Wrap it, fellas. This big brained PhD/tenured professor solved communism. Spoilers: It's feudalism but with computers and we'll call it communism.
Wrap it, fellas. This big brained PhD/tenured professor solved communism...
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He looks like the textbook soyboy
Is the guy who wrote that actually a PhD? That paragraph is so self-absorbed.
thanks i hate him
god this guy sounds like such a douche
Sounds like he still hasn't grown up from his teenage days.
Hitler had different mustache.
fuck him he is white, communism is not for whites anyways
fuck ypipo
I came here to see if OP is once again a faggot and I'm still wasn't prepared for that amount of faggotry. I sincerely hope they bury him together with his Switch.
So that's what the milk-poster looks like
Mr. Dickbullet already did those things and is a true communist for the 21st century, unlike this clown.
Communism is a nice idea but the only people who want communism are mentally ill social studies rejects. All smart people are for capitalism. This is probably why communists were the first in space. Anyway communists don't want to fuck off to kibbutzes and try to build socialism under capitalism, they want to change the entire society. So we need feudalism where smart and successful people are forced by noblisse oblige to assist in building communism, that is the only way communism can succeed.
So basically it's "communism doesn't work because it puts successful people on philosopher boats!!!" but in a few thousand words too many by someone who is very, VERY proud of his PhD
jej'd quietly tbh
I did
there is no white proletariat if you're white and a communist you simply have a death wish
Jesus fucking Christ.
There is no enough wew in the world for this
What the…what in the fuck?
does he mention Jewish involvement in Communism
Go hard for Communism (tm), LOL
Please don't tell me this guy actually teaches classes on politics and government.
He's also a film theorist. According to him the greatest movie ever produced was Jerry Maguire.
Feeling really good about never attending university rn
guttural markists run the academia, sweaty
The pro-growth, libertarian Catholic communism of European feudalism was so succesful that for a short period of time, several arrogant generations thought they could do away with God.
This sentence is absolute 10/10 brilliance, it literally looks like a random generator created it. I have no fucking words.
A self-absorbed PhD?
Damn dude, I don’t have a fucking PHD in poli sci, but everything I’ve ever read on feudalism has suggested it didn’t promote growth at all. That was supposed to be the big innovation of capitalism, which was even pre-industrial. Agrarian capitalism just involved the practice of reinvesting the surplus into more effective farming. The aristocracy’s class interests often worked against this, though, as for various reasons they really didn’t have to care about what the productive peasants working the land wanted to do with the surplus. Sometimes they’d take so much the peasants would be below susbsistence, contributing to a cycle of pop growth and decline that has been noted as a feature of medieval feudalism.
>Communism fails because capitalism feudalism is human nature and we need the structure in our personal lives.
This dude is a trip.
me too
Reminder that this is the level of understanding of Marxism by someone with a PhD in political science
It speaks volumes that you can get a PhD in Politics and teach it at one of the UK's best Universities without ever reading a word of Marx and deriving your entire notion of politics from the schizoid internet rantings of fringe neoreactionaries.
Truly the cultural marxists control the educational establishment.
The feudal community codifies objectively existing differences in human temperament and ability, which may be natural and hardwired or arbitrary and unjust, but — with the surplus of social goodwill produced by this factual and spiritual attunement — the powerful are genuinely invested in lifting the floor of their most downtrodden subjects. The weak also are genuinely invested in — sincerely praying for, or “rooting for” (to use the contemporary term for “prayer”) — the success of their Lord and his army. European feudalism therefore provides some historical evidence for the consistency of what I have previously theorized as noble communism, and it suggests that the Catholic faith may be uniquely effective in solving the coordination problems of the ideal communist model. It was the Catholic faith alone that sustained cohesion, meaning, and collective economic productivity (though admittedly not optimality) in a context that was fundamentally libertarian. It was also unique to this Catholic patchwork that only from here would we observe the intelligence explosion that we now think of as modern capitalism.
One should not ask why the feudal commune failed: it was a genuinely free communism that succeeded in generating growth behavior (to be called capitalism). It was probably only in this fragmented but high-trust context that capitalism could emerge.
I think there should be a PhD for studying this guy's mind, it's fascinating.
wew looks like he's really just doing the Jordan Peterson and trying to be sneaking with religious/reactionary apologetics
Wow that's possibly the worst definition of a good movie you could give. None of those is strictly necessary and often deviating from this makes for more interesting movies. Limiting structure to "beginning, middle, end" (which can apply to anything since they're such vague words) is especially brainlet. "Produces more joy than sorrow" is the most troublesome though because it means films are supposed to be just for entertainment and shouldn't provoke contemplation. This guy is like an avatar of everything wrong with society.
Is this dude just a guy who read Moldbugg while in graduate school and it warped his research preferences so much that he kept reading things which reinforced his bias towards neo-feudalism? Maybe I’m a fucking ignorant moron that hasn’t read the literature widely, but I don’t know who else but dead conservatives like Carlyle would be writing about how the nobles actually had a good relationship with the peasants. It really doesn’t matter if there are some records of peasants licking the boots of the lord, the peasants in Russia originally had some misplaced love for the tsar too even as his mercenaries went around killing them. The fact is there is a ton of evidence the lords thought peasants were all garbage, that the nobility paid little attention to the material basis of their lifestyles and would gladly levy new, damaging taxes on the peasants to sustain frivolous spending oriented towards social status. The mode of production was oriented towards exploitation to produce honor and prestige, not strictly accumulation of wealth. Historically, even before feudalism, there are examples of the upper classes looking down on others of their status who were wealthy but not as distinguished in some other manner, like not having as illustrious of a lineage or having less military or other kinds of honors to their names. They’d abuse the productive forces to achieve those goals, building pyramids or cathedrals, or going on frivolous military excursions, or anything to accrue further status.
Not even Moldbyg and NRx fags think "feudals rooted for the peasants", they just take the ancap logic to the extreme and posit that it would be in the feudal's rational self-interest to rule peasants well. This insane bootlicking bullshit would make even medieval divine right ideologues balk. It is completely nonsensical and I'm pretty sure he is just stringing random politics-sounding words together to appear edumacated for his portfolio.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Serfdom Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Manor Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
All Empirical study into Fuedal economies indicates that growth was astronomically small year on year, which y'know, makes sense since there wasn't any fucking wage labour and your surplus wasn't being extracted for reinvestment aimed towards the expansion of capital. This guy is literally just retarded.
Would this guy be called a utopian feudalist?
Holy shit this crap is below the discourse level of a first year poli sci course.
I can't stop cringing at this dude's shit. You don't even need to know anything about history to find a problem with this. The subjects of the failing Roman Empire chose their class position in accordance to the scales of their political power? Isn't that fucking circular?
With what money and power? This is why he is forced to acknowledge previously that the class structure of feudalism was formed out of the remnants of Roman power, but he just blatantly sidesteps this whole thing by calling it a choice, like "this slave just chose to become a serf in accordance with the limits of their power and status. It all makes so much sense and is so free, awesome".
A slave under Roman slave society could also rebel if he didn't "feel like he should be a slave" and with enough violence force the patricians to recognize him as a freeman or at least go live in a forest among barbarians - could he not? This is why I am saying this fag is just stringing together random politics-sounding words to appear smart without making any sense. Markov chain tier analysis
He even admits as much in this post when he says he hasn't actually read about feudalism, but he uses it as the spoke of his entire utopian project:>>2686102
I don't even know much about Roman class relations, but I think I know enough about how European feudalism worked to quickly say this guy is talking out of his ass hard. I guess Southampton must have a shitty poli sci department or something. Unless there is a larger amount of dipshit academics than I realized, I thought they at least had some standards for their informal bantz.
Wow, a mighty and authoritative mind indeed
Jesus fucking Christ, is this really the state of Western academia
Well, he's partly right. Does anyone here think that much of what composes the left in the West can be regarded as anything more than dysfunctional? Many people who identify as being on the left in the West are "vampire castle" types who take out their neuroses and petty resentments on everyone else. I don't think they're truy on the left, but they have become the face of the "left" at this juncture.
I've wasted the last hour looking into this guy because I just couldn't reconcile how he had such dumb shit attached to his name without getting reprimanded by his University, and I found out that for one thing I was wrong (thetab.com
With that in mind, he creates a strawman of the worst of the left by saying they are irresponsible and socially maladjusted. And he is clearly ignorant and over-eager to share his amazing ideas with his name. He could at least have the decency to post them anonymously and see what kind of criticisms he gets, or I don't know present them to a colleague in a more rigorous manner to get taken apart before going to public forums and raving about how feudalism was sick bro.
Whoa there, don't go around using that regular people logic.
If anything his failure is in the other direction, he took some trans-womans fetish for necrophilia too seriously, if he wanted to really go for those NR/x points he should have been examining how women have skin in the game quite literally when it comes to pregnancy whereas the usual arguments against abortion based on ensoulment, dignity of life or the like simply do not prohibit necrophilia
Key point
Now read this theotherlifenow.com
Then this
You may need to spell the relationship out for me, that blog and the NPC post just made me concerned that our reactionary PhD friend took the NPC meme too seriously and started “being honest”.
That's pretty much it, other than the quoted greentext being the skeleton key to unlocking some "nuances" in the text
I wouldn't be surprised if he lurks here
This is a particularly interesting read
The other life blog, seems more for him to spit ball and brain storm
If I were to say anything to him, it would be to warn him that the problem with posting shit like that under his own name that is that it forces a level of consistency that's not conducive to brainstorming, and attaches a social cost to changing his mind
Also the catholicism is a dead end as a political route to communism, except maybe as a matter of personal subjectivity, but genuflecting towards a large picture of stalin once a day or acknowledging a chair as a higher power would be just as effective
Side note for any hardcore theory workout types, he's pretty much re-invented juche in the proper theoretical sense from scratch unless he's hiding his sources
if you manage to figure that out, I'll give you a medal
How the fuck did this mongoloid get a phd? Are just giving them away now?
Because he can do this
This guy is clearly a psychopath.
psychosis, neurosis, or perversion
all subjects are one of the above, pick one
or if you're not sure if it's psychosis or neurosis then you can just say he's borderline
are you sure he's not just a pervert?
Read: I've never read Marx and I desperately try to differentiate myself from your average sycophant liberal by using big academish words.
Read: I'm a horrible teacher; I will disproportionately reward those who fake adoration and punish those who make me feel insecure about my job.
You Must Construct Additional Pylons
Grandiose delusions are a pretty sure sign.
>implying you can diagnose clinical categories thru the internet
This guy just invented utopian socialism. Be amazed by his intellect.
What the fuck am I reading
The Robert Owen of our age :^)
there might be some good reasons why soviet union ignored technocrats but elevated engineers
we got Owen'd by his large intellect quotients
is the dr a vol too
This is below the level of discourse for a first year Zig Forums poster.
He was sacked, or at least given a holiday.
blatant self plug but here's an art piece i made on the murphster. Make sure ur browser has autoplay audio