm not a burguer, what the hell is this shit?
What's her reasoning?

A Hegelian analysis of romantic relationships;
Thesis: being a dumbass woman who pretends to be a leftist but dates politically active reactionaries
Antithesis: being an autistic guy who won't date apolitical centrist because his political beliefs are the closest thing he has to a personality
Synthesis: V O L C E L

There's no good reasoning. It's something that people who pretend to have read the Federalist Papers push to make anyone who wants more democratic processes look like a crypto-anarchist calling for a direct democracy. It's basically the pop-politics version of originalism. We can't have too much democracy because some anglo faggot 200 years ago said we should have a country of "laws not of men."

i've dated a centrist, but not a right winger
gib right wing gf

I lift and am a ML and i throw good dick and i convert everyone i date but you will never meet me because your life is SAD!

I am bi but im a super typical biscum in that dating men, even if they are cute twinks who are basically girls, makes me SELF CONCIOUS AND HATE MYSELF so i always trat them bad and get depressed even though they didnt do anything worng so i just stick to women now because im i n s e c u r e.

But idk im just friends with communists and i meet a bunch of them and we have something to talk about so they immediately latch onto me because other communists are hard to find and im kimda attractive i guess so idk just be hot and hang out with comrades.

Right wing gf is always super christian and only right wing because she wants to fuck her republican dad.

She is also going to make you wait till marriage to put pee pee into vagoo.

So much this
I push the republic thing because I want people's worker democracy.